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Purchase of PNA-X Network Analyzer





262,154.39 GBP


Purchase of PNA-X Network Analyzer Lot 1: Following the publication of a voluntary ex ante transparency notice (VEAT) 789998 on the 6th February 2025. This is a contract award notice indicating that Heriot-Watt University is now in contract with Keysight Technologies UK Limited for the purchase of the following piece of Microwave and Radio frequency equipment: 10 MHz to 50 GHz PNA-X network analyzer; 4-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, combiner, mechanical switches; noise receiver to 50 GHz; Third RF source up to 13.5 GHz; Noise figure measurements with vector correction; Modulation distortion up to 50 GHz; Vector and scalar mixer/converter measurements; Internal 6 GHz Arbitrary Waveform Generation; Device measurement eXpert-DMX; Power Sensor; USB average thermocouple,10MHz-50GHz; Power sensor cable; 5-ft (1.5m); Connector 2.4MM, (DC Block) 10MHZ-50GHZ; ECal module 50 GHz 2-port 2.4 mm; 2.4 mm adapters; IQ Data Bandwidth up to 4 GHz; Advanced vector signal analysis all-inclusive with no frequency, bandwidth limits and up to 64 channels; Digital demodulation analysis License; Economy mechanical calibration kit, 3-in-1 OSL, DC to 50 GHz, 2.4 mm Following market research carried out by the academic research team, there are no other suppliers available in the market to supply this type of equipment in the form factor required. The principal purpose of the contract is to acquire goods in connection with research undertaken by the University.


Publish date

2 months ago

Award date

a month ago

Buyer information

Heriot Watt University

Richard Kinghorn

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