New Hospital Programme – Hospital 2.0 Alliance (H2A) Framework
NHS England (“NHSE”) is seeking to establish a multi-supplier framework agreement for major capital works for hospital build, refurbishment and ancillary works required by NHSE, including the detailed design, construction, commissioning and hand back of major hospital schemes as part of the New Hospital Programme (“NHP”). The framework agreement is to be referred to as the Hospital 2.0 Alliance Framework (the “H2A Framework” or “Framework Agreement”). Works and Services will be carried out on existing sites, adjacent to existing facilities or on new sites. The scope of the Framework Agreement will also include refurbishment, testing, ancillary and enabling works including demolition, fit out, landscaping, highways, office building, asset protection, planning, car parks, digital and lifecycle maintenance of capital works (although suppliers are to note that not all of these elements of scope will be required for the design and build of each hospital (or package/part thereof) forming part of the NHP and delivered via the Framework Agreement (individual “Schemes”)).<br/><br/>NHSE is seeking expressions of interest from suppliers with suitable major project experience, capacity and the capability to deliver complex hospital build and refurbishment construction works. Subject to the terms of the accompanying Procurement Documents, NHSE intends to award up to ten (10) places on the Framework Agreement, but it reserves its rights to award fewer places, or to award eleven (11) places in certain prescribed scenarios (as defined in the Procurement Documents). Please see the accompanying Procurement Documents for further information. <br/><br/>The successful Tenderers (“H2A Contractors”) will provide expertise and experience in construction and integration works on major complex life critical programmes to allow NHP to develop a more standardised approach to design and delivery, unlock efficiencies and accelerate delivery in one of the biggest hospital building programmes in a generation. <br/><br/>The Framework Agreement (and Alliance Agreement) is being procured by and for the use of NHSE in respect of its needs and requirements for the New Hospital Programme and any wider NHSE requirements. The Framework Agreement may also be used by those Contracting Bodies referred to in Section VI.3 (Additional Information) below.<br/><br/>The scope of Works and Services and contractual documents applicable to the Framework Agreement are more particularly described in the Candidate’s Guide and Descriptive Document, Selection Questionnaire Pack (“SQP”) and accompanying Procurement Documents. Candidates are further referred to Section VI.3 (Additional Information) in this Contract Notice.<br/><br/>To access the Hospital 2.0 Alliance (H2A) Selection Questionnaire (SQ), suppliers are required to:<br/>1. Access the Atamis eSourcing Portal through:<br/>2. Sign into an existing account, or register for a new one.<br/>3. Access the 'NHP Non Disclosure Agreement' project (reference number: C323060).<br/>4a. If the supplier has completed an NHP NDA previously, the supplier must respond to the Broadcast message in the project with a request to access the procurement.<br/>4b. If not completed an NDA previously, answer all questions (found under the Requirements section) within the project, and provide details of the authorised signatory who is entitled to sign the NDA on the supplier's behalf, click "submit", and;<br/>5. Sign the NDA facilitated by NHP via DocuSign. Once the NDA has been duly signed by the authorised signatory and received by NHSE, the NDA will be binding on the supplier and access to the H2A SQ and Reading Room will be granted. Lot 1: The New Hospital Programme (NHP) was created to deliver the biggest hospital building programme in a generation. It is an enduring programme intended to develop capacity, value for money efficiency and skills over many years through collaboration, standardisation and cooperation. The first hospitals to be delivered under the NHP have already been completed and many are in construction. The Hospital 2.0 Alliance Framework (“H2A Framework” or “Framework Agreement”), will be a multi-supplier framework agreement established for major capital works for hospital build, refurbishment and ancillary works required by NHSE, including the detailed design, construction, commissioning and handover of major hospital schemes including but not limited to NHP waves 1 to 3, as set out in the ‘NHP plan for implementation’ (New Hospital Programme: plan for implementation - Further detail of the Schemes and scope of this procurement can be found in the accompanying Procurement Documents (see in particular ITC Appendix A2 (Draft Framework Scope).<br/><br/>Successful Tenderers will enter into two instruments following the conclusion of this procurement: <br/>• The Hospital 2.0 Alliance Agreement (Alliance Agreement) which is a cross-programme collaboration agreement (with a facility to award task orders for minor constructability and advisory services); and <br/>• The Hospital 2.0 Alliance Framework (H2A Framework) itself from which Call-Off Contracts for the delivery of specific Schemes/Works will be made. <br/><br/>NHSE is seeking expressions of interest from suppliers with suitable major project experience, capacity and the capability to deliver complex hospital build and refurbishment construction works.<br/><br/>The H2A Contractors will provide expertise and experience in construction and integration works on major complex life critical programmes to allow NHP to develop a more standardised approach to design and delivery, unlock efficiencies and accelerate delivery in one of the biggest hospital building programmes in a generation. <br/><br/>The NHP and this procurement is a collaboration between NHSE, DHSC and the Trusts. The Framework Agreement is being procured by and on behalf of NHSE for and on behalf of itself and all NHS Trusts, Foundation Trusts, DHSC and other NHS Bodies in respect of their requirements for the New Hospital Programme as described in this Contract Notice and in the accompanying Procurement Documents. However, Candidates should note that NHSE and DHSC may use the Framework Agreement for any wider NHSE requirements for major capital works for hospital build, refurbishment and ancillary works. The Framework Agreement may also be used by those Contracting Bodies referred to in Section VI.3 (Additional Information) below. NHSE also reserves the right to transfer the Framework Agreement (or any Call-Off Contract and/or the Hospital 2.0 Alliance Agreement) in whole or in part to another public body (or bodies) that during the term of the Framework Agreement/Call-Off Contract/Hospital 2.0 Alliance Agreement assume NHSE’s delivery obligations (in whole or in part) to deliver the New Hospital Programme or new NHS hospitals through another iteration of the New Hospital Programme.<br/><br/>The Framework Agreement<br/>The scope of Works and Services are more particularly described in the Candidate’s Guide and Descriptive Document, Selection Questionnaire Pack (SQP) and accompanying Procurement Documents. The Works and Services will be awarded via Call-Off Contracts under the Framework Agreement. The Framework Agreement will incorporate a Model Call-Off Contract which will be the subject of Competitive Dialogue (CD) with Tenderers. It is intended that following the close of CD and NHSE’s invitation to submit final Tenders, NHSE will require acceptance of the terms of the Model Call-Off Contract as part of Tenderers’ Tender submissions. <br/><br/>Call-Off Contracts for the delivery of Schemes (being either a hospital or package/part thereof) will be awarded under the Framework Agreement via the following call off procedures: Collaborative Allocation, Mini Competition and Direct Award. Recognising the challenges of undertaking multiple further competitions for Schemes of the size and scale required for the NHP in parallel, it is NHSE’s intention for Call-Off Contracts to be awarded using Collaborative Allocation where NHSE and the Trusts consider that the unamended Model Call-Off Contract (as settled in this procurement) is appropriate and will secure value for money for NHP for a group of Schemes. The intention is for Schemes to be allocated to H2A Contractors in a way which optimises capacity and capability of the market for the NHP having regard to the ranking of the H2A Contractors following evaluation of Tenders, the preferences of the H2A Contractors, programme sequencing, geographic suitability and contractor capacity and capability to deliver the specific Schemes. Further information on the process for each call-off procedure is set out in the accompanying Procurement Documents, specifically ITC Appendix A2 (Draft H2A Framework). <br/><br/>This is not intended to be a speculative framework, and it is intended by NHSE (though not guaranteed) that all H2A Contractors will be awarded a Call-Off Contract or contracts. The call-off/s for the first Schemes are intended to be made swiftly after award of the Framework Agreement so that all the H2A Contactors on the Framework Agreement are mobilised as soon as possible to leverage and optimise participation of the market and to allow for investment and growth. The programme for the delivery of the Schemes will be subject to internal business case approvals and funding and may therefore be subject to change. Candidates should also note that the Framework Agreement is not exclusive and NHSE / other Contracting Bodies may use other routes to market to deliver NHP Schemes and/or major capital works for hospital build, refurbishment and ancillary works required during the duration of the Framework Agreement.<br/><br/>NHSE’s intention is that all Candidates who pass the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) stage will be invited to the CD stage. <br/><br/>The Hospital 2.0 Alliance Agreement<br/>The Hospital 2.0 Alliance Agreement (“Alliance Agreement”) establishes the collaborative enterprise environment which is critical to facilitating the strategic aims of the New Hospital Programme. Whereas the Framework Agreement provides the mechanism through which the Works and Services are awarded, the Alliance Agreement is the arrangement by which the NHSE, the Trusts, the H2A Contractors and other partners collaborate and co-operate.<br/><br/>Through the Framework Agreement and the Alliance Agreement together, NHSE wishes to foster alliance working that optimises the capacity, efficiency, value for money, social value impact, quality of delivery and transformational standards of the member parties.<br/><br/>In addition to call-offs under the Framework Agreement, NHSE (and potentially other Contracting Bodies) also has the right to award services contracts (for ancillary constructability and advisory services during the development of Hospital 2.0) through the Alliance Agreement in accordance with its terms. Such services will be instructed by way of task orders in accordance with the terms of the Alliance Agreement. The value of the individual task orders is likely to be less than the financial threshold for services but may be higher. Please see the Candidate’s Guide and Descriptive Document for further information.<br/><br/>Early Alliance Agreement membership <br/>The programme is urgent and some buildability or early involvement with the expert market is desirable. NHSE reserves the right at any stage of the procurement to invite all those Tenderers who pass the SQ stage and are invited to participate in dialogue to join the Alliance Agreement and Alliance Agreement “core groups” for the purposes of participating in the development of the programme. However, any such early involvement in the Alliance Agreement is not a contract for services, supplies or works and will not guarantee or indicate successful award of a place on the Framework Agreement. Participation in the Alliance Agreement will not influence or convey an advantage to any Candidate or Tenderer in the procurement and is simply a way for NHSE to undertake structured market engagement in the emerging designs. If invited to join the Alliance Agreement during the procurement process, Tenderers may choose to join or not. Please see the Candidate’s Guide and Descriptive Document for further information. <br/><br/>All Tenderers awarded a place on the Framework Agreement will be required to enter into the Alliance Agreement if they have not already done so during the procurement. <br/><br/>The Competitive Dialogue (CD)<br/>NHSE is procuring the Framework Agreement (and Alliance Agreement) in accordance with the CD procedure pursuant to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR), reg. 30. NHSE is seeking to undertake a streamlined, single stage CD process, but reserves the option to conduct dialogue in successive stages and/or down select the number of Tenderers at each stage. Candidates are referred to the Procurement Documents for further information on how NHSE intends to conduct the CD process. Additional information: Applicants are referred to the Selection Questionnaire Pack and accompanying procurement documents for information about conditions for participation.
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