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Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) Assessment Service



This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of NHS Devon ICB's , (the Commissioner's), intention to commission a Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) Assessment Service. At this early stage, the Commissioner would like to understand the level of provider interest in delivering these services to help inform the development of their strategy for this service. The requirement is to provide a consultant-led, multidisciplinary assessment service for patients with PoTS that is robust, inclusive, safe and sustainable. The service will need to ensure timely and appropriate care in supporting patients with specialist assessment, diagnosis and self-management, with onward referral to specialist community rehabilitation services as required that are geographically appropriate to the patient and delivered by one of the existing organisations within Devon. The objectives of the service are to: • Offer a full holistic multidisciplinary assessment inclusive of physical, cognitive, and psychological reviews. • Provide a 'one stop shop' model of service which offers specialist assessment, diagnosis, and treatment with onward referral to rehabilitation services. • Recommend and refer people to services that meet the assessed needs of people. • Develop a personalised care plan with identified goals based on a shared decision-making process. • At all times to promote a culture of patient centred self-care supported by specialist expertise. The estimate budget and the likely term of contract is still under consideration by the Commissioner at this early stage. The Commissioner is looking for expressions of interest from providers who have the capability and capacity to deliver the requirement, as well as responses to some general market engagement questions. This information will be used by the Commissioner to inform their next steps. The deadline to register your interest is 12:00 Tuesday 17th December 2024. This exercise is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.


Publish date

3 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

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