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CFT 3578 - SPFA for the Supply of an Online Fleet Management System and Global Positioning System trackers for LA Fleet -SDCC will be the lead buyer on behalf of SDCC, DCC, FCC and DLR County Councils



Supply of an Online Fleet Management System and Global Positioning System trackers for the Local Authorities Fleet (South Dublin County Council will be the lead buyer on behalf of South Dublin County Council, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council) Supply of a fleet management system (FMS) that is capable of tracking and monitoring the key aspects of vehicle and plant operations and compliance. This includes specific aspects for alternatively fuelled vehicles and plant. Furthermore, it will provide actionable insight that contributes towards improving fleet efficiencies and safety. The fleet management system will allow a fleet operator to choose the level of functionality required. Additionally, user clearance functionalities will enable the operator to provide access or limit access to certain areas of the system to individual team members. In the context of South Dublin County Council (SDCC), an appropriate fleet management system will allow for all the various vehicle and plant types to be seen and monitored through one single IT system. As the council begins to decarbonise its fleet and incorporate new technologies, a suitable FMS will aid in compliance monitoring, fuel consumption, and other operational practices to ensure a Fleet that is fit for purpose. The solution will include handheld devices and mobile applications. It will include the supply of Global Positioning System trackers for the Local Authorities Fleet. Supply of an Online Fleet Management System and Global Positioning System trackers for the Local Authorities Fleet (South Dublin County Council will be the lead buyer on behalf of South Dublin County Council, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council) Supply of a fleet management system (FMS) that is capable of tracking and monitoring the key aspects of vehicle and plant operations and compliance. This includes specific aspects for alternatively fuelled vehicles and plant. Furthermore, it will provide actionable insight that contributes towards improving fleet efficiencies and safety. The fleet management system will allow a fleet operator to choose the level of functionality required. Additionally, user clearance functionalities will enable the operator to provide access or limit access to certain areas of the system to individual team members. In the context of South Dublin County Council (SDCC), an appropriate fleet management system will allow for all the various vehicle and plant types to be seen and monitored through one single IT system. As the council begins to decarbonise its fleet and incorporate new technologies, a suitable FMS will aid in compliance monitoring, fuel consumption, and other operational practices to ensure a Fleet that is fit for purpose. The solution will include handheld devices and mobile applications. It will include the supply of Global Positioning System trackers for the Local Authorities Fleet.


Publish date

10 months ago

Close date

9 months ago

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South Dublin County Council

South Dublin County Council

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