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Dynamic Purchasing System for Norfolk Trails Infrastructure Maintenance



500,000 GBP


Norfolk County Council manages approximately 2,400 miles of Public Rights of Way consisting of footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic. This includes the installation, ongoing maintenance and replacement of the countryside furniture and to deliver access improvements on the countryside assets within Norfolk.The DPS seeks to source a number of external contractors that have capacity and ability to deliver any number of small-scale works projects.The DPS covers 3 Lots: Lot 1 – Surfacing and DrainageLot 2 – Countryside Construction Lot 3 – Signage and Waymarking Lot 1: Surfacing and Drainage This lot covers delivering a range of access improvements across the network, including installation of individual drainage schemes on routes that have been identified in order to better manage increasing amounts of surface water. In addition, this lot includes the installation of improved surfacing on routes. This is likely to be hard surfaces which are to deliver access improvements for all users including people with access issues, cyclists and horse riders. Each of the schemes will have specific deliverables targeted at overall access improvements. Lot 2: Countryside Construction This Lot covers smaller scale projects and will include the construction and installation of a range of countryside furniture to improve access for all users to the network. This is likely to include: gates, boardwalks, steps, bridleway steps, benches, and specific individual projects. Lot 3: Signage and Waymarking This Lot covers the installation of signage and waymarking on the network. The signage usually used across the network is timber finger posts and waymarkers and there will be specific deliverables within each signage project all of which will be detailed within each individual call for competition.


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4 years ago

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in 2 years

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Norfolk County Council


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