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Development Partner for the Developed Design, Construction, Delivery & Sale of a mixed tenure development at Church Fields East, 15 for Fingal County Council



GEM Construction Co Ltd


Fingal County Council have a policy to facilitate the delivery of affordable housing on lands within the Local Authority ownership. Fingal County Council wish to appoint a Development Partner with a view to progressing a mixed tenure development with infrastructure, parks and recreational areas at Church Fields East, Dublin 15. Delivery will include 300 residential units with all associated site development works and ancillary facilities, development of the adjacent Eastern linear park, site connections and upgrades of the existing Wellview and local infill parks. The subject lands encompass a total of 9.47Ha (gross). The planning permission as granted includes for 300 dwellings and Linear Park on the subject vacant site owned by Fingal County Council. A planning application is being processed to include upgrade works to the Wellview Park and local pocket parks which works implementation will also form part of this procurement. The overall project will include:- • Delivery of the 300 residential units (220 houses & 80 apartments); • The provision of a creche (approx. 570m2); • The provision of a community facility (approx. 270m2); • The provision of 2 no. retail units (approx. 280m2 combined); • The provision of access roads and associated infrastructure including ESB sub-stations as required; • The provision of 3 no. public open spaces including play areas, new pedestrian and cycle connections; • The provision of the circa 2Ha Linear Park including all associated facilities, hard and soft landscaping including planting of trees; • Works to the Wellview Park and local pocket parks including all associated facilities, hard and soft landscaping; • Residential and commercial parking bays 512 no. • Connection to public utilities, to include Gas infrastructure diversions within the site; • All associated site works


Publish date

a year ago

Award date

a year ago

Buyer information

Fingal County Council

Joan Brosnan

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