Software package and information systems
UKROEd is a private not-for-profit company, which conducts the management and administration of the NDORS Scheme (National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme) on behalf of the Road Safety Trust. At the core of the NDORS scheme is a bespoke integration and data hub that brings together Police Forces, training providers and members of the general public who need to access driver training. It also provides access for UKROEd administrators and contracted training assessors. The current managed services agreement for this solution expires in September 2020, and UKROEd is now considering running a procurement process to find an appropriate partner to provide the service beyond that date. DORS+ is a bespoke software development which acts as a data and integration hub between the police, training providers and the general public. It also supports the management and administration of the NDORS scheme and the accreditation and assessment of training providers. DORS+ consists of 4 web-based portals which support the following high level use cases: — police forces are able to register and administer offenders for whom behavioural change education is appropriate, — training providers are able to list course availability and manage attendance, — the general public are able to search for and arrange appropriate training in response to an offer from the police, — UKROEd and its contracted assessors are able to administer the scheme and the accreditation of training suppliers. As well as the web based portal there are APIs to allow programmatic access to key DORS+ functions. The DORS+ application is written in Angular and C# using the .Net WebAPI framework. UKROEd are looking for a partner who can provide a managed service for the DORS+ software application, ensuring that it continues to reliably support the 1 400 000 people who access its services annually. The chosen service provider will act as the prime contractor for maintenance and support as well as ongoing development and enhancement of the platform and the secure, UK domiciled, hosting of all data and technology assets. UKROEd invites you to attend a market engagement event in relation to the potential future tendering of the DORS+ application software. The market engagement event will be held in central London on Monday 24.6.2019. Exact times and venue details will be provided to those suppliers that return their completed questionnaire and information. On receipt of your expression of interest, a market engagement questionnaire/request for information will be forwarded for completion with the email acknowledgement. Your completed questionnaire, names and email address of up to two attendees, company name and company address should then be provided by Tuesday 18.6.2019 17:00 (the questionnaire deadline) via email to The location and agenda for the event will only be issued to those suppliers that provide the required information by the questionnaire deadline. Please note: Due to coordinating access/attendance arrangements, expressions of interest received after the questionnaire deadline will not be considered and access to the event will not be possible. To attend this market engagement event, the following organisational accreditations and experience are considered to be highly desirable: — ISO 9001, — ISO 27001, — Cyber Essentials Plus, — experience of complying with NCS Best Practice, — experience in managing systems in a UK Policing environment, — UK Only Data Hosting. The purpose of this event is to engage with suppliers capable and interested in being involved in the provision of a bespoke software solution for the purposes of recording and sharing data relating to road traffic offences, between Police Forces, Training Providers and Road Offenders. UKROEd aims to gain a deeper understanding of potential solutions and options available in the marketplace and also to inform any future procurement strategy. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice is not a call for competition; a Contract Notice will be issued as a call for competition. Not registering an interest shall not prevent any supplier participating in a future procurement, nor is it intended that any information supplied as part of preliminary market consultation shall place any supplier at an advantage in a potential procurement process.
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6 years ago
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