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1085 Legacy Grazing



Legacy Grazing is a project that forms a part of Essex County Council's Place Services, providing a bespoke service to sites where grazing is required to help conserve wildlife, historic or landscape interest. Conservation grazing is currently delivered to17 sites covering 612 hectares with the majority located in Essex, Kent, Suffolk and Hertfordshire. More information about the Legacy Grazing project can be found on our website: Essex County Council is looking to reprocure a Contractor to provide Livestock Management Services and associated native breed livestock (cattle, sheep and goat) for Legacy Grazing. The Authority is looking to assess the interest and capability of the market in delivering the Livestock Management Service and invites interested parties to complete a questionnaire in order to help shape and define the requirements for this opportunity going forward. From April 2026, the Authority requires a single ‘lead’ Contractor to provide native breed livestock (cattle, sheep and goat) and associated livestock management for Legacy Grazing, ensuring grazing, and all associated tasks, is carried out in accordance with the Grazing Programme and Grazing Plans. To fulfil the Grazing Programme, the supplier must use native breed livestock identified on the UK Breeds at Risk List (NBAR). During the course of the contract, it is possible that new clients will approach the Authority with grazing requirements. This means that there may be an option to add New Sites to the grazing programme. Whilst uncommon, it is also possible that some landowners will reach a point at which they no longer require the Services. The Authority wishes to invite interested parties to complete the market engagement questionnaire which can be accessed through the following link i) The closing date for responses is 28th March 2025. ii) This notice is not intended as a call for competition and as such you will need to express your interest in any future tender opportunity once the tender notice is published. iii) This notice is intended as an awareness, communication and information gathering exercise. An expression of interest is no indication of a commitment to participate in any future tendering process nor does it infer any preferential or special status on those individuals and organisations who participate. Keywords: Livestock, Grazing


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Essex County Council

Amelia Hickin

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