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Local Risk Management and Incident Reporting System



North London Mental Health Partnership (NLMHP) is publishing a Request for Information for appointment of a Digital Local Risk Management and Incident Reporting System requirements. Lot 1: This PIN is to seek information from suppliers in the market that provide Risk Management and Incident Reporting System or software solutions. The responses will then determine the route to market.<br/><br/>Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust (BEH) and Camden & Islington (C&I) NHS Foundation Trust are currently working in a partnership model as the North London Mental Health Partnership (NLMHP) with approximately 9,000 employees. The Partnership is looking to merge into a single, new organisation and, subject to NHSE approval, this is expected to take place on the 1st of October 2024, and the potential suppliers will be informed about the changes throughout the procurement process.<br/><br/>Suppliers are required to view the RFI documents on 10/06/2024 by registering on Atamis, if not already, by using the link:<br/><br/>Please contact atamis support at if you have any issues registering. Once register, please search for the atamis reference "C289924" to access the opportunity and self invite to review the RFI document to submit your responses. Additional information: The timelines are as follows:<br/>10/06/2024 : Publication of RFI documents on atamis<br/>01/07/2024 : Deadline for submission of a RFI response via atamis.<br/>29/07/2024 : Confirmation of next steps to RFI respondents.<br/>17/09/2024 : Proposed Tender Publish Date<br/>31/08/2025 : Target Go Live Date (after successful implementation).


Publish date

9 months ago

Buyer information

North East London NHS Foundation Trust

Owais Aslam Parvaiz

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