Fleet Management and Associated Services
GreenSquareAccord Limited (GSA) (RS027052) GreenSquareAccord | Building better lives will be conducting a tender competition for The Supply of Fleet and Associated Managed Services. This is aimed at selecting the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) for the supply of fleet vehicles and associated services to GSA.In summary (EOI) Expressions of Interest are sought from Suppliers who have experience, capacity and geographical coverage to provide fleet management services into our growing housing association business.Evaluation of the services offered will support future policy considerations, specifically in latest technology (EV), fuel economy, reduction of maintenance and services costs and residual value.GSA aim is to award to the one successful Supplier, by entering into a formal contractual agreement and create a close working relationship over the life of the contract. Lot 1: Contract RequirementsGSA current arrangement for the provision of vehicles is contracted through several Suppliers. These Suppliers provide a range of vehicle supply arrangements for GreenSquareAccord Direct Labour Organisation (DLO).GSA is looking for a single Supplier to supply vehicles across our portfolio and deliver cashable savings and innovation. Suppliers are encouraged to consider proposing alternative products to deliver savings if the alternatives are suitably durable and robust for use by a Registered Provider within tenanted housing stock.In delivering the repairs or other works, the DLO are required to carry plant, tools and materials in the vehicle that are necessary for the efficient delivery of a ‘First Time Fix’ maintenance service; these items are usually kept in the vehicles overnight as well as during the day. GSA tradespeople drive their vehicle home and store the vehicle in their driveway or on the street at their home address and vehicles are only kept at GSA secured facilities on occasion.Suppliers should consider these circumstances when proposing manufacturers’ vehicle models to ensure they are capable and suitable for this use. While the specific tools and materials vary by trade, these items hold a financial replacement value which can be attractive to those involved in crime and therefore the security of vehicles must be sufficient and reasonable for this purpose.The organisation intends to let a contract for 48 months (2 + 2) and expects the new agreement to deliver real savings and to develop our service even further. To support this operation, GSA requires a new fleet of vehicles, equipped for delivery of responsive and maintenance repairs, bringing empty homes up to a high standard, gas servicing and maintenance, planned maintenance, environmental and estate works. The fleet requirement consists of Contract Hire with Full Maintenance: It is envisaged that a total of up to 300 vehicles may be required within the term of this contract. Individual vehicle Annual Mileage should be 15,000 miles per annum. Pooled Mileage is required calculated on annual basis of whole fleet vehicles. GSA require the facility for contracts to be re-scheduled should annual mileage allowances need to be significantly amended. Note: Proposed Form of Contract/Terms will be GreenSquareAccord Limited - Standard.2. 1 Table 1: Identifying potential quantity and type of fleet requirements.Quantity Description2 Estate Cars, 45 CDV’s, 6 4 X 415 L1H1s20 L1H2s130 L2H1s25 L2H2s5 L2H3s15 L3H1s3 L3H2s34 L3H3s3 Contract SpecificationThe Suppliers shall provide the contract hire of light commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes including:• Vans up to 3.5 tonnes • 4x4 variant vehicles • Alternatively fuelled vehicles e.g. hybrid, electric • Converted vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes • Potential for company cars dependent on internal review
Publish date
3 years ago
Buyer information
- Contact:
- Simon Wilmott
- Email:
- simon.wilmott@greensquareaccord.co.uk
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