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Infrastructure Delivery Plan



80,000 GBP


Liverpool City Council has commenced a review of the existing Liverpool Local Plan 2013-2033, which once adopted will replace the existing plan. The new Local Development Scheme (October 2024) aims for submission of the new Local Plan by January 2026 with an adoption date by December 2026. Currently, the Council has begun to compile its evidence base which will help inform the new Local Plan and is engaging on the content and scope of the Local Plan, and how it will address the challenges facing the city. A call for sites has also been issued. The current Infrastructure Delivery Programme Update was prepared in 2019 to support the examination of the Liverpool Local Plan 2013-2033. The programme identified the ability of each type of infrastructure to support the delivery of the proposed housing and employment growth across the city. The Infrastructure Delivery Programme Update 2019 examined the quality and capacity of the following types of infrastructure in Liverpool: • Transport • Education • Health and healthcare • Utilities • Digital infrastructure and connectivity • Flood risk and drainage • Waste management • Green infrastructure • Sport, leisure and recreation • Community and cultural • Emergency services As it has been over 5 years since the last update was produced, there is now a requirement to prepare a new Infrastructure Delivery Plan for the city which assesses the current levels of infrastructure and any proposed investment in new infrastructure. Keywords: Local plan


Publish date

3 months ago

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2 months ago

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Liverpool City Council

Joseph Lynam

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