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Framework Agreement: supply of reagents, consumables and small laboratory equipment of research, development, innovation and teaching in the field of University of Seville



Proquinorte, S. A., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Proquinorte, S. A., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Proquinorte, S. A., ANORSUR S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Proquinorte, S. A., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Vitro, S. A., Scharlab SL, DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., VIDRA FOC S.A., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., Proquinorte, S. A., C. Viral, S.L., HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS), MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., Microdur, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., MATERIAL Y EQUIPOS DE VIDRIO DE LABORATORIO, S.A, Aname, S. L., ANORSUR S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., Eulabor S. L., UNIVERLAB MATERIAL CIENTÍFICO S.L., Instrumentación Específica de Materiales, S. A., IZASA SCIENTIFIC S.L.U, BIOMOL, S.L., Beckman Coulter, S.L.U., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Vitro, S. A., Proquinorte, S. A., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., INQUALAB DISTRIBUCIONES, S.L., C. Viral, S.L., Biogen Cientifica, S.L., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., Microdur, S.L., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., Roche Diagnostics, S. L., HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS), Becton Dickinson, S. A., VIDRA FOC S.A., Bio-Rad Laboratories, S. A., LabClinics, S.A, CULTEX S.L.U., IZASA SCIENTIFIC S.L.U, ANORSUR S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y COMPONENTES, S.A., BIOMOL, S.L., Bionova Científica, S.L., Vertex Technics, S.L., Immunostep, S.L., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Palex Medical, S. A., Vitro, S. A., Microdur, S.L., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., VIDRA FOC S.A., Biogen Cientifica, S.L., Scharlab SL, COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., INQUALAB DISTRIBUCIONES, S.L., C. Viral, S.L., Roche Diagnostics, S. L., Bionova Científica, S.L., Proquinorte, S. A., Aname, S. L., HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS), Becton Dickinson, S. A., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., ANORSUR S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., UNIVERLAB MATERIAL CIENTÍFICO S.L., Bio-Rad Laboratories, S. A., Immunostep, S.L., Eulabor S. L., INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y COMPONENTES, S.A., LabClinics, S.A, CULTEX S.L.U., BIOMOL, S.L., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Palex Medical, S. A., Eppendorf Ibérica, S.L.U., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., Aname, S. L., Proquinorte, S. A., INQUALAB DISTRIBUCIONES, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., VIDRA FOC S.A., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., C. Viral, S.L., Becton Dickinson, S. A., Scharlab SL, HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS, Andaluza de instrumentación, S.L., Roche Diagnostics, S. L., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., NIRCO, S.L., INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y COMPONENTES, S.A., Bio-Rad Laboratories, S. A., ANORSUR S.L., Eulabor S. L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., Instrumentación Específica de Materiales, S. A., CULTEX S.L.U., Sidilab, S. L., Sarstedt, S. A. U., LabClinics, S.A, IZASA SCIENTIFIC S.L.U, UNIVERLAB MATERIAL CIENTÍFICO S.L., MATERIAL Y EQUIPOS DE VIDRIO DE LABORATORIO, S.A, Photon Lines Optica S.L., BIOMOL, S.L., Microdur, S.L., Bionova Científica, S.L., Vertex Technics, S.L., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Aname, S. L., ANORSUR S.L., BIOMETA TECNOLOGIA Y SISTEMAS, S.A., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y COMPONENTES, S.A., IZASA SCIENTIFIC S.L.U, Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., YC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., Proquinorte, S. A., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., Microdur, S.L., Leica Microsistemas, S.L.U., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Palex Medical, S. A., VIDRA FOC S.A., Proquinorte, S. A., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., ANORSUR S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., Microdur, S.L., Vertex Technics, S.L., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Microdur, S.L., HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS, DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., Scharlab SL, ANORSUR S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., INQUALAB DISTRIBUCIONES, S.L., Proquinorte, S. A., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., VIDRA FOC S.A., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., Aname, S. L., C. Viral, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., CIBERTEC, S.A., BIOMOL, S.L., Leica Microsistemas, S.L.U., Vertex Technics, S.L., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Microdur, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., Biogen Cientifica, S.L., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., NIRCO, S.L., HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS), MATERIAL Y EQUIPOS DE VIDRIO DE LABORATORIO, S.A, C. Viral, S.L., Proquinorte, S. A., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., Scharlab SL, MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., ANDALUZA DE ESTUDIOS Y MANTENIMIENTO S.L. (AEMA S.L.), VIDRA FOC S.A., CONTROLTECNICA BIO S.L, Sidilab, S. L., Control Técnica Instrumentación Científica, S. L., ANORSUR S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y COMPONENTES, S.A., IZASA SCIENTIFIC S.L.U, Burdinola, S. Coop, Labortech Waldner S.L., Vertex Technics, S.L., Palex Medical, S. A., Leica Microsistemas, S.L.U., Vertex Technics, S.L., Eppendorf Ibérica, S.L.U., Microdur, S.L., INQUALAB DISTRIBUCIONES, S.L., Proquinorte, S. A., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., Laboratorios Galpa, S.L., ANORSUR S.L., NIRCO, S.L., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., VIDRA FOC S.A., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., Scharlab SL, Roche Diagnostics, S. L., Biogen Cientifica, S.L., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., Instrumentación Específica de Materiales, S. A., MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS), Photon Lines Optica S.L., ANDALUZA DE ESTUDIOS Y MANTENIMIENTO S.L. (AEMA S.L.), Aname, S. L., MATERIAL Y EQUIPOS DE VIDRIO DE LABORATORIO, S.A, CIBERTEC, S.A., INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y COMPONENTES, S.A., C. Viral, S.L., Sidilab, S. L., IZASA SCIENTIFIC S.L.U, UNIVERLAB MATERIAL CIENTÍFICO S.L., Eulabor S. L., CONTROLTECNICA BIO S.L, BIOMETA TECNOLOGIA Y SISTEMAS, S.A., BIOMOL, S.L., Bionova Científica, S.L., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Carl Zeiss Iberia, S. L., Palex Medical, S. A., Vertex Technics, S.L., Eppendorf Ibérica, S.L.U., FISHER SCIENTIFIC, S.L., Proquinorte, S. A., NIRCO, S.L., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., VIDRA FOC S.A., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., Microdur, S.L., Biogen Cientifica, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., INQUALAB DISTRIBUCIONES, S.L., C. Viral, S.L., Becton Dickinson, S. A., CONTROLTECNICA BIO S.L, CIBERTEC, S.A., ANDALUZA DE ESTUDIOS Y MANTENIMIENTO S.L. (AEMA S.L.), CULTEX S.L.U., INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y COMPONENTES, S.A., IZASA SCIENTIFIC S.L.U, Aname, S. L., Photon Lines Optica S.L., Bio-Rad Laboratories, S. A., BIOMOL, S.L., HERMANOS BLANCO BARRENA S.A. (ALBUS), Leica Microsistemas, S.L.U., Sigma Aldrich Química, S. L., Palex Medical, S. A., MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, Biosis Biologic Systems, S.L., NIRCO, S.L., Sodispan Research, S. L., CIBERTEC, S.A., Envigo RMS Spain, S. L., NIRCO, S.L., Envigo RMS Spain, S. L., MERCK LIFE SCIENCE S.L., CIBERTEC, S.A., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., ANDALUZA DE ESTUDIOS Y MANTENIMIENTO S.L. (AEMA S.L.), Microdur, S.L., NIRCO, S.L., DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., RETTEMNAIER IBÉRICA S.L. Y CIA S.COM, Envigo RMS Spain, S. L., Sodispan Research, S. L., Vertex Technics, S.L., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., BIOMETA TECNOLOGIA Y SISTEMAS, S.A., Aname, S. L., Becton Dickinson, S. A., MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, DISTRIBUCIONES INDUSTRIALES Y CIENTÍFICAS, S.L., COMERCIAL SEVILLANA DE LABORATORIOS, S.L., Biogen Cientifica, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., VWR International Eurolab, S.L., MYC DIAGNOSTICA S.A., MERCK LIFE SCIENCE S.L., MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, Sidilab, S. L., MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, Biosis Biologic Systems, S.L., MANUEL LEÓN GONZÁLEZ, CIBERTEC, S.A., MERCK LIFE SCIENCE S.L.


0.37 EUR


Framework Agreement: supply of reagents, consumables and small laboratory equipment of research, development, innovation and teaching in the field of University of Seville Lot 1: Raw materials: alloys Raw materials: alloys Lot 2: Polymeric materials Polymeric materialsys Lot 3: Ceramic materials Ceramic materials Lot 4: Industrial Minerals and Rocks Industrial Minerals and Rocks Lot 5: Inorganic and organic chemicals Inorganic and organic chemicals Lot 6: Laboratory Kits Laboratory Kits Lot 7: Reagents for Molecular Biology, Cell Culture, Microbiology Reagents for Molecular Biology, Cell Culture, Microbiology Lot 8: Laboratory equipment Laboratory equipment Lot 9: Laboratory equipment for microscopy Laboratory equipment for microscopy Lot 10: Laboratory equipment for heat treatment of materials Laboratory equipment for heat treatment of materials Lot 11: Metal laboratory equipment Metal laboratory equipment Lot 12: Safety equipment and material Safety equipment and material Lot 13: Small laboratory equipment Small laboratory equipment Lot 14: Small laboratory equipment for Biology and Medicine Small laboratory equipment for Biology and Medicine Lot 15: Small laboratory equipment for electronics applications Small laboratory equipment for electronics applications Lot 16: Parts and tooling manufacturing Parts and tooling manufacturing Lot 17: Tools and consumables for the construction of metallic systems Tools and consumables for the construction of metallic systems Lot 18: Equipment for laboratory animals Equipment for laboratory animals Lot 19: Sanitary control of laboratory animals Sanitary control of laboratory animals Lot 20: Animals Animals Lot 21: Products and materials for laboratory animals Products and materials for laboratory animals Lot 22: Feed and shavings Feed and shavings Lot 23: Agricultural research equipment Agricultural research equipment Lot 24: Uninterruptible power supply systems Uninterruptible power supply systems Lot 25: Refrigeration equipment Refrigeration equipment Lot 26: Conservation and restoration material Conservation and restoration material Lot 27: Electronic components Electronic components Lot 28: material for assembly and integration of electronic equipment material for assembly and integration of electronic equipment Lot 29: Expansion and adaptation modules for electronic devices Expansion and adaptation modules for electronic devices Lot 30: Passive electronic components Passive electronic components Lot 31: Connectors and cables Connectors and cables Lot 32: Semiconductors Semiconductors Lot 33: Optoelectronic and lighting components Optoelectronic and lighting components Lot 34: electromechanical components and devices electromechanical components and devices Lot 35: Development and prototyping systems Development and prototyping systems Lot 36: Computer Engineering Laboratory Instrumentation Computer Engineering Laboratory Instrumentation Lot 37: Computer Engineering laboratory tooling Computer Engineering laboratory tooling Lot 38: Storage systems Storage systems Lot 39: Transport systems Transport systems Lot 40: Vegetable raw materials Vegetable raw materials


Publish date

2 years ago

Award date

2 years ago

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Universidad de Sevilla

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