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Supply of a 40hp rated tractor with cab and specified ancillary equipment



25,001 GBP


We are seeking tenders for the supply of the following as a single package: 1. 40hp tractor with cab, turf tyres, hydrostatic transmission, PTO with horsepower rating capable of powering the following implements detailed in 5 and 6 below, three-point linkage, trailer electrics and road registered. 2. Front loader, brash grabbing bucket and rear counterweight to match maximum lifting capacity of the front loader. 3. Pallet forks / tines for the front loader. 4. Two (2) tonne tipping trailer with removable galvanised mesh sides, road lights and number plate. 5. PTO driven side arm finger bar hedge trimmer, minimum 1.5m wide cutting head, with minimum 3.5m level cut height and minimum 4.5m side reach. 6. PTO driven rear mounted rotavator, minimum 1.5. working width and 8-12cm working depth. 7. Instruction / training of seven (7) operatives to employ the foregoing. Provide evidence / certification for personnel files. The Council is not fixed about the make or model of tractor and equipment / implements but will be looking for products that require minimal maintenance, are built for longevity and have a good warranty period. Please provide information on all warranties, service intervals and parts supply. Please supply typical costs of servicing and service items. The Council encourages any additional value-added options within the Tender submission. These should be set out separately in the Tender. The delivery address and location for operative instruction / training is Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2RJ. The Tender shall be made on the headed business paper of the Tenderer / supplier, dated and signed in ink. The Tender must be signed where the Tenderer is an individual, by that individual. Where the Tenderer is a partnership, by two duly authorised partners. Where the Tenderer is a company, by a director, such persons to be duly authorised for the purpose. Any questions or matters of clarification regarding the tender procedure, contract documentation, specification or requests for further information should be submitted by e-mail to Tenderers / suppliers are required to keep Tenders valid for acceptance for a period of thirty (30) days from the closing date for receipt of tenders. Tenders shall be submitted in a plain sealed envelope / package clearly marked "Gainsborough Tractor Tender", in large bold print, by registered post, recorded delivery service to: The Town Clerk, Gainsborough Town Council, Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2RJ. The envelope must not bear any name or mark indicating the identity of the sender. Tenders must be received by no later than noon on 3rd July 2024 No Tender will be considered if it is received after the date and time specified, unless the Council, at its sole discretion, extends the closing date and time specified in writing.


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Gainsborough Town Council

Rachel Allbones

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