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EST Constr - Letterkenny University Hospital, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal - LUH Flat Roofs and Balconies Upgrades - Phase II



Upgrade roof areas of the 1980s Block (6 story main block front of hospital and adjacent high level roofs). Works to include overlay the existing roof finishes with new tapered insulation and roof membrane, reforming all eaves details including removing failed eaves/parapet copings, preparing tops of walls and forming new overclad eaves/parapet wall detail. Renew RW outlets. Externally insulate the external wall areas between the lower and upper flat roof levels finishing with matching roofing sheeting. Temporary removal / relocation of all live services and relocate upon completion of works and re-commission (aerials, condenser units, AHUs, chillers and the likes). Removing all redundant services from the affected areas and make good. Remove hanging slate cladding system to Level F Plant Room and provide new proprietary cladding system. New edge protection / fall arrest system and walkways to access services. Make good all internal finishes, replacing all affected suspended ceiling tiles and decorate where affected. Miscellaneous works such as replacement of random rooflights, upstands, windows and the likes where deemed prudent and appropriate in the course of the works.


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Health Service Executive (HSE)

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