RFI regarding bellows gas meters for Evida
Evida is looking for measuring instruments to measure pressure, flow, and temperature in gases with a bellows mechanism. Product quality and durability are important requirements, and the products must comply with applicable standards and safety requirements. We appreciate technical support and service from the supplier. Input is requested with a view to exploring the market for potential suppliers and other stakeholders. Expected dates for dialog meetings are the 19th and 20th of June 2023. Expected time per meeting will be 2 hours. If participation in a meeting is of interest, registration must be made no later than 12th of June 2023 to Alex Berg Hansen at albha@evida.dk. The supplier is also asked to provide a contact person for subsequent dialogue.
Publish date
2 years ago
Buyer information
Evida Service A/S - STIN
- Contact:
- Alex Berg Hansen
- Email:
- udbud@evida.dk
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