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Warehousing and distribution, merchandising and creative services



150,000 GBP


Typical annual spend across all services has been £50k- £100k pa, but this level is not guaranteed. The Tender is for all areas of work. However, if you wish to tender for one service area UKAD will consider the application. Creative services: UKAD requires this support for several functions within UKAD, including the Education, Branding & Communications teams. UKAD would look to procure a minimum of 650 hours per 12-month period. From designing infographics & reports through to animations & merchandise, the requirements are varied and include: • Design of resources e.g. digital guides, eBooks, print based materials • Design & sourcing of merchandise (please see examples in the merchandise section below) • Design of social media assets such as infographics and templates • Design & production of animations • Design of brand work such as logos and guidelines (Comms and Brands like Clean Sport Week & 100%Me) • Physical assets, event stands, banners, programmes & other similar products (outreach assets) • Printing - training folders, programmes, wallet cards etc • Ability to create digital & print resources & assets that are accessible & meet minimum AA standards (this applies to all creative work) • Editorial & proof-reading Warehouse and distribution: UKAD requires a high-quality service that will enable its products & merchandise to be stored efficiently & safely. The products & merchandise will to be easily accessible for dispatch as well as having an ordering system that is quick & simple to use. Key criteria include: • Safe & secure storage of non-perishable items including clothing & merchandise • Distribution & delivery of items around the UK • Ability to receive return of goods from events (we arrange delivery to their warehouse) • Maintain accurate stock records (digital stock list so we can keep track of what they have along with any damage) • Digital or online order process • Next day delivery option • Proactive support regarding management of stock & improvement of management of life cycle • Pick & pack services Account management: • Quarterly meetings • Dedicated account management • Reports on time used, clear rollovers, account for how time is spent • Ability to work within Govt guidelines (value for money etc) Merchandise: The current merchandise requirements are as follows: • Clothing (e.g. hoodies, polo shirts, jackets etc.) • Roller banners and signage for events • Corporate merchandise e.g. diaries, mugs, pens, paper pads, cloth bags & notebooks • Education merchandise e.g. Badges, pens, water bottles, sunglasses, headbands & activity games such as wheel of fortune • Corporate conferences, events & meetings Please consider that UKAD is actively looking to reduce its plastic consumption & improve its environmental impact. Please also state the steps your organisation has taken to improve its environmental impact. Tenders need to be submitted in accordance with the uploaded ITT. Additional information: Respondents need to set out the breakdown of rates for time and products. Respondents need to also set out the breakdown for the following: • 1,000 UKAD branded pens • 10,000 UKAD branded pens • 200 items of branded hoodies and polo t-shirts • 250 branded lined notepads • 200 design and production of a report c15 pages • 500 Corporate business cards • 5 hours of design work Respondents must also address the following areas, and provide instances wherever possible: Technical Competency Evidence of competency to undertake creative services, merchandising and storage and distribution in a public sector body. This should relate to both the experience of the firm overall and key individual members of the team including: • Specialist skills especially in relation to design of creative services and animation • Where outsourcing is required e.g. merchandising, an understanding of supplier relationships and their experience, including examples of merchandising orders they have worked on for you (please include information such as volume, types of merchandise etc.) • The capacity to undertake work at short notice. There are times when UKAD will need to order merchandise in a short turnaround time or produce several documents simultaneously to tight deadlines Approach to Quality and Service Provision Brief description of your overall approach to merchandising, creative services, and warehousing including: • What is your understanding of the main issues faced by UK Anti-Doping? • What is your analysis of the major risks facing UK Anti-Doping in relation to this service? Economics A comprehensive budget for one, two or three years, showing the service activities proposed, with charge-out rates and budgeted hours, including any value added considerations. Preference will be given to tenders which show ingenuity in conducting the work. Quality assurance reviews of the work The Successful Bidder shall ensure that all work conforms to relevant legislation. Background Tenderers are required to provide information about its history; strategy; corporate structure; departments & teams and key staff leading their Tender. Relocation UKAD is relocating with part of the operation in London and the remainder in Loughborough. Any related costs associated with this should be set out in the tender. Contract terms Proposed contract terms must be submitted as part of the tender including which (if any) Crown Commercial Framework applies to the tender.


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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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UK Anti-Doping

Ruth Woods

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