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Defence Marine Services – Offshore Support to Military Training and Exercises



146,700,000 GBP


The contract will provide discrete Defence Marine Services for Offshore Support to Military Training and Exercises in UK waters and select overseas territories. The services will be provided at various locations up to and including 100 nautical miles off the UK coast. Service delivery will also take place in Gibraltar, the Mediterranean and NATO sea areas. The contract duration will be 120 months. The specification for the services will include the following: · Supporting Military Training, Exercises, Trials, and Operations · Supporting Emergencies · Providing additional Maritime Support through a single service contract. The contract will provide the safe delivery of Marine Services through the operation of specialist ocean going vessels outside of Naval Base local areas, and worldwide, to support delivery of Specialist Trials (not conducted under the auspices of the Long Term Partnering Agreement), Specialist Military Training; including support to Operational Sea Training (OST) and exercise Joint Warrior under the direction of the Joint Tactical Exercise Planning Staff (JTEPS). The contract will also provide training support to the NATO Submarine Rescue System (NSRS). Full details of the service output can be found within the Statement of Requirement (SoR). Delivery of the services includes the operation and maintenance of 1 Authority owned vessel under a Government Owned, Contractor Operated (GOCO) agreement and 1 vessel under a Contractor Owned, Contractor Operated (COCO) agreement. The Authority owned vessel will be leased to the contractor under a Bareboat Charter Agreement. Where applicable, the Authority will supply GFI for the provision of the Contract. Existing staff engaged in current service delivery will be transferred in accordance with TUPE regulations, providing continuity of supply of crews. Full TUPE data will be provided during the course of the tendering process. The Marine Services Procurement will be run under the Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations (2011) (DSPCR) using the Negotiated Procedure. Potential suppliers should register for access to the data room. Requests for access should be submitted to the Contact email: The DPQQ will be evaluated using the Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP). All queries regarding this advert must be submitted to the Email address listed above by no later than [XXXXX]. There will be no limitation on the number of operators who will be invited to negotiate or participate. Lot 1: The following are key principles, which the Authority believe the Contractor and its supply chain will need to be able to fulfil, for the Support to Military Training and Exercises Service: 1. Ability to deliver a Service delivery contract to the scale and complexity of the Support to Military Training and Exercises Contract. 2. Certification to the following standards (by service commencement date if not already held): a. [UK] MCA, or equivalent, issued Document of Compliance; b. ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety; c. ISO 14001 Environmental Management; d. ISO 9001 Quality Management; e. ISO 1799 / BS 7799 Information Security Management.   3. Ability to engage with the Authority Stakeholders and manage the contract with appropriate governance, giving full consideration to Security classifications and personnel security requirements, and providing management information in accordance with the contract. 4. Operation and maintenance of Authority owned vessels and other assets to the required standards, and production of supporting records and registers. 5. Ability to explore and identify opportunities for improvements and innovations through delivery of the output based SoR. The Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) will include Social Value questions. The Authority anticipate that the service commencement date will be in 2025. The Authority reserve the right to make necessary adjustments to the procurement documentation and procurement dates prior to the release of the ITN. Further details will be provided in the Invitation to Negotiate documentation. Information about subcontracting The tenderer is required to indicate in the tender any share of the contract it may intend to subcontract to third parties and any proposed subcontractor, as well as the subject-matter of the subcontracts for which they are proposed. The tenderer is required to indicate any change occurring at the level of subcontractors during the execution of the contract. Subcontractors will be subject to the security requirements as defined in Information about security clearance . Information about security clearance Due to the nature of the services performed and access to sensitive service delivery areas, the performance of the contract is subject to contractor personnel holding Security Check (SC) level security clearance and compliance with local security requirements specific to the location of the services. Personnel without the appropriate clearance will not be granted unescorted access to the UK Naval Bases.


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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Ministry of Defence

Lee White

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