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Gleneagles Building Materials - A



MKM Building Supplies, Travis Perkins


184,191 GBP


2.3. KWL are seeking a supplier to provide building materials for a new build site of 27 Houses at Gleneagles Park, Hull, it is expected that work will commence in June 2024 with works expected to be completed November 2025. More details of the expected completion date of the project will be provided during the pre-start meeting with the successful supplier. 3. SPECIFICATION 3.1. We are seeking to appoint one supplier for the materials/products detailed below: 3.1.1. Lot 1 - Bricks Estimated Value £15,000 3.1.2. Lot 2 - Blocks Estimated Value £36,000 3.1.3. Lot 3 - Damp Proof Course Estimated Value £450 3.1.4. Lot 4 - Wall Ties Estimated Value £5100 3.1.5. Lot 5 - Weep Holes Estimated Value £1000 3.1.6. Lot 6 - Expansion Joints Estimated Value £2700 3.1.7. Lot 7 - Lintels Estimated Value £95000 3.1.8. Lot 8 - Joint Reinforcement Estimated Value £1600 3.1.9. Lot 9 - Fire Batts Estimated Value £3250 3.1.10. Lot 10 - Insulation Estimated Value £166500 3.2. The estimated value is detailed above this is based on our preliminary estimations. Quantities are estimated and +/-10%. 3.3. The supplier must note that the service to be provided is not an exclusive arrangement and in order to meet the conditions of our contracts KWL may seek other suppliers in the event of service failure, excessive lead times or change in quality etc. 3.4. The contract is estimated to run from 2nd December 2024 - 31st December 2025 subject to a value for money review which will take into account cost, performance and quality delivered during the original contract term. 3.5. The award of contracts shall be carried out in accordance with KWL Purchasing Policy.


Publish date

3 months ago

Award date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Kingstown Works Ltd

Andrew Parkinson

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