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NHS SY ICB Rotherham and Barnsley Place Teledermatology Service



NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) the Barnsley and Rotherham Teledermatology service Barnsley, reference: SYICB/ICS/TS/24/67.<br/><br/>NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board are awarding a contract to the existing provider following direct award process C of the Provider Selection Regime.<br/><br/>The Barnsley and Rotherham Teledermatology service enables the referring primary care clinician to send a referral and images (photographs) to the Teledermatology Provider and receive a timely diagnosis and management plan for patients with a skin lesion (including onward referral to secondary care skin cancer services when a cancer diagnosis dictates). The Teledermatology service will also diagnose and advise on treatment plans for other dermatological conditions.<br/><br/>The approximate lifetime value of the contract for Barnsley is £786,914 and for Rotherham is £1,904,994. The contract will be awarded for three years (1 09 2024 to 31 08 2027). <br/><br/>The contract is awarded to :<br/>Ozone Health Ltd, Pod 2 The Treetops, Hesslewood Business Park, Ferriby Road, Hessle, Hull HU13 0LH<br/><br/>Following assessment, the ICB is of the view that the existing provider is delivering the existing contract to a sufficient standard. The ICB has done this by assessing the performance of the provider against key performance indicators, the service specification and by taking into account the key criteria and local feedback.<br/><br/>Award criteria:<br/>Key Criteria 1. Quality and Innovation – weighting 20%<br/>Key Criteria 2. Value – weighting 20%<br/>Key criteria 3. Integration, collaboration and service sustainability -Weighting 20%<br/>Key criteria 4. Improving access, reducing health inequalities and facilitating choice - Weighting 20%<br/>Key criteria 5. Social value - Weighting 20%<br/><br/>This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.<br/><br/>There have been no representations during the required standstill period, therefore NHS South Yorkshire ICB are issuing this award notice. The decision was approved by NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Operational Executive. No conflicts of interest were identified. <br/>For the avoidance of doubt, the contract award process has now been completed and the contract will be awarded to Ozone Health Ltd, Pod 2 The Treetops, Hesslewood Business Park, Ferriby Road, Hessle, Hull HU13 0LH Lot 1: The procurement falls outside the scope of application of the regulations.<br/><br/>Explanation: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to the relevant authority no later than midnight on the 31st of July 2024. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR.<br/><br/>Award Criteria:<br/><br/>Key Criteria 1 Quality and Innovation<br/>Weighting 20%<br/><br/>The service will deliver high quality, consultant delivered care which is supported by a strong governance structure and appropriate routes of escalation. The service will provide South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Barnsley and Rotherham (SYICB B&R) with monthly Service Quality Performance Reports which detail activity, conditions managed, number of 2WW referrals by practice, outcomes and onward referrals, top five diagnosis by neighbourhood, patient satisfaction results, health professional satisfaction results, incidents/near misses, and complaints. <br/>The provider will ensure that all referrals are reviewed by a consultant and that both the patients GP practice and the patient are notified of the outcome and treatment plan / next steps within 48 hours of referral. <br/>The provider will undertake patient and health professional satisfaction surveys and be committed to regularly reviewing the responses received and using the responses to inform future service developments. <br/>The provider will be committed to working collaboratively with SYICB Barnsley and Rotherham and other local partners to introduce more efficient and innovative ways of working.<br/>Delivery of the above will ensure that the service is effective, safe and is providing positive patient outcomes.<br/> <br/><br/>Key Criteria 2 Value:<br/><br/>The service will reduce Secondary Care Dermatology appointments and the Dermatology waiting list significantly as it will manage a large proportion of patients within primary care. <br/>Due to the fast turnaround of the service (patient reviewed and outcome provided within 48hours), patients conditions will be manged timelier and therefore this should result in a reduction of; infections; condition progression; further GP appointments; ED presentations; patient anxiety and worry. Additionally, the reduction in infections and condition progression should lead to a reduction in prescribing costs.<br/><br/>Key Criteria 3 Integration, collaboration and service sustainability<br/><br/>Having a Teledermatology service in place is consistent with the direction of travel both locally and nationally. Teledermatology is a technology that supports the DH initiative ‘Digital First’ by reducing unnecessary face-to-face contact between patients and healthcare professionals. NHSE provides a Teledermatology Roadmap which recommends how NHS systems can accelerate the roll out of Teledermatology to support the delivery of dermatology services.<br/>Locally, the Skin Cancer pathway is a key priority for SY Cancer Alliance and represents a high volume, (usually) high performing pathway. However recent data suggests that the pressure across skin pathways is mounting, in part due to unprecedented ‘suspicious of cancer’ referral volumes, and in part due to treatment capacity constraints across acute Providers. Following the initial COVID 19 pandemic, several ‘recovery’ recommendations were shared by the National Cancer Programme team. This included a focus on Teledermatology, which was a referenced core component of the Faster Diagnosis Framework published in February 2022. In response to this, clinical leads across SY defined an Optimum Skin Cancer Pathway and Teledermatology is seen to be a key enabler of the pathway.<br/>The provider must ensure that, where appropriate, the service integrates with other parts of the local health and care system and encourages open communication.<br/>The provider should work closely alongside other services such as Secondary Care and GP practices, in a collaborative way to ensure; improved quality of patient care, referrals and patient pathways; to support the development of the future service, and to support GP education in Dermatology. <br/><br/>Key Criteria 4 Improving access, reducing health inequalities and facilitating choice<br/><br/>The service will be accessible to all and make reasonable adjustments for patients that find it challenging to access services. <br/>The service will offer access to information in different formats such as different languages and brail, and it will ensure that it is accessible to patients who cannot, or are unable to, attend their GP practice in person. <br/>The service will give consideration to groups that experience health inequalities such as those on low incomes, disabled, carers, ethnic minorities.<br/><br/>Key Criteria 5 Social Value <br/><br/>The service is a digital/virtual service and therefore it is acknowledged that some aspects of social value are difficult to evidence as the service is provided in a digital format and is not delivered from the local area. <br/>The provider will. <br/>- Ensure it is conscious of the climate change agenda and be committed to working towards Net zero emissions. <br/>- Address economic inequalities by paying staff living wages and offering flexible working for all staff.<br/>- Provide equal opportunities to all staff and tackle workplace inequalities. <br/>- Support the workforce with their health and wellbeing, including physical and mental health. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this<br/>contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations<br/>2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015<br/>do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill<br/>period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers no later than midnight on the 31st of July 2024<br/><br/>This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award<br/>under the PSR.<br/><br/>Written representations should be sent to<br/><br/>The decision was approved by NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Operational Executive. No conflicts of interest were identified. Lot 1: The procurement falls outside the scope of application of the regulations.<br/><br/>Explanation: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to the relevant authority no later than midnight on the 31st of July 2024. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR.<br/><br/>Award Criteria:<br/><br/>Key Criteria 1 Quality and Innovation<br/>Weighting 20%<br/><br/>The service will deliver high quality, consultant delivered care which is supported by a strong governance structure and appropriate routes of escalation. The service will provide South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Barnsley and Rotherham (SYICB B&R) with monthly Service Quality Performance Reports which detail activity, conditions managed, number of 2WW referrals by practice, outcomes and onward referrals, top five diagnosis by neighbourhood, patient satisfaction results, health professional satisfaction results, incidents/near misses, and complaints. <br/>The provider will ensure that all referrals are reviewed by a consultant and that both the patients GP practice and the patient are notified of the outcome and treatment plan / next steps within 48 hours of referral. <br/>The provider will undertake patient and health professional satisfaction surveys and be committed to regularly reviewing the responses received and using the responses to inform future service developments. <br/>The provider will be committed to working collaboratively with SYICB Barnsley and Rotherham and other local partners to introduce more efficient and innovative ways of working.<br/>Delivery of the above will ensure that the service is effective, safe and is providing positive patient outcomes.<br/> <br/><br/>Key Criteria 2 Value:<br/><br/>The service will reduce Secondary Care Dermatology appointments and the Dermatology waiting list significantly as it will manage a large proportion of patients within primary care. <br/>Due to the fast turnaround of the service (patient reviewed and outcome provided within 48hours), patients conditions will be manged timelier and therefore this should result in a reduction of; infections; condition progression; further GP appointments; ED presentations; patient anxiety and worry. Additionally, the reduction in infections and condition progression should lead to a reduction in prescribing costs.<br/><br/>Key Criteria 3 Integration, collaboration and service sustainability<br/><br/>Having a Teledermatology service in place is consistent with the direction of travel both locally and nationally. Teledermatology is a technology that supports the DH initiative ‘Digital First’ by reducing unnecessary face-to-face contact between patients and healthcare professionals. NHSE provides a Teledermatology Roadmap which recommends how NHS systems can accelerate the roll out of Teledermatology to support the delivery of dermatology services.<br/>Locally, the Skin Cancer pathway is a key priority for SY Cancer Alliance and represents a high volume, (usually) high performing pathway. However recent data suggests that the pressure across skin pathways is mounting, in part due to unprecedented ‘suspicious of cancer’ referral volumes, and in part due to treatment capacity constraints across acute Providers. Following the initial COVID 19 pandemic, several ‘recovery’ recommendations were shared by the National Cancer Programme team. This included a focus on Teledermatology, which was a referenced core component of the Faster Diagnosis Framework published in February 2022. In response to this, clinical leads across SY defined an Optimum Skin Cancer Pathway and Teledermatology is seen to be a key enabler of the pathway.<br/>The provider must ensure that, where appropriate, the service integrates with other parts of the local health and care system and encourages open communication.<br/>The provider should work closely alongside other services such as Secondary Care and GP practices, in a collaborative way to ensure; improved quality of patient care, referrals and patient pathways; to support the development of the future service, and to support GP education in Dermatology. <br/><br/>Key Criteria 4 Improving access, reducing health inequalities and facilitating choice<br/><br/>The service will be accessible to all and make reasonable adjustments for patients that find it challenging to access services. <br/>The service will offer access to information in different formats such as different languages and brail, and it will ensure that it is accessible to patients who cannot, or are unable to, attend their GP practice in person. <br/>The service will give consideration to groups that experience health inequalities such as those on low incomes, disabled, carers, ethnic minorities.<br/><br/>Key Criteria 5 Social Value <br/><br/>The service is a digital/virtual service and therefore it is acknowledged that some aspects of social value are difficult to evidence as the service is provided in a digital format and is not delivered from the local area. <br/>The provider will. <br/>- Ensure it is conscious of the climate change agenda and be committed to working towards Net zero emissions. <br/>- Address economic inequalities by paying staff living wages and offering flexible working for all staff.<br/>- Provide equal opportunities to all staff and tackle workplace inequalities. <br/>- Support the workforce with their health and wellbeing, including physical and mental health. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this<br/>contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations<br/>2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015<br/>do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill<br/>period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers no later than midnight on the 31st of July 2024<br/><br/>This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award<br/>under the PSR.<br/><br/>Written representations should be sent to<br/><br/>The decision was approved by NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Operational Executive. No conflicts of interest were identified.


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7 months ago

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NHS South Yorkshire ICB

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