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Wheatley Campus Site Clearance Feb 2024



Oxford Direct Services Ltd


119,032 GBP


Oxford Brookes University (the University) invites companies with operations within Oxfordshire only to tender for the moves, site clearance and vacation of the Wheatley campus. The staff and teaching will move to the New Headington Hill Buildings (NHHB) opening in September 2024 and the wider Headington campus. In order to bid you MUST ATTEND the Wheatley Campus site visit which is on 28 February 2024 @ 0930. We are looking for a supplier with operations within Oxfordshire with strong local connections with local schools, charity organisations and recycling companies to aid in the reuse or recycling of unwanted items and ensuring as little as possible is sent to landfill. In order to support the skills and investment of local businesses as well as local recruitment, the University is only asking for bids from companies based in Oxfordshire. The supplier will also need to have a good understanding of local traffic conditions between campuses as well as the companies they will be using to distribute unwanted items to using the best possible ways to aid with the reduction of carbon emissions.


Award date

10 months ago

Publish date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Oxford Brookes University

Paul Raimbach

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