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Design, Build, Maintenance and Operation of the Supporting Systems (SuSy) including Equipment for S-Network (Future S-trains)




DSB seeks to acquire Supporting Systems for the S-network and a variety of interconnected deliverables that are needed in connection with the change from a GOA2 (semi-automatic operation) to a GoA4 (fully automatic operation) operated S-network. Some systems will replace existing systems e.g., Passenger Information System (PIS) while others will bring new functionality e.g., Obstacle Detection Systems for platforms (ODS-P). The objective of the contract is, as a “Design-Build-Maintain and IT Operate” solution, to provide an overall solution for the functionality needed and for managing the different supporting systems that will ensure e.g. obstacle detection at the platforms as well as providing the passengers with up-date and accurate traffic information and means to get in contact with TCC (Traffic Control Center). Supporting Systems comprises systems supporting the GoA4, including the main functional systems PIS and PAS, CCTV, PCP, ODS-P (detection and surveillance), PESB and SCADA/ICS. Furthermore, the scope of work includes transverse systems supporting the operability of the main functional systems such as Master Clock and data communication such as establishment of data network at stations and activation of optical fibre between stations and Technical Object Build-ings provided by DSB. As part of the scope the Supplier must also provide the needed transverse systems to secure operation of the Supporting Systems such as: • Data transmission - Secure needed data flow between TCC, BTCC and stations and to DSB data center (Data Communication) • Ensure time synchronisation of UTO Train and Wayside systems by way of a Master Clock System (MCS) • Secure a maintenance management by way of a Maintenance Management System (MMS). • Technical Object Buildings for hosting of al required servers, applications etc. Lot 454592: Design, Build, Maintenance and Operation of Supporting Systems including Equipment for S-Network DSB seeks to acquire Supporting Systems for the S-network and a variety of interconnected deliverables that are needed in connection with the change from a GOA2 (semi-automatic operation) to a GoA4 (fully automatic operation) operated S-network. Some systems will replace existing systems e.g., Passenger Information System (PIS) while others will bring new functionality e.g., Obstacle Detection Systems for platforms (ODS-P). The tender material is available through the electronic tendering system. It is noted that not all documents will be available at the time of the publication of the tender. It is indicated in the list of appendices in the Tender Conditions and in the list of appendices in the Contract, which documents will be made available later.


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a year ago

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a year ago

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Martin Groth

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