Landscaping Project Phase 1 at St Peters Garden
Tenders are invited from suitably experienced and capable contractors for Phase 1 of a fixed price project to improve the attractiveness, usefulness and maintainability of St Peter's Memorial Garden. The Works comprise Development of a Public Amenity Area within a Closed Cemetery involving: • Development of detailed design based upon outline drawings provided • Clearance, topographical profiling, installation of electrical services (lighting), water services (maintenance), paths, fencing, creation of grassed, paved and planted areas in accordance with this document and approved contract proposals. • Maintenance and repair to the extent described in this document Full details are available on the Parish Council website Lot 1: Below is a abridged version of the tender document which can be found on the Parish Council website please refer to the 22-02-21 St Peters Memorial Garden Tender Doc for full details. Phase 1 will comprise work to the Zones 1 - 5 indicated on the Zone Index - DRG No 4 document. A description of the works required is listed below, further details on preliminary & H&S requirements and specifications are within the 22-02-21 St Peters Garden Tender Document. 5.1 PRELIMINARIES A Health & Safety - Comply with all relevant Health and Safety Legislation and the reasonable requirements of the Contract Administrator and work proactively to ensure the Project is delivered safely and without harm. B Insurance - Provide contract insurances C Develop detailed design proposals based upon the general form outlined in the Tender Documents and develop such proposals ready for approval for construction. Allow for attendance at up to 3 design review meetings and subsequent minor amendments to proposals. Provide detailed working drawings identifying trees for removal, new planting, construction details at perimeter etc. D Provide, maintain and relocate security fencing and barriers E Site Establishment - Provide and maintain toilet and welfare facilities to the reasonable satisfaction of the Contract Administrator, site office, stores, hard standings, temporary fencing and site security. F Temporary services - Provide, maintain and adapt temporary services installations for the works G Photographic Record - Provide a digital photographic record of the site before commencement and regularly as works progress. Record to include date taken and identify location within the site H Preparatory Works - Take up existing paving, fencing etc. and where directed, set aside for re-use, clear site. I Record Drawings - Provide digital drawings showing as-built construction details and including names and locations of new and existing species J Maintenance Manual - Provide detail of recommended maintenance tasks for upkeep of the completed works K Other matters: tenderer to describe any other Preliminary item and insert his price. ZONE 1 Note: Works in Zone 1 comprise only the paved pathway and the border to the north. The area to the south, currently hoarded off, will be landscaped by others as part of the adjacent development. A Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs, bushes and small trees from the area between the pathway and the existing fence. (Note: fence belongs to others). Remove all plant growth from the fence. B Cut down and remove all mature and semi-mature trees (approximately 9 No) with the exception of the single cherry. Deal with stumps and roots. C Provide and install cherry trees (anticipate 8No) to match those in Church Lane. D Provisional Item. Provide and install cherry trees (anticipate 8No) on South side of path to complete works by others in adjacent development. E Construct 225mm wide preserved timber sleeper dwarf retaining wall, including concrete footing, damp-proof membrane behind sleepers, dowelled joints etc. to provide mulch retention. F Provide level formation 100 mm below top of wall, spray with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch. G Cut out existing damaged section of pathway surfacing and replace to match existing. H Make good any damage to the pathway arising from carrying out the works. I Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item of works to complete Zone 1 and insert his price 5.3 ZONE 2 A Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs, bushes and small trees from the area between the open area and the existing fence. (Note: fence belongs to others). Remove all plant growth from the fence. B Cut down and remove all mature/semi mature trees (approximately 3No) with the exception of the large sycamore and the holly tree within the corner of Zones 2 and 3. Deal with stumps and roots. C Provide and plant new spreading habit fir tree (approx. 2 m high) to replace that in corner with Zone 3 D Raise crown to approx. 5m, reduce spreading branches and top out to shape the large sycamore E Trim and shape the holly tree within the corner of Zones 2 and 3 F Prepare and level ground to receive planting G Provide and install suitable screening hedge - e.g. Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' - hedge plants along length of the fence 1.6 - 2m high H Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 2 and insert his price. (Note: any new pathway and planting other than the screening hedge is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.4 ZONE 3 A Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs, bushes and small trees from the area between the open area and the existing wall. Remove all plant growth from the wall. B Carefully remove all plant growth from memorial stones C Cut down and remove all mature and semi mature trees (approximately 3 No) with the exception of the three large sycamores. Deal with stumps and roots. D Raise crowns to approximately 5m, reduce spreading branches and top out to shape 3 No large sycamores E Prepare and level ground to receive surface treatment between the wall and 300 mm past the line of the memorial stones. F Spray between the wall and 300mm past the line of the memorial stones. with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch G Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 3 and insert his price. (Note: any new pathway and planting beyond the line of the mulch treatment i.e. 300mm past the line of the memorial stones is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.5 ZONE 4 A Remove existing fence, leaving existing dwarf wall in position. B Carefully lift stone paving and set aside for re-use C Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs and small trees from the area between the dwarf wall and the open area. Remove all plant growth from the dwarf wall. D Cut down and remove all mature and semi-mature trees (approximately 12 No) with the exception of the two large sycamore trees that align with the avenue in Zone 8. Deal with stumps and roots. E Raise crowns to approx. 5m, reduce spreading branches and top out to shape the 2no large sycamores. F Prepare ground for planting G Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 4 and insert his price. (Note: any new pathway and planting is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.6 ZONE 5 A Dig out and remove any plants between the existing iron fence and a line 300mm in front of the existing memorial stones. B Provisional Item. Dig out and remove any plants between the existing iron fence and the walls of the adjacent properties. C Spray between the wall and 300 mm past the line of the memorial stones. with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch D Provisional Item: Spray between the existing iron fence and the walls of the adjacent properties with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch E Straighten existing iron fence as practicable on site, rub down and paint 2 coats Zinsser AllCoat Exterior Black F Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 5 and insert his price. (Note: any work to pathway and planting is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.7 ZONE 6 A Establish working levels for development of the notional amphitheatre and meadow planting indicated on DWG No 3 by carefully grading existing ground and importing and placing material as required. Ensure that the final levels avoid any steep changes in the slope of paths and can be maintained by ride-on mowers with an absolute minimum of areas requiring strimming. B Provide land drainage as required C Provide necessary retaining structures to prevent the raised area from leaching onto the pathway, particularly at the side of Zone 2 D Use existing stone paving materials to construct the area for seating and an obelisk as indicated on DWG No 3, including necessary base preparation and material E Use existing stone paving materials to construct a raised stage as indicated on DRWG No 3 including necessary base preparation and material F Construct and surface new pathways as indicated on DWG No 3 including base preparation and material, curved edging and asphalt surfacing G Restore and resurface existing pathway between Zones 1 and 8 H Prepare and plant areas of meadow planting as indicated on DWG No 3 I Prepare and re-seed grassed areas as indicated on DWG No 3 J Provisional Sum: Allow the sum of £5,000.00 for the provision and installation of bench seating £5,0000 K Provisional Sum: Allow the sum of £5,000 for the installation of an obelisk (provided by others) £5,0000 L Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 6 and insert his price. Lot 1: Below is a abridged version of the tender document which can be found on the Parish Council website please refer to the 22-02-21 St Peters Memorial Garden Tender Doc for full details. Phase 1 will comprise work to the Zones 1 - 5 indicated on the Zone Index - DRG No 4 document. A description of the works required is listed below, further details on preliminary & H&S requirements and specifications are within the 22-02-21 St Peters Garden Tender Document. 5.1 PRELIMINARIES A Health & Safety - Comply with all relevant Health and Safety Legislation and the reasonable requirements of the Contract Administrator and work proactively to ensure the Project is delivered safely and without harm. B Insurance - Provide contract insurances C Develop detailed design proposals based upon the general form outlined in the Tender Documents and develop such proposals ready for approval for construction. Allow for attendance at up to 3 design review meetings and subsequent minor amendments to proposals. Provide detailed working drawings identifying trees for removal, new planting, construction details at perimeter etc. D Provide, maintain and relocate security fencing and barriers E Site Establishment - Provide and maintain toilet and welfare facilities to the reasonable satisfaction of the Contract Administrator, site office, stores, hard standings, temporary fencing and site security. F Temporary services - Provide, maintain and adapt temporary services installations for the works G Photographic Record - Provide a digital photographic record of the site before commencement and regularly as works progress. Record to include date taken and identify location within the site H Preparatory Works - Take up existing paving, fencing etc. and where directed, set aside for re-use, clear site. I Record Drawings - Provide digital drawings showing as-built construction details and including names and locations of new and existing species J Maintenance Manual - Provide detail of recommended maintenance tasks for upkeep of the completed works K Other matters: tenderer to describe any other Preliminary item and insert his price. ZONE 1 Note: Works in Zone 1 comprise only the paved pathway and the border to the north. The area to the south, currently hoarded off, will be landscaped by others as part of the adjacent development. A Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs, bushes and small trees from the area between the pathway and the existing fence. (Note: fence belongs to others). Remove all plant growth from the fence. B Cut down and remove all mature and semi-mature trees (approximately 9 No) with the exception of the single cherry. Deal with stumps and roots. C Provide and install cherry trees (anticipate 8No) to match those in Church Lane. D Provisional Item. Provide and install cherry trees (anticipate 8No) on South side of path to complete works by others in adjacent development. E Construct 225mm wide preserved timber sleeper dwarf retaining wall, including concrete footing, damp-proof membrane behind sleepers, dowelled joints etc. to provide mulch retention. F Provide level formation 100 mm below top of wall, spray with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch. G Cut out existing damaged section of pathway surfacing and replace to match existing. H Make good any damage to the pathway arising from carrying out the works. I Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item of works to complete Zone 1 and insert his price 5.3 ZONE 2 A Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs, bushes and small trees from the area between the open area and the existing fence. (Note: fence belongs to others). Remove all plant growth from the fence. B Cut down and remove all mature/semi mature trees (approximately 3No) with the exception of the large sycamore and the holly tree within the corner of Zones 2 and 3. Deal with stumps and roots. C Provide and plant new spreading habit fir tree (approx. 2 m high) to replace that in corner with Zone 3 D Raise crown to approx. 5m, reduce spreading branches and top out to shape the large sycamore E Trim and shape the holly tree within the corner of Zones 2 and 3 F Prepare and level ground to receive planting G Provide and install suitable screening hedge - e.g. Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' - hedge plants along length of the fence 1.6 - 2m high H Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 2 and insert his price. (Note: any new pathway and planting other than the screening hedge is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.4 ZONE 3 A Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs, bushes and small trees from the area between the open area and the existing wall. Remove all plant growth from the wall. B Carefully remove all plant growth from memorial stones C Cut down and remove all mature and semi mature trees (approximately 3 No) with the exception of the three large sycamores. Deal with stumps and roots. D Raise crowns to approximately 5m, reduce spreading branches and top out to shape 3 No large sycamores E Prepare and level ground to receive surface treatment between the wall and 300 mm past the line of the memorial stones. F Spray between the wall and 300mm past the line of the memorial stones. with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch G Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 3 and insert his price. (Note: any new pathway and planting beyond the line of the mulch treatment i.e. 300mm past the line of the memorial stones is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.5 ZONE 4 A Remove existing fence, leaving existing dwarf wall in position. B Carefully lift stone paving and set aside for re-use C Dig out and remove all plants, shrubs and small trees from the area between the dwarf wall and the open area. Remove all plant growth from the dwarf wall. D Cut down and remove all mature and semi-mature trees (approximately 12 No) with the exception of the two large sycamore trees that align with the avenue in Zone 8. Deal with stumps and roots. E Raise crowns to approx. 5m, reduce spreading branches and top out to shape the 2no large sycamores. F Prepare ground for planting G Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 4 and insert his price. (Note: any new pathway and planting is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.6 ZONE 5 A Dig out and remove any plants between the existing iron fence and a line 300mm in front of the existing memorial stones. B Provisional Item. Dig out and remove any plants between the existing iron fence and the walls of the adjacent properties. C Spray between the wall and 300 mm past the line of the memorial stones. with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch D Provisional Item: Spray between the existing iron fence and the walls of the adjacent properties with appropriate herbicide, provide and install heavy duty membrane, provide and install 75mm thick mulch E Straighten existing iron fence as practicable on site, rub down and paint 2 coats Zinsser AllCoat Exterior Black F Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 5 and insert his price. (Note: any work to pathway and planting is to be priced within contractor's proposals for Zone 6) 5.7 ZONE 6 A Establish working levels for development of the notional amphitheatre and meadow planting indicated on DWG No 3 by carefully grading existing ground and importing and placing material as required. Ensure that the final levels avoid any steep changes in the slope of paths and can be maintained by ride-on mowers with an absolute minimum of areas requiring strimming. B Provide land drainage as required C Provide necessary retaining structures to prevent the raised area from leaching onto the pathway, particularly at the side of Zone 2 D Use existing stone paving materials to construct the area for seating and an obelisk as indicated on DWG No 3, including necessary base preparation and material E Use existing stone paving materials to construct a raised stage as indicated on DRWG No 3 including necessary base preparation and material F Construct and surface new pathways as indicated on DWG No 3 including base preparation and material, curved edging and asphalt surfacing G Restore and resurface existing pathway between Zones 1 and 8 H Prepare and plant areas of meadow planting as indicated on DWG No 3 I Prepare and re-seed grassed areas as indicated on DWG No 3 J Provisional Sum: Allow the sum of £5,000.00 for the provision and installation of bench seating £5,0000 K Provisional Sum: Allow the sum of £5,000 for the installation of an obelisk (provided by others) £5,0000 L Other matters: tenderer to describe any other item to complete Zone 6 and insert his price.
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Chalfont St Peter Parish Council
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