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BEH - Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism (OMMT)



Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism (OMMT) for North Central London Integrated Care System (NCL ICS).<br/>Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, on behalf of North Central London Integrated Care Board, is looking to procure a local specialist service to deliver Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism Tier 2 training to North Central London Integrated Care System (NCL ICS) health and care staff. North Central London comprises of the following London Boroughs: Barnet, Enfield, Haringey, Camden, and Islington.<br/>The service will deliver full day Oliver McGowan Tier 2 training sessions at venues across North Central London over a period of twelve months. These venues will primarily be located on NHS Trust sites. The NHS Trusts within North Central London ICS are:<br/>• Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust<br/>• Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust<br/>• Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust<br/>• Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust<br/>• North Middlesex University Hospital<br/>• Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust<br/>• Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust<br/>• The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust<br/>• University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust<br/>• Whittington Health NHS Trust.<br/><br/>The NCL ICS also comprises of over 200 GP Practices, plus social care departments within each Borough, pharmacies and health and care partners.<br/>The training service is to be delivered by a provider who will employ training teams, comprising of facilitating trainers, autistic co-trainers, and co-trainers with learning disabilities. <br/><br/>The co-trainers will be North London residents, as they will be representing autistic people and people with learning disabilities within their local community. These training teams will receive specialist training Train the Trainer (TTT) to deliver the Oliver McGowan Tier 2 training. <br/>Whilst the primary objective of this contract is to deliver training sessions on autism and learning disabilities to the local NHS workforce, a secondary aim is for this contract to present options for sustainable employment for local autistic people and people with learning disabilities through the potential to provide training on autism and learning disabilities to North Central London health and care staff ongoing. Lot 1: Open Procedure, Light Touch Regime Tender<br/><br/>The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a statutory requirement that regulated service providers must ensure their staff receive learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role. This is to ensure the health and social care workforce have the right skills and knowledge to provide safe, compassionate, and informed care to autistic people and people with a learning disability.<br/><br/>The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training (OMMT) is the government's recommended training for health and social care staff on learning disability and autism training and is recognised by national bodies advising on standards for the health and care sector. This training has been adopted by NCL ICS NHS Trusts, and rollout of the pre-requisite e-Learning of the training is underway.<br/><br/>Following a review of Tier 2 training delivery options to meet the requirements of the Act, the North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) has agreed to procure an Oliver McGowan Tier 2 training service to progress initial rollout to the NCL ICS Tier 2 health and care staff who work face to face with patients and service users. <br/><br/>Oliver McGowan Tier 2 training consists of two half-day face to face (in person) training sessions:<br/><br/>• Tier 2 session 1: learning disability is co-delivered face to face (in person) by two approved trainers - a facilitating trainer and an expert with lived experience of learning disability co-trainer. The learning disability session must always be delivered first.<br/><br/>• Tier 2 session 2: autism is co-delivered face to face (in person) by two approved trainers – a facilitating trainer and an expert with lived experience of autism co-trainer.<br/><br/>Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust are hosting the initial Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training rollout to NHS Trusts within North Central London on behalf of the North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB), utilising funding from NHS England for this purpose.<br/><br/>2. Scope <br/><br/>The contract will cover the delivery of 192 Tier 2 full day training sessions over a 48-week period, which equates to four sessions per week, following training teams’ mobilisation. <br/>Each Tier 2 full day training session will deliver to a maximum of 30 NHS delegates.<br/>Training will be provided at NHS Trust locations across Barnet, Enfield, Haringey, Camden, and Islington. <br/>As per Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training requirements, each training delivery team will comprise of a facilitating trainer, an autistic co-trainer, and a co-trainer with learning disabilities. <br/>Each training team member will be required to complete the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training “Train the Trainer (TTT)” course and be approved by the NCL ICS Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Lead Trainer before commencing training delivery. <br/>Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, on behalf of the NCL ICB, is committed to developing a partnership approach with the successful provider and providing the resources required to support the mobilisation of the Tier 2 training teams through the provision of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training “Train the Trainer (TTT)” courses to the successful provider, should the provider not yet be on the approved OMMT Training Providers List.<br/>The contract length proposed will be Twelve (12) months plus an option to extend for a further Twelve (12) month period.<br/>For clarity, the responsibility for providing the training venues, and managing the delegate bookings, sits with Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, on behalf of the NCL ICB. The venues will all have the relevant facilities needed to present the training, including internet access.<br/>The Provider will provide OMMT completion certificates, post each session, to be issued to delegates.<br/><br/>3. Aims And Objectives <br/>The aim of this contract is to provide an Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Part 2 Tier 2 training service to a cohort of NHS patient-facing staff within North Central London. This training service, in conjunction with internally provided training, will jointly contribute to meeting the Key Performance Indicator set by NHS England for NCL ICS for the financial year 2024-2025 for 30% of workforce who have completed the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training.<br/>Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Tier 2 training will be delivered, via this contract, to a cohort of 5,760 NHS staff working in North Central London.<br/>The objectives of the contract are to:<br/><br/>• Assist the NCL ICS in meeting the 2022 Health and Care Act requirement for NHS Trusts and GP Practices to ensure their staff receive learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role, through completion of the Tier Two Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training. <br/>• Upskill the NCL ICS health and care workforce to provide appropriately adjusted care for people with a learning disability and autistic people to improve access to healthcare, outcomes and reduce health inequality.<br/>• Provide a pool of local approved Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training trainers to enable sustainable training on autism and learning disabilities ongoing across the ICS.<br/>• Provide employment opportunities for North Central London autistic residents and residents with learning disabilities. <br/><br/>4. Outcomes<br/><br/>The cohort of the NHS workforce in North Central London completing the Oliver McGowan Part 2 Tier 2 training will be upskilled to provide appropriately adjusted care for people with a learning disability and autistic people to improve access to healthcare outcomes and reduce health inequality.<br/>Following training, delegates will review their workplace and processes, recommending local adjustments to better support autistic service users and service users with learning disabilities. <br/><br/>5. Service Description and Service Delivery<br/><br/>Service requirements:<br/>Delivery of 192 training Tier 2 full day in person training sessions over a period of 12 months. (The recommended breakdown will be 4 sessions a week, over 48 weeks.)<br/>The training teams must have successfully completed the official Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training “Train the Training” training and associated delivery preparatory work, including preparation of localised handouts.<br/>Delivery of training on weekdays (bank holidays excluded), between the hours of 09:00am-17:00pm.<br/>Issue the Oliver McGowan Training handouts to each delegate at each session. <br/>Deliver each full day face to face training session by a training team consisting of a person with a learning disability and an autistic person, supported by a facilitator, to an audience of a maximum of 30 delegates.<br/>Follow the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training standardised training package and delivery model.<br/>Review the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training official training material throughout the contract lifecycle. This includes, but is not limited to the following:<br/>o PowerPoint slides<br/>o Handouts<br/>o Videos.<br/>The training provider must have compliance with Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training delivery standards:<br/> The essential requirements for the face-to-face elements for Part 2 of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism, and conditions for delivery, are detailed on the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training website (link below) and must be adhered to by the training service provider.<br/>[1] Training Providers and Approved Trainers | NHS England | Workforce, training and education (<br/> The training service Provider must adhere to the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism – conditions of delivery Version 5 updated 15 February 2024, and ensure they remain compliant with any updated versions. <br/><br/> The training service Provider must adhere to the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism Delivery model V5 January 2024 (Appendix 1), and ensure they remain compliant with any updated versions.<br/><br/> Each trainer (Facilitating trainer, autistic co-trainer, and co-trainer with learning disabilities) must have successfully attended, in person, the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training “Train the Training” training.<br/><br/> Trainers are to be paid for the work they undertake at a level equal to that which others who are not autistic or do not have a learning disability would receive for similar work (job descriptions are available on the Health Education England Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training website to assist providers in recruitment, given below:<br/>[2] The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism | NHS England | Workforce, training and education ( Additional information: Open Procedure, Light Touch Regime Tender. <br/><br/>Atamis Contract Reference: C288820


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9 months ago

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8 months ago

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Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

Dominic Caddle

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