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Llanthony Toilet Refurbishment - plumbing, electricals etc



Llanthony Priory Cark Park Toilet Block Refurbishment. Llanthony, Monmouthshire, NP7 7NN INTRODUCTION The toilet block at Llanthony Priory Car Park is owned by Brecon Beacons National Park Authority. The Authority is seeking a refurbishment of the premises in order to improve the hygiene, accessibility, overall appearance and function for users while incorporating energy and water saving options to upgrade the facility. The Toilet block consisting of Gents, Ladies and Disabled toilets with an internal store / service room. Located within in a busy rural car park used by visitors to the Priory ruins, day trippers, walkers in the Black Mountains and local campers in the valley. The toilets provide a valuable local resource. Providers are invited to put forward costed proposals for all or part of the following Proposal Providers are invited to put forward costed proposals for the following refurbishment, please itemise into a price for 1. External works, 2. Electrical works, 3. Plumbing, 4. Painting and finishing touches. 5 Deep clean. 1 External works 1.1 Toilet Block Roof Repoint the roof ridge tiles with mortar to match existing. 1.2 Path upgrades Existing stone slabs to be lifted a suitable sub base laid and compacted 1m wide riven sandstone slabs laid to gents, disabled and ladies toilet doors – approx. 20 meters long. Finished surface to be level, with no trip hazards and 2.5cm above surrounding turf to help keep path clean and drained. Install 2mx 2m boot cleaning area with 1m boot scraper brush beside the path, near to the entrance point. 1.3 Exterior Finish Existing down pipes be replaced, with all new brackets and grill covers to rainwater drains. All exterior wood work be rubbed down and repainted to match existing finishes. Outside tap reposition above drain cover install water saving option /cut off valve. 1.4 Septic Tank Install “hasp and staple” type or similar locking devise to the top of the septic tank. Check seal on septic tank, and replace is necessary. INTERIOR Gents, Ladies and Disabled toilets 2. Electrical: 2.1 All electrics to be replaced, rewired in line with current legislation and good practice guides. 2.2 Lighting all light fittings to be renewed with LED lighting and PIR sensors installed. Override switch on each of the Ladies, Gents and disabled compartments to turn off lights. 2.3 Renew old hand dryers with new electric low output dryers to prevent aerosol. These will be separately switched so that they can remain off during the pandemic. or Electrical Installation Certificate issued on completion 3 Plumbing General: 3.1 Replace all pipework with all installations to be in accordance with current legislation and good practice guides. Use high quality materials throughout. 3.2 Water Tanks- three options to price for: 3.2i Investigate removal of water tanks from roof space and replace water supply with direct feed from mains. 3.2ii Remove old tanks and replace with similar new ones. 3.2iii Check condition of tanks, clean out and fit new lids Agree options with Client. Fit self-close basin taps to replace existing basin taps. 3.3 Remove 3 internal taps and cap all pipe ends. Check for leaks. 3.4 Refit all Existing Stainless Steel sink cowls x4 - removed located on site in store cupboard. 3.5 Plumbing Gents Toilet 3.5i Install two new urinals and associated fittings and traps to existing waste. - 3.5ii Install new flush mechanism with water saving and timed flush type - 3.5iii Install new wall hung pan and seat mounted on correct fixing frame connect to existing flush handle – 3.5iv Supply - Uri


Publish date

5 years ago

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5 years ago

Buyer information

Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority

Clive Williams or Judith Harvey

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