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Contract for the Provision of Highways, Street Lighting and Associated Infrastructure Works



300,000,000 GBP


The works to be provided under this contract consist of a comprehensive highways and transport, maintenance and improvement service for the Council. The Contractor may be required to undertake elements of the following tasks forming part of the service in each Service Year (Core Tasks): • Provision, maintenance and cleaning of road signs, • Provision and maintenance of road markings and road studs (in accordance with the Plan for Road Markings), • Routine and Reactive highways asset repairs (in accordance with Code of Practice for Highway Inspections), • Drainage maintenance activities relating to all drainage assets (as defined in the Code of Practice for Drainage maintenance), • Bridges and highway structures routine and cyclic maintenance • Vegetation and debris removal from bridges and highway structures, including removal of blockages from watercourses, • Winter Service Operations, • Emergency response, • Maintenance of Highways Electrical assets (in accordance with the Code of Practice for Highways Electrical Maintenance). The Contractor may also be required to undertake elements of the following types of maintenance and improvement schemes, in each Service Year (Work Tasks): • Highway and junction improvements, • Bridges and highway structures reactive maintenance, improvements and upgrades, • Drainage improvement schemes, • Maintenance of traffic signals, • Vehicle safety fencing, • Traffic management and calming, • Pedestrian and cycle infrastructure improvements, • Public Rights of Way bridge Improvements and upgrades, • Road space reallocation schemes, • Public realm improvements, • Car Park maintenance and improvement schemes, • Facilitation and support for events, • Public transport infrastructure including bus stops and bus priority measures, • Accessibility improvements, • Carriageway & footway construction, reconstruction/surfacing, • Site investigation, • Contractor design, • Asset inventory, inspections, data collection, surveys and analysis, • Street lighting Improvements, • Traffic signal Improvements, • Verge maintenance and weed control, • Hedge maintenance.


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a month ago

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16 days ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Harrow

David Hayes

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