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Pre-qualification of Contracting Team for Construction of Leachate Treatment Plant at Ballynacarrick Landfill Site (Re-issue)



The Contract will involve the design and installation of a replacement Leachate Treatment Plant on the restored Ballynacarrick Landfill Site in accordance with Waste Licence (W0024-04). The scope of the works include: - Construction Works on a Landfill - Design and construction of replacement Leachate Treatment Compound (consisting of a concrete bunded compound for storage/retention of potentially polluting substances for a High Hazard Facility (as defined by IPC Guidance Note on Storage and Transfer of Materials for Scheduled Activities published by the Environmental Protection Agency (2004)) with capacity in excess of 1700m3, approx 1100m2 in area, including foundations and 1.5m high wall and a glass lined leachate treatment tank and balance tank capable of the treatment of approximately 120m3 of landfill generated leachate per day (with the use of aeration). - Design and installation of associated leachate distribution network including all valves and fittings (expected to include, non return valves, actuated valves and digital flowmeters), including the incorporation of the existing leachate distribution network over a 9.5ha site. - Design, supply and installation of leachate monitoring. infrastructure and control systems including the incorporation of existing pumps and level monitoring equipment and digital flowmeters. - Design, supply and installation of leachate treatment infrastructure (capable of treating up to 120m3/day using aeration techniques) - PLC Networking and Input/Output via SCADA system for the leachate collection, distribution and treatment network to allow the control, monitoring and analysing of the leachate distribution and treatment process. - Commissioning of all leachate abstraction, transfer, storage and treatment infrastructure to achieve design effluent quality - Minor earthworks - Design and construction of concrete access roads (approximately 1500m2 including associated drainage) - Associated ancillary civil engineering works - Provision and Installation of acoustic fencing to the leachate treatment compound. - Decommissioning of existing monitoring boreholes and installation of replacements - Management of Health and Safety on site (PSCS) The Contract will involve the design and installation of a replacement Leachate Treatment Plant on the restored Ballynacarrick Landfill Site in accordance with Waste Licence (W0024-04). The scope of the works include: - Construction Works on a Landfill - Design and construction of replacement Leachate Treatment Compound (consisting of a concrete bunded compound for storage/retention of potentially polluting substances for a High Hazard Facility (as defined by IPC Guidance Note on Storage and Transfer of Materials for Scheduled Activities published by the Environmental Protection Agency (2004)) with capacity in excess of 1700m3, approx 1100m2 in area, including foundations and 1.5m high wall and a glass lined leachate treatment tank and balance tank capable of the treatment of approximately 120m3 of landfill generated leachate per day (with the use of aeration). - Design and installation of associated leachate distribution network including all valves and fittings (expected to include, non return valves, actuated valves and digital flowmeters), including the incorporation of the existing leachate distribution network over a 9.5ha site. - Design, supply and installation of leachate monitoring. infrastructure and control systems including the incorporation of existing pumps and level monitoring equipment and digital flowmeters. - Design, supply and installation of leachate treatment infrastructure (capable of treating up to 120m3/day using aeration techniques) - PLC Networking and Input/Output via SCADA system for the leachate collection, distribution and treatment network to allow the control, monitoring and analysing of the leachate distribution and treatment process. - Commissioning of all leachate abstraction, transfer, storage and treatment infrastructure to achieve design effluent quality - Minor earthworks - Design and construction of concrete access roads (approximately 1500m2 including associated drainage) - Associated ancillary civil engineering works - Provision and Installation of acoustic fencing to the leachate treatment compound. - Decommissioning of existing monitoring boreholes and installation of replacements - Management of Health and Safety on site (PSCS)


Publish date

11 months ago

Close date

10 months ago

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Donegal County Council_1193

Donegal County Council_1193

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