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Delivery of National Reference Tests from 2025



The National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales


12,998,997 GBP


To provide the National Reference Tests (NRT) in England on behalf of Ofqual. The National Reference Tests provide evidence for Ofqual on changes in performance standards over time in GCSE English Language and Mathematics in England at the end of Key Stage 4. Lot 1: In June 2022, Ofqual published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) advising the market of the intent to procure a supplier of the National Reference Tests for the 2025 to 2029 test years, with an option to extend the contract up to 3 further years. A public contract regulations restricted competition procurement process was used. Possible suppliers were shortlisted at stage 1 and only those which showed relevant skills and sufficient experience were invited to tender. At the second stage, suppliers proposed their solution to the stated need and bids were evaluated against Authority requirements using the weightings and scoring guide disclosed in the invitation to tender. The contract was awarded to the supplier who submitted the solution with the highest overall score. Additional information: This procurement is exempt from VAT


Award date

9 months ago

Publish date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)

Adrian Higginbotham

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