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Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services



The service will provide Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) and will be typified by the non-urgent, planned transportation of patients with a medical need for transport, to and from a premises providing NHS funded healthcare, and between NHS Healthcare Providers. Lot 1: The service will provide Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) and will be typified by the non-urgent, planned transportation of patients with a medical need for transport, to and from a premises providing NHS funded healthcare, and between NHS Healthcare Providers. The service will include inpatients, out-patients and day patients. The service will include transfer of Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton patients from domicile/ place of residence and/or return and inter-hospital transfers within Hampshire and nationally. In addition it will include the repatriation of Isle of Wight patients from the mainland to the Island. NEPTS must be seen as part of an integrated Programme of care. A non-emergency patient is one who, whilst requiring treatment, which may or may not be of a specialist nature, does not require an immediate or urgent response. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) intend to award a contract to South Central Ambulance Service for the Non-emergency Patient Transport Services, following direct award process C of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). The existing provider is satisfying the original contract and will likely satisfy the proposed contract to a sufficient standard. The contract term is 48 months, expiring on 31st March 2026 with a value of £30,279,150. Lot 1: The service will provide Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) and will be typified by the non-urgent, planned transportation of patients with a medical need for transport, to and from a premises providing NHS funded healthcare, and between NHS Healthcare Providers. The service will include inpatients, out-patients and day patients. The service will include transfer of Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton patients from domicile/ place of residence and/or return and inter-hospital transfers within Hampshire and nationally. In addition it will include the repatriation of Isle of Wight patients from the mainland to the Island. NEPTS must be seen as part of an integrated Programme of care. A non-emergency patient is one who, whilst requiring treatment, which may or may not be of a specialist nature, does not require an immediate or urgent response. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) intend to award a contract to South Central Ambulance Service for the Non-emergency Patient Transport Services, following direct award process C of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). The existing provider is satisfying the original contract and will likely satisfy the proposed contract to a sufficient standard. The contract term is 48 months, expiring on 31st March 2026 with a value of £30,279,150.


Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board

Nathan Barnard

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