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Adult Carer Services



492,000 GBP


East Lothian Council have a duty, under the Carers Act (Scotland) 2016, to provide an advice, information and support service for unpaid carers caring for people in East Lothian. Service provision will include: - Raising awareness of unpaid carers and encouraging identification - Provision of advice, information and support - Benefit and income maximisation support - Offering and supporting carers to complete Adult Carer Support Plans - Opportunities for peer support - Supporting carers to access breaks from caring - Linking carers into local community supports - Provision of a counselling service to carers - Offer of training opportunities for unpaid carers - Awareness raising amongst the workforce to ensure carers are respected and valued as Equal partners in care - Promoting Carers collective voice. This requirement has not been split into lots and only applies to an advice, information and support service to adult carers. No framework is being set up. Lot 1: East Lothian Council have a duty, under the Carers Act (Scotland) 2016, to provide an advice, information and support service for unpaid carers caring for people in East Lothian. Service provision will include: - Raising awareness of unpaid carers and encouraging identification - Provision of advice, information and support - Benefit and income maximisation support - Offering and supporting carers to complete Adult Carer Support Plans - Opportunities for peer support - Supporting carers to access breaks from caring - Linking carers into local community supports - Provision of a counselling service to carers - Offer of training opportunities for unpaid carers - Awareness raising amongst the workforce to ensure carers are respected and valued as Equal partners in care - Promoting Carers collective voice. This requirement has not been split into lots and only applies to an advice, information and support service to adult carers. No framework is being set up.


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East Lothian Council


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