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Attendance Monitoring Service with electronic Personal Education Plan (ePEP) for LAC



255,000 GBP


Oxfordshire County Council is committed to improving the educational attainment of looked-after children and has a duty under the Children Act 1989 to safeguard and promote the welfare of a child looked after by them. This includes a specific duty to promote the child’s educational achievement, wherever they live or are educated. As part of this duty we are required to monitor their engagement with education including their attendance and improve educational outcomes across all aspects. All children that are looked after must have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) which is reviewed regularly in conjunction with their Looked After Child (LAC) review. The PEP forms part of their care plan. Oxfordshire County Council are looking to re-commission a platform that can host the electronic personal education plan (ePEP) for Looked After Children. We are looking for a system which will improve both the quality and efficiency of PEP’s within the local authority, but also to make the process of completing a PEP streamlined and user friendly. We would also require the preferred provider to also offer a robust LAC attendance monitoring service which enables us to track and monitor the attendance of EVERY Looked After Child (LAC) in Oxfordshire. The aim of this service will be to provide up to date and accurate information about the education of Looked After Children. This will need to include twice daily collection of pupil attendance data from a range of education providers including schools, PRUs and other alternative education providers. Whilst this may be able to be collected electronically from some providers for others it will require the means to make daily phone calls. The platform will also need to be able to host electronic Personal Education Plan and manage access to the platform for relevant professionals. Lot 1: Oxfordshire County Council is committed to improving the educational attainment of looked-after children and has a duty under the Children Act 1989 to safeguard and promote the welfare of a child looked after by them. This includes a specific duty to promote the child’s educational achievement, wherever they live or are educated. As part of this duty we are required to monitor their engagement with education including their attendance and improve educational outcomes across all aspects. All children that are looked after must have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) which is reviewed regularly in conjunction with their Looked After Child (LAC) review. The PEP forms part of their care plan. Oxfordshire County Council are looking to re-commission a platform that can host the electronic personal education plan (ePEP) for Looked After Children. We are looking for a system which will improve both the quality and efficiency of PEP’s within the local authority, but also to make the process of completing a PEP streamlined and user friendly. We would also require the preferred provider to also offer a robust LAC attendance monitoring service which enables us to track and monitor the attendance of EVERY Looked After Child (LAC) in Oxfordshire. The aim of this service will be to provide up to date and accurate information about the education of Looked After Children. This will need to include twice daily collection of pupil attendance data from a range of education providers including schools, PRUs and other alternative education providers. Whilst this may be able to be collected electronically from some providers for others it will require the means to make daily phone calls. The platform will also need to be able to host electronic Personal Education Plan and manage access to the platform for relevant professionals.


Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Oxfordshire County Council

Ms Bronwyn Fletcher

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