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Electric Livestock Fencing - Kinloch Village Fields - Isle of Rum



Mills Agri Services Ltd


24,635.84 GBP


NatureScot is looking for an experienced fencing contractor to replace 1753m of existing fencing and erect 279m of fencing where none is currently (total 2032m) and erect an identical parallel fence 2m apart present within Kinloch village on the Isle of Rum. The fencing is to surround fields that will enclose Highland ponies and includes erecting 12 metal gates and electrifying the fence. The contract value is less than GBP50,000 so this is not considered a 'regulated procurement' as set out in the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014. It is being advertised to reach a wider potential field of candidates. Full details are set out in the Statement of Requirements document attached to this notice. Bidders are asked to ensure they allow sufficient time to upload their tender documents by the stated deadline of 17:00 hours on 7th September 2024. Lot 1: You are required to complete fencing of 5 fields within Kinloch village on the Isle of Rum using electric fencing to make them safe and secure for Highland ponies. All fields have been previously fenced and the majority of fencing is still in place and is required to be removed. Existing fence posts and strainers are more than 10 years old and are rotten and loose. Tornado horse netting is present in reasonable condition in the three largest fields and is required to be removed. The fence design should be two parallel fences 2m apart to allow planting of a hedge between the two fences in future. The fences should be two electric lines. 12 metal gates are required to be put in place where indicated by a red line on the maps below. NatureScot already has these gates in stock. A total of 2 x 2032m fences are required. All the fencing is required to be electrified. The fields that require fenced are approx.1 mile from where the ferry arrives and with easy access. Vehicles and equipment must be booked on the ferry in advance.


Award date

5 months ago

Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Scottish Natural Heritage


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