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Legal Services Framework 2024-2028



Burness Paull LLP, BRODIES LLP, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP, Addleshaw Goddard LLP


11,100,000 GBP


The purpose of this ITT is to appoint up to 4 suppliers to a Legal Services framework agreement for Scottish Enterprise (SE), Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE), South of Scotland Enterprise Agency (SOSE), and their respective subsidiary and associated companies and undertakings, and public bodies sharing complementary economic development and/or training objectives. This framework is anticipated to commence in December 2024 and will have a duration of 4 years (48 months). Lot 1: The purpose of this ITT is to appoint up to 4 suppliers to a Legal Services framework agreement for Scottish Enterprise (SE), Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE), South of Scotland Enterprise Agency (SOSE), and their respective subsidiary and associated companies and undertakings, and public bodies sharing complementary economic development and/or training objectives. This framework is anticipated to commence in December 2024 and will have a duration of 4 years (48 months). The Framework will cover a wide range of legal and associated services both at a domestic and international level, including but not limited to: commercial property, commercial contracts, construction, corporate/corporate finance/corporate governance, data protection, dispute resolution, employment, intellectual property, regulatory compliance (including subsidy law, financial services, data protection, information security and freedom of information), procurement and all aspects of public law. There may be new areas of law arising (for example artificial intelligence law) that we would also expect the Framework to cover in terms of providing advice on developments in these new areas. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

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Scottish Enterprise


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