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Specialist Computer Centres PLC, DELL CORPORATION LIMITED, Boxxe Limited, EUROPEAN ELECTRONIQUE LIMITED, Bechtle Limited, Softcat PLC, Phoenix Software Limited, Amicus ITS Ltd, CDW Ltd, Centerprise International Ltd, Cisilion Limited, Computacenter (UK) Limited, Dacoll Limited, EACS Ltd, Insight Direct (UK) Ltd, KHIPU NETWORKS LIMITED, Mother Technologies Ltd, Novosco Ltd, Nviron Limited, PROACT IT (UK) LIMITED, RioMed Ltd, SIX DEGREES TECHNOLOGY GROUP LIMITED, SWITCHSHOP LIMITED, TET Limited, Total Computer Networks Ltd, TRUSTCO PLC., Trustmarque Solutions Ltd, XMA LIMITED


500,000,000 GBP


NHS Shared Business Services are looking to renew an existing framework which expands upon the current offering. Due to a consistent and growing market for one-stop solutions, the new framework will focus on allowing contracting authorities to purchase full IT solutions. Therefore NHS Shared Business Services are looking for providers of full IT Infrastructure Software, Servers and Storage Hardware, Networking, Virtualization, other Services and End User & Solutions Software and all associated products and services within these solution requirements.


Award date

5 years ago

Publish date

4 years ago

Buyer information

NHS Shared Business Services

Carolyn Lawton

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