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EV Open Data Programme Track 2 - Alpha and Public Beta



Work done so far Preliminary workshops were conducted with policy and regulatory teams to define high level use cases that could be served by the open data. A Discovery exercise has been completed, which took the high-level use cases already created, as well as the specifications for the data that will be supplied through Track 1, to undertake a detailed definition of the requirements to enable delivery of the Alpha, Beta and Go-Live stages. The outputs from the Discovery phase include: Detailed use case definition documents A canonical data model for all the use cases in scope for MVP and Release 2 – including the open data supplied through Track 1, as well as additional datasets required to deliver these use cases A high level design of the data platform and data pipeline, based on DfT’s existing GCP platform, standards and toolsets Inventory of additional datasets required to deliver MVP and Release 2 use cases Tool/ platform recommendations for delivery of use case outputs, based on DfT’s existing tool and platform standards. Which phase the project is in Alpha Existing team Head of Consumer and Data policy, OZEV: Responsible for the policy on EV Open Data and for delivering the project. Head of EV Charging Stats team, OZEV: Key consumers of the open data, responsible for publication of UK government statistics in this area. Digital Business Partner, DfT: Provides oversight of digital projects. Zap Map: DfT appointed provider of data via Track 1 of this programme. Address where the work will be done Work can be undertaken remotely however we expect the supplier to work on-site when required (Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Rd, Westminster, London SW1P 4DR) Working arrangements The supplier is expected to work full-time, 37 hours per week (7.4 hours per day), Monday to Friday. The supplier must be available/contactable during core hours, 10am to 4pm. Expenses must align with DfT Travel and Subsistence policy, with no expenses incurred within the M25 corridor with all other proposed travel approved by the buyer prior to mobilisation. Provide more information about your security requirements: Security Check (SC) Provide more information about your security requirements (optional): All supplier team members whose roles require them to access DfT’s GCP environments must have a valid Security Check (SC) level clearance in place. Latest start date 2025-03-24 Enter the expected contract length: 1 year, 6 months Extension period: 6 months Special terms and conditions Progression into the Public Beta phase and go-live will be subject to DfT’s satisfaction with the outputs from the previous phases of delivery. The project will be signed off by DfT on completion of the knowledge transfer (during and after project delivery) and post-delivery handover to a DfT team for post-warranty support and maintenance of the system after Release 2 go-live, as evidenced by signoffs from the relevant DfT teams that these activities have been satisfactorily completed. The DfT reserves the right to terminate the agreement at each phase where the supplier has not met the deliverables set out in agreed statement of works. Special terms and conditions Suppliers must conform with: Technology code of practice Digital Service standard DfT Architectural principles Shared at stage 2 if shortlisted NCSC guidelines Accessibility Shortlisted suppliers will be requested to complete the DfT’s Risk Ledger Assessment. Write the term or acronym: Term / Acronym Description API An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules or protocols that let software applications communicate with each other to exchange data, features and functionality. Alpha A phase of project delivery as defined in the Agile Delivery Section of the Service Manual, available here - How the alpha phase works - Service Manual - GOV.UK CP Charge point means a device intended for charging a vehicle that is capable of being propelled by electric power derived from a storage battery (or for discharging electricity stored in such a vehicle). CPO Charge Point Operator. Means the person responsible for operating a charge point, whether as an owner or on behalf of a third party. DESNZ Department for Energy Security and Net Zero DfT Department for Transport eMSP E-mobility service provider (eMSP) means a person that operates a platform to facilitate payment for EV charging across multiple networks. EV Electric Vehicle EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is the term used within the Open Charge Point Interface Protocol to refer to an independently operated and managed part of a charge point that can deliver energy to one electric vehicle at a time. GB Gigabyte GCP A Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environment is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. ISO International Organisation for Standardisation. OCPI Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) protocol is the open data standard that charge point operators must use to ensure their data is open and machine readable so that it is accessible to the public and government bodies. OPSS The Office for Product Safety and Standards, who have been appointed as the enforcement body for the PCPR. OZEV The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) is a joint unit of the DfT and DESNZ, working to support the transition to zero emission vehicles (ZEVs). PCPR The Public Charge Point Regulations 2 Are you prepared to show your budget details?: Yes Indicative maximum: The maximum budget is up to £400,000 for the combined Alpha and Beta deliverables. Provide further information: Suppliers shall provide firm costs for the Alpha phase and indicative costs for the Public Beta phase. The pricing evaluation will be based on the Alpha costs provided. Confirm if you require a contracted out service or supply of resource Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply Summary of work Build a system to process data from public EV chargepoints delivered monthly to DfT by Zap Map. This needs to include data pipelines built on BigQuery and different dashboards, reports and other analytics products to deliver use cases for teams at DfT and OPSS. A Discovery (Oct–Dec’24) has resulted in: Detailed use case definitions for the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) release and Release 2. Definition of a canonical data model for all use cases in scope for MVP and Release 2, including the open data supplied through Track 1 and additional datasets required to deliver these. High level design of the data platform and data pipeline, based on DfT’s existing GCP platform, standards and toolsets. Inventory of additional datasets required for MVP and Release 2. Tool/platform recommendations for use case outputs (data consumption), based on detailed use case definitions. Discovery outputs can be shared with shortlisted suppliers. The work required is to deliver an Alpha and Public Beta to deliver this system and the use cases for the MVP and Release 2 using Agile software development methods. Activities will include, but not be confined to: Rapid validation of Discovery use cases with policy, statistics and analysis teams to capture any changes. Design, build and test: Data pipelines, data quality tools and workflows, User management/access tools, Data storage management tools, Data validation workflows, Reports/Dashboards/Mapping tools. Quality Assurance activities to ensure data outputs are accurate as well as for building features for ongoing monitoring by users. Post go-live warranty activities to resolve software or data issues on DfT systems and software instances/installations. Knowledge transfer during delivery and post-delivery handover to a DfT team for post-warranty support and maintenance after Release 2 Go-Live. This should include provision of some support for ongoing troubleshooting/issue resolution after handover Where the supplied staff will work No specific location (for example they can work remotely) Who the organisation using the products or services is Department for Transport Why the work is being done The Public Charge Point Regulations 2023 (The Public Charge Point Regulations 2023 ( mandate that from the 24th November 2024, Charge Point Operators (CPOs) must open and share data from all public chargepoints freely and publicly in a machine-readable format, without terms and conditions. CPOs must do this using V 2.2.1 of the Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) standard. Guidance regarding the PCPR can be accessed here - Public Charge Point Regulations 2023 guidance - GOV.UK ( We expect industry, including CPOs, eMSPs and other intermediaries, will ensure that consumers have access to accurate and timely data on public chargepoints, and hence do not see a need for DfT to build a data platform to serve open data to consumers. There is however a need to build a solution to enable DfT, regulators and other government departments and agencies to use open data effectively. The EV Open Data programme is addressing this, with two tracks: Track 1, NOT IN SCOPE for this engagement, has focused on selecting and appointing a supplier to aggregate, in real time, data from all public chargepoints in the UK and provide this on a monthly basis to DfT. This service will be provided by Zap Map. Track 2, IN SCOPE, focuses on setting up a data platform and pipeline within DfT to process the data received from Zap Map, including validation of the data, followed by modelling and aggregation to enable analysts to use it and also to deliver use cases for policy teams, regulators and other stakeholders. The business problem you need to solve DfT has appointed Zap Map under Track 1 of the EV Open Data programme to supply UK chargepoint data on a monthly basis. This will be delivered to the DfT’s Google Cloud environments. Once delivered, this data needs to be processed through Big Query pipelines, with additional quality checks and validations by the DfT Statistics team. Following this, the data will feed different use cases (summarised later in this document) for different teams across DfT and OPSS. The use cases are currently planned to be delivered in two releases. The first release will be the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) release, including the processing pipelines and all associated workflows and tools as well as the use cases for the DfT Statistics team and the OPSS team enforcing the PCPR 2023 regulations. Release 2 is expected to follow immediately after, delivering the rest of the use cases in scope, for the DfT LEVI, Rapid and Strategy teams. The data will need to be retained for the medium to long term. However, as data volumes grow, some data would need to be moved to lower-cost cloud storage tiers on a regular, automated basis. This would need to be incorporated into the design of the system based on agreements with the DfT Statistics and Analysis teams, which balance the need to serve ad hoc queries at speed vs the need to access the raw data. Storage options for the data should also take into account potential future requirements to share the data with a planned DfT Data Exchange/ Marketplace solution, or with other programmes and government departments or with other open data platforms First user type: Policy teams Analysis teams First user type: Policy teams Analysis teams First user type: Statistics teams Analysis teams Policy teams First user type: OPSS teams Policy teams Analysis teams First user type: Policy teams Analysis team


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