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WYCA Digitising Services Project



This notice is to advertise a supplier engagement event to be hosted by West Yorkshire Combined Authority via Teams on Friday 8th November 2024 at 2pm. The Authority is looking to engage with the market to ascertain interest and options in relation to supporting the CA to digitise it's internal processes, in order to assist staff in streamlining their work and utilising existing technologies available to them. If you are interested in attending the evant on 8th November, please email the Commercial Team inbox at: Please quote the reference: WYCA Digitising Services Project- Supplier Engagement Event- 8th November Interested parties will be sent a link to the event closer to the time. Lot 1: WYCA is looking to appoint an external provider to: -Identify staff training needs to enable better use of existing technologies, and help staff understand how they can be used to digitise/automate existing processes -Deliver the required training and produce training materials that can be used by the authority subsequently -Support end users as they look to digitise/automate their processes -Directly Assist with a limited number of digitisations Additional information: This notice is to advertise a supplier engagement event only. It is not intended as a means of shortlisting bidders.


Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Catherine Land

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