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Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Service Including Refuge



Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council are seeking tenders from experienced organisations that are interested in providing Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Services including Refuge to support domestic abuse victims including their children with safe accommodation alongside domestic abuse support. . The Service will run for a period of four (4) years with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years and will commence on 1/10/2025. Lot 1: The Core contact will include a minimum of 8 units in a refuge provision and a minimum of 2 dispersed properties. The core refuge provision is a dedicated single sex space for women only and their children; the dispersed properties have no exclusion criteria. The services will provide specialist domestic abuse support. The service will support victims of domestic abuse to keep themselves and their dependents safe, to live independently, developing confidence, enabling participation in group work and social activities to combat loneliness and social isolation. Individuals will also be supported to gain the skills required to manage their tenancy and to participate as fully as possible in the local community. The Service will support victims and survivors to assess move-on options available to them and navigate positive and managed moves to a longer term, settled home, with accompanying safety plans. . The service will be a short-term arrangement, expected to be an average of between three and six months. . The core contract as described above will be a block contract. . In addition to the core contract valued at £250,000 per annum described above, the Council is looking to enter into a Single Provider Framework for non-core activity. The non-core requirements as they arise will be subject to negotiation and agreement with the successful provider. The non-core activity will form part of a framework contract for additional services which the Council may place orders for from time to time subject to any additional funding. There is no commitment from the Council that any orders will be placed for non-core activity as a result of additional funding that is secured. The non-core activity value can be up to 100% of the core contract value. . Taking into account for the core and potential non-core activity, the total value range for all activity across the full 6-year contract duration is between £1,000,000 (core contract for initial 4-year term only) and £3,000,000 (inclusive of the core contract and any non-core activity over the 6 years). . Full details, are available at, which is the link to the (Mercell Eu-Supply) YORtender tender portal site. The specific ref for this event is YORtender Ref 94332 . Please note, once this notice has been published, it can take up to 3 hours to appear on the YorTender portal. . IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 14/03/2025 12 Noon Deadline for Clarification Questions . TECHNICAL ISSUES If you experience technical issues surrounding the use of the YORtender system you should request support from the system provider (Mercell) by logging a ticket at email: or telephone: 0800 840 2050. Please note office working hours are 09:00 – 17:00. Additional information: The Framework will run from 1/10/2025 and will run for a period of 4 years with the option to extend by up to a further 2 years.


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Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Angela Wilson

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