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Responsive Repairs and Planned Works - Northeast Partnership



Equans Regeneration Limited


197,168,978 GBP


Anchor invited qualified and experienced Contractors to bid for an alternative delivery model for the delivery of responsive repairs, void property works and planned works (including building safety and fire safety works) to its circa 5,800 properties/beds across 178 locations within the North East of England. The contract has been awarded for an initial period of 60 months with an option to extend by two further periods of up to 60 months, so a maximum duration of 15 years. The contract has provision to include additional workstreams over the Contract Term. Lot 1: Anchor invited qualified and experienced Contractors to bid for an alternative delivery model for the delivery of responsive repairs, void property works and planned works (including building safety and fire safety works) to its circa 5,800 properties/beds across 178 locations within the North East of England. The contract has been awarded for an initial period of 60 months with an option to extend by two further periods of up to 60 months, so a maximum duration of 15 years. The contract has provision to include additional workstreams over the Contract Term.<br/><br/>The Contract has been awarded for an initial period of 5 years, with the option to extend for two further 5 year periods at Anchor's sole discretion. Although initially centred on the delivery of repairs, empty properties and planned Investment works, the contract has the provision to add in multiple additional workstreams during its term including (but not limited to) building safety works, fire safety works and retrofit renewable technologies as set out in the procurement documents.<br/><br/>Northeast England. This equates to circa £8,229,662 per annum (Estimated annual value is years 1 to 5 average. Planned works programme is forecast to increase in periods 2 and 3 of the contract term) and this equates to £197,168,978 over the whole term (including all possible extensions).<br/><br/>The procurement followed a competitive dialogue process in line with the provisions in the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Anchor Hanover

David Rafton

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