Business and management consultancy services
The Copenhagen Metro system’s maturation and growth bring greater maintenance requirements including adaptation to future maintenance and reinvestment efforts, including a digitalization. To support this, Metroselskabet, the owner of the Copenhagen Metro system, will be tendering for assistance for a digital asset management project. The project will describe process, organizational and IT technology changes related to maturation and digitalization of the asset management practice along with a detailed business case, investment plan and planning for resulting projects staring in 2020. Metroselskabet, the owner of the Copenhagen Metro system, has reached a new era. The system has matured and will grow, by 2024, from its current 2 lines (M1/M2 opened in 2002) to 4 with a corresponding growth in track and equipment. This entails greater maintenance requirements with adaptation to future maintenance and reinvestment efforts, including digitalization. Metroselskabet is tendering for assistance for the digital asset management project. The project will carry out an as is — to be gap analysis following the ISO 5500X asset management standard and define the necessary organizational and process changes for digitalisation. In addition, the project will describe detailed requirements and function specifications for the future purchase of a dedicated Asset Management IT system, detailed business case with investment plan and planning of foreseen projects for start-up from 2020. The expected phases: Phase 1: Planning; Phase 2: Define model, current gap and development of detailed solutions and plans; Phase 3: Describe the solution; Phase 3a: Detailed system specifications and sourcing strategy; Phase 3b: Organization, role/responsibilities; Phase 4: Completion of final project deliverables.
Publish date
6 years ago
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6 years ago
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Metroselskabet I/S
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