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4G - Ambition North Wales and Growing Mid Wales Request for Information



The Connected Key Sites and Corridors project forms part of the North Wales Growth Deal’s Digital Connectivity Programme, with the Growing Mid Wales Mobile Coverage & Capacity Project being developed through its equivalent Digital Programme.Both programmes, within in their respective regions will:• address digital connectivity challenges - to unlock opportunities and build on our strengths.• enhance capability to develop technologies for the future - ensuring that the increasing demand for digital can be met and benefits from fast, high-quality connectivity are realised.Ambition North Wales’ Connected Key Sites and Corridors project aims to improve the availability of mobile voice and data services and full-fibre broadband services to key commercial sites across the region.Growing Mid Wales’ Mobile Coverage and Capacity project focuses predominantly upon mobile voice and data provision across the region.Both projects aim to deliver 4G coverage across North and Mid Wales from all four Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). This includes indoor, outdoor and in-vehicle at key locations along transport corridors and at business and tourism sites.Purpose of this request for informationThis request for information seeks to define the proposed intervention locations in the first phase of the projects.To enable this, a series of initial locations have been identified for potential investment to improve mobile data and voice services- building upon information and data currently available to Ambition North Wales and Growing Mid Wales.Delivering mobile services in non-commercial areas of North and Mid Wales brings significant technical and commercial challenges. This request for information phase aims to test the market's interest in delivering 4G mobile infrastructure and services.Both Ambition North Wales and Growing Mid Wales will continue to work with industry and the regulator Ofcom to identify and verify areas of poor 4G coverage and consider how these could potentially be addressed through this or future phases of activity.Timescale for request for informationThis will run for 8 weeks from 16 September 2024 to 15 November 2024.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Ambition North Wales

Kirrie Roberts

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