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Purchase of Passive Acoustic Monitoring & Mooring Devices





195,296 GBP


The Scottish Ministers invites tenders for the purchase of autonomous marine acoustic broadband recorders. The Scottish Ministers requires autonomous marine sound recorders for the purposes of long-term static monitoring of ambient underwater noise, as well as marine mammal vocalisations including whistles, moans and echolocation clicks. Lot 1: The Scottish Ministers invites tenders for the purchase of autonomous marine acoustic broadband recorders. The Scottish Ministers requires autonomous marine sound recorders for the purposes of long-term static monitoring of ambient underwater noise, as well as marine mammal vocalisations including whistles, moans and echolocation clicks. This tender is for sound recorders suitable for acoustic monitoring for deployment in inshore and offshore waters. Sound recorders must be capable of being moored for extended periods underwater, recording data autonomously with a programmable option for on/off duty cycle and for sample rate. The devices will be used as part of an array of moored detectors, monitoring cetaceans and underwater noise levels in Scotland’s offshore waters. The equipment will be operated by scientific staff from the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen or by contracted researchers.


Award date

6 days ago

Publish date

5 days ago

Buyer information

Scottish Government

Bob McLeod

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