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Coleg Sir Gar - Design and Build Contractor Tender



WEPCO, a partnership between the Development Bank of Wales and Meridiam, is seeking to procure a Design & Build Contractor to deliver the Coleg Sir Gar (CSG) Project on behalf of the Project Co established for the project. This is the second College project being developed under the MIM model, with an overall pipeline of 35 new schools and colleges (primarily new buildings, but some on existing premises) throughout Wales.The new Coleg Sir Gâr Pibwrlwyd Campus in Carmarthen building will provide accommodation for 14-19 students, Apprenticeships, Higher education students and adult learners. It will accommodate up to 2,385 learners albeit the College operates a flexible timetable so it is not anticipated that all students will be on site at any one time.The project is to provide new facilities at the Pibwrlwyd campus in Carmarthen, providing a range of Vocational Skills and Creative Arts for Coleg Sir Gâr. The Vocational Skills element of the facilities will deliver a mix of curricula including animal science, business, construction, catering, and Independent Learning Skills (ILS). The Creative Arts element of the facilities will specialise in the delivery of Art and Design curricula including textiles, digital arts, animation, photography, painting, installation, media, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, jewellery, games design and sculpture.Learning programmes are planned to be a mix of full and part time daytime delivery, as well as options for evenings and weekend classes. Vocational Skills will provide a mixture of traditional academic and vocational places, over a range of subjects. The facilities will be available to the community and local businesses.Programme – the deadline for the facilities to be fully operational is February 2029.Tender Process Overview and deadlines:The tender will be run in a 2 stage process, with the initial SQ stage shortlisting prospective bidders who will be invited to participate in the Invitation to Tender stage.The SQ is scheduled to launch on the 21st of January 2025.The evaluation at the tender stage will require the submission of full method statements and a written response to the tender requirements. The scoring will be on the basis of a value for money assessment (using the criteria and methodology set out within the Invitation to Tender documents), with a focus on quality, deliverability and experience in delivering similar projects and the benefits of early contractor engagement.Although WEPCo is not a contracting authority, in the interests of transparency, it will be using a tendering procedure similar to the competitive dialogue procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("PCR15"). WEPCo is not however bound by PCR15 and nothing in this document or any of the tender documents is to be taken as an acceptance or a representation that WEPCo is subject to PCR15. WEPCo reserves the right to amend the tender process (including the criteria) at any stage by giving notice to the bidders.In order to access the Tender documentation and be invited to submit a response you must submit an Expression of Interest using the template provided in the "Additional Document" Section by the 9th of January 2025.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. (WA Ref:146367)Under the terms of this contract the successful supplier(s) will be required to deliver Community Benefits in support of the authority’s economic and social objectives. Accordingly, contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. The Community Benefits included in this contract are:Work placementsJobs Created (Apprentices, New Entrants, Graduates)Careers events / Educational & community engagementTechnical or Higher-level QualificationsTraining PlansCase StudiesLocal SpendCreative, Cultural and wellbeing InitiativesWEPAcademiSupply chain engagementSME and Social enterprise engagementAll targets will be set at ITT stage and eventually incorporated to the Project Agreement.


Publish date

3 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Development Bank of Wales

Daniel McCarthy-Stott

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