Provision of an Environmental Enforcement Service
The London Borough of Hillingdon is seeking a supplier who can provide an environmental enforcement service on the behalf of the Council to take enforcement and preventive action in respect of various offences committed in public places, the main ones being (but not exclusively): • Dropping litter; • Carry out Waste Management Duty of Care inspections to ensure compliance; • Breaches of conditions in Hillingdon’s Public Space Protection Orders; • Inappropriate behaviour likely to cause offence in parks and open spaces such as (but not exclusively) refusal to leave at the time it is due to be closed and locked and inappropriate use of public toilet; these would be breaches of conditions in Hillingdon’s Public Space Protection Orders; • Owners allowing dogs to foul without clearing up; and other dog control related offences contained in Hillingdon’s Public Space Protection Orders; • Distribution of free leaflets in designed areas without a permit from the Council; • Infringements (or lack) of Street Trading or other licenses and legislation; • Infringements of Environmental Protection Act regulations with regard to the management of waste; • Other regulatory functions as and when instructed by LBH such as enforcement of stationary vehicle engine idling offences and smoking regulations; • Smoke-free vehicle; • Other tasks that are commensurate with the types of duties listed above, such as removal of fly posting and unauthorised outdoor advertising; • Carry out all taskings as instructed by the Client on a requirement basis. Patrolling will be accompanied by issuing Fixed Penalty Notice (FPNs) for witnessed offences and additional duties as detailed in the specification. The area to be covered by the contract is the whole of the administrative area of the Borough of Hillingdon, excepting private property unless specifically authorised to operate there. The area within the perimeter of Heathrow Airport is private land and is therefore outside the scope of this service. Estimated contract commencement date: 16th December 2025 Initial Contract Term: Five Years Extension Options: One-year extensions Total Contract Term Six years Estimated 5-year contract value: £2,325,000.00 The document pack for this tender is available at Lot 1: The London Borough of Hillingdon is seeking a supplier who can provide an environmental enforcement service on the behalf of the Council to take enforcement and preventive action in respect of various offences committed in public places, the main ones being (but not exclusively): • Dropping litter; • Carry out Waste Management Duty of Care inspections to ensure compliance; • Breaches of conditions in Hillingdon’s Public Space Protection Orders; • Inappropriate behaviour likely to cause offence in parks and open spaces such as (but not exclusively) refusal to leave at the time it is due to be closed and locked and inappropriate use of public toilet; these would be breaches of conditions in Hillingdon’s Public Space Protection Orders; • Owners allowing dogs to foul without clearing up; and other dog control related offences contained in Hillingdon’s Public Space Protection Orders; • Distribution of free leaflets in designed areas without a permit from the Council; • Infringements (or lack) of Street Trading or other licenses and legislation; • Infringements of Environmental Protection Act regulations with regard to the management of waste; • Other regulatory functions as and when instructed by LBH such as enforcement of stationary vehicle engine idling offences and smoking regulations; • Smoke-free vehicle; • Other tasks that are commensurate with the types of duties listed above, such as removal of fly posting and unauthorised outdoor advertising; • Carry out all taskings as instructed by the Client on a requirement basis. Patrolling will be accompanied by issuing Fixed Penalty Notice (FPNs) for witnessed offences and additional duties as detailed in the specification. The area to be covered by the contract is the whole of the administrative area of the Borough of Hillingdon, excepting private property unless specifically authorised to operate there. The area within the perimeter of Heathrow Airport is private land and is therefore outside the scope of this service. Estimated contract commencement date: 16th December 2025 Initial Contract Term: Five Years Extension Options: One-year extensions Total Contract Term Six years Estimated 5-year contract value: £2,325,000.00 The document pack for this tender is available at
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London Borough of Hillingdon
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- Juliana Gasparette
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The London Borough of Hillingdon is seeking a supplier who can provide an environmental enforcement service on the behalf of the Council to take enforcement and preventive action in respect of various offences committed in public places, the main ones being (but not exclusively): • Dropping litter; • Carry out Waste Management Duty of Care inspections to ensure compliance; • Breaches of conditions in Hillingdon's Public Space Protection Orders; • Inappropriate behaviour likely to cause offence in parks and open spaces such as (but not exclusively) refusal to leave at the time it is due to be closed and locked and inappropriate use of public toilet; thes
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