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Community Centre - Refurbishment



Country & City Construction


27,077.5 GBP


Great Missenden Parish Council are looking to externally refurbish the exterior of a single storey wooden Community Centre in Prestwood. This is a temporary building with a life expectancy of 15 years. The exterior requires making good, weatherproofing and decorating. Plastic boarding is being considered as a low maintenance solution. The council would consider other options, and these would need to be itemised separately in the tender. All solutions should be able to withstand impact of balls from the nearby sports wall and football pitch. Please send your tender, addressed to the clerk, in a sealed envelope marked 'Prestwood Community Centre - Refurbishment', to arrive no later than Thursday 12th November2020. When returning your itemised pricing, could you also please include copies of the following items: • Information and background about your company • Details about how you would propose to carry out the work on this contract, including:- o if the Community Centre and adjoining car park would need to be closed from users, o how long the work will take, o what security will be in place of any machinery or tools left on site • References demonstrating your suitability of carrying out this type of work • A copy of your PLI insurance certificate


Publish date

4 years ago

Award date

4 years ago

Buyer information

Great Missenden Parish Council

Jane Hennessy

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