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Strategic Waste Management



1,097,790,000 GBP


Southern Water are seeking suppliers for the provision of planned and reactive intersite liquid sludge tankering, planned and reactive intersite raw sludge cake transfer, and onsite tankering services such as wet well cleaning, tank cleaning, tank emptying, jetting, lagoon cleaning, hazardous waste disposal, chemical disposal, and emergency incident response including street works. Other services include General waste collection and disposal, planned and reactive grit and screenings collection and disposal, fly tipping & hazardous waste collection and disposal, reactive response to and management of pollution events etc. Elements of the services are required 24 hours, 7 days a week. Southern Water requires coverage across Sussex, Hampshire, Kent and the Isle of Wight. The full list of lots are as follows: Lot 1: West Region - Planned & Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Lot 2: Central Region - Planned & Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Lot 3: East Region - Planned & Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Lot 4: Secondary Tanker Suppliers Lot 5: Planned Tankering & Waste Services Lot 6: Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Lot 7: Specialist Waste Disposal (Waste Brokers or Specialist Waste Disposal Firms) Lot 8: General Waste Lot 9: Planned Intersite Cake Lot 10: Digested Cake Biosolids Offsite Lot 11: Grits/Screenings Important: It is Southern Water’s intention to award to either Lots 1-4 or Lots 5-6. Southern Water plan to evaluate the two sets of Lots (Lots 1-4 and Lot 5-6) concurrently. The results should reveal to Southern Water which options will be most effective in terms of service provision and cost. We are mindful of this managing tender workloads for all parties, so we have kept the technical tender evaluation questions and the commercial bid sheet structure very similar across Lots 1-4 and Lots 5-6. Note that the planned Services elements in Lots 1-4 have been copied into Lot 5 and the reactive Service elements copied into Lot 6. Tenderers are encouraged to submit bids for Lots 1-4 and Lots 5-6 to ensure that their bid remains under consideration. Lot 1: West Region - Planned & Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Southern Water is looking for one primary supplier to provide all tankering needs (planned and reactive tankering) for their region. They will be the priority supplier for the region and will agree to meet the tanker needs within SLA. The supplier within this lot will be supported by secondary supplier(s) in Lot 4 as needed. See detail above, it is Southern Water’s intention to award to either Lots 1-4 or Lots 5-6. The Services require the collection, transfer and dispose of liquid waste arising from water and wastewater operational processes . The Supplier will be required to collect, transport, and disposal of liquid waste from and between Southern Water sites, however, it may be necessary to collect from or dispose at third party facilities. The Supplier is responsible for the following activities on a planned and reactive (emergency) basis 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The Supplier shall provide all forms of Wastewater flow management to effectively manage flows on Southern Water’s wastewater pumping stations and/or gravity sewer network and/or pressurised rising mains during incidents in order to prevent sewage entering the environment or flooding private and/or commercial properties. Supplier provides ancillary waste services (e.g. traffic management, incident management, supervisory capabilities etc.) Regional coverage - The supplier will be primarily responsible for the Hampshire and the Isle of Wight region. Note the Southern Water operating regions are not entirely aligned to county borders with a small overlap into other counties and therefore the supplier may be required to operate in bordering counties. In addition, as needed (e.g. for large tankering events, for operational efficiency, when other Southern Water suppliers cannot provide the required capacity etc.) the supplier will be asked to operate in the other primary Southern Water regions (i.e. Sussex and Kent). Lot 2: Central Region - Planned & Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Southern Water is looking for one primary supplier to provide all tankering needs (planned and reactive tankering) for their region. They will be the priority supplier for the region and will agree to meet the tanker needs within SLA. The supplier within this lot will be supported by secondary supplier(s) in Lot 4 as needed. See detail above, it is Southern Water’s intention to award to either Lots 1-4 or Lots 5-6. The Services require the collection, transfer and dispose of liquid waste arising from water and wastewater operational processes . The Supplier will be required to collect, transport, and disposal of liquid waste from and between Southern Water sites, however, it may be necessary to collect from or dispose at third party facilities. The Supplier is responsible for the following activities on a planned and reactive (emergency) basis 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The Supplier shall provide all forms of Wastewater flow management to effectively manage flows on Southern Water’s wastewater pumping stations and/or gravity sewer network and/or pressurised rising mains during incidents in order to prevent sewage entering the environment or flooding private and/or commercial properties. Supplier provides ancillary waste services (e.g. traffic management, incident management, supervisory capabilities etc.) Regional coverage - The supplier will be primarily responsible for the Sussex region. Note the Southern Water operating regions are not entirely aligned to county borders with a small overlap into other counties and therefore the supplier may be required to operate in bordering counties. In addition, as needed (e.g. for large tankering events, for operational efficiency, when other Southern Water suppliers cannot provide the required capacity etc.) the supplier will be asked to operate in the other primary Southern Water regions (i.e. Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Kent). Lot 3: East Region - Planned & Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Southern Water is looking for one primary supplier to provide all tankering needs (planned and reactive tankering) for their region. They will be the priority supplier for the region and will agree to meet the tanker needs within SLA. The supplier within this lot will be supported by secondary supplier(s) in Lot 4 as needed. See detail above, it is Southern Water’s intention to award to either Lots 1-4 or Lots 5-6. The Services require the collection, transfer and dispose of liquid waste arising from water and wastewater operational processes . The Supplier will be required to collect, transport, and disposal of liquid waste from and between Southern Water sites, however, it may be necessary to collect from or dispose at third party facilities. The Supplier is responsible for the following activities on a planned and reactive (emergency) basis 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The Supplier shall provide all forms of Wastewater flow management to effectively manage flows on Southern Water’s wastewater pumping stations and/or gravity sewer network and/or pressurised rising mains during incidents in order to prevent sewage entering the environment or flooding private and/or commercial properties. Supplier provides ancillary waste services (e.g. traffic management, incident management, supervisory capabilities etc.) Regional coverage - The supplier will be primarily responsible for the Kent region. Note the Southern Water operating regions are not entirely aligned to county borders with a small overlap into other counties and therefore the supplier may be required to operate in bordering counties. In addition, as needed (e.g. for large tankering events, for operational efficiency, when other Southern Water suppliers cannot provide the required capacity etc.) the supplier will be asked to operate in the other primary Southern Water regions (i.e. Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Sussex). Lot 4: Secondary Tanker Suppliers​ For lot 4, Southern Water is looking for a pool of tanker suppliers to be engaged when the primary regional suppliers (lots 1-3) cannot provide required capacity or above an agreed volume threshold. See detail above, it is Southern Water’s intention to award to either Lots 1-4 or Lots 5-6. Where applicable, suppliers may be asked to provide rates for ancillary waste services also. The Services require the collection, transfer and dispose of liquid waste arising from water and wastewater operational processes . The Supplier will be required to collect, transport, and disposal of liquid waste from and between Southern Water sites, however, it may be necessary to collect from or dispose at third party facilities. The Supplier is responsible for the following activities on a planned and reactive (emergency) basis 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The Supplier shall provide all forms of Wastewater flow management to effectively manage flows on Southern Water’s wastewater pumping stations and/or gravity sewer network and/or pressurised rising mains during incidents in order to prevent sewage entering the environment or flooding private and/or commercial properties. Supplier provides ancillary waste services (e.g. traffic management, incident management, supervisory capabilities etc.) Regional coverage - The supplier will be engaged in any region across Southern Water’s network Lot 5: Planned Tankering & Waste Services Under this Lot, Southern Water is looking for suppliers to carry out all “Planned” tankering needs across the total Southern Water region. This predominately includes planned intersite sludge movements, wet well cleans, tank cleans and also other scheduled and proactive tanker needs. See detail above, it is Southern Water’s intention to award to either Lots 1-4 or Lots 5-6. The Services require the collection, transfer and dispose of liquid waste arising from water and wastewater operational processes . The Supplier will be required to collect, transport, and disposal of liquid waste from and between Southern Water sites, however, it may be necessary to collect from or dispose at third party facilities. Regional coverage - The supplier will be engaged across all Southern Water regions Lot 6: Reactive Tankering & Waste Services Under this lot Southern Water will be looking for a pool of suppliers to manage its overall reactive tankering demand. Southern Water may require reactive tankering Services on any of Southern Water’s Sites or anywhere on Southern Water’s network. The Supplier will have the capability of providing an emergency response to a request for reactive tankering Services from Southern Water (24/7/365) to mitigate potential pollution incidents on Sites. Reactive tankering events may result from burst rising mains, site spillages, pollution events etc. See detail above, it is Southern Water’s intention to award to either Lots 1-4 or Lots 5-6. The Supplier shall provide all forms of Wastewater flow management to effectively manage flows on Southern Water’s wastewater pumping stations and/or gravity sewer network and/or pressurised rising mains during incidents in order to prevent sewage entering the environment or flooding private and/or commercial properties. Supplier provides ancillary waste services (e.g. traffic management, incident management, supervisory capabilities etc.) Regional coverage - The supplier will be engaged across all Southern Water regions Lot 7: Specialist Waste Disposal (Likely Waste Brokers or Waste disposal firms) Requirement for waste brokers or specialist waste disposers to manage the disposal of “specialist wastes" arising from the water and wastewater treatment operation. Typical waste streams within the scope of this service brief include (non exhaustive list): o Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) o Petro-chemicals o Oil contaminated sewage o Spent gas canisters o Spent chemical IBCs o Asbestos waste o Fly tipped waste o Cold digested wastewater sludge o Sewage grit and screenings, and gross solids The supplier may be asked to provide transport services, however not before the disposal options have been assessed and approved by Southern Water planners The Service Provider is responsible for the following activities on a planned and reactive (emergency) basis 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Lot 8: General Waste The activity predominantly involves the collection, transportation and disposal of general waste arising from offices, sundry building work and business activities associated with the supply of water and treatment of wastewater. The Service Provider is responsible for the following activities on a planned basis. The waste may derive from offices, building or demolition work, from excavations and from maintenance of Water Industry facilities. The waste is mixed municipal waste, including paper and cardboard, glass, plastics, metals, wood and electrical and electronic equipment. The waste may contain pipes used for water supply or sewers, as well as waste from mess room facilities. The waste may also contain used protective clothing Regional coverage - The supplier will be engaged across all Southern Water regions Lot 9: Planned Intersite Cake The activity predominantly involves the collection and transportation of dewatered sludge cake from and between Southern Water sites, however, it may be necessary as part of the operation to dispose of some of the waste via third party outlets, for example landfill. The Service Provider is responsible for the following activities on a planned and reactive (emergency) basis 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. It is important to distinguish between raw sewage sludge cake being the topic of this annex, and digested sewage sludge cake. Digested sewage sludge cake is not in scope for this service brief and instead is covered in Lot 10) Lot 10: Digested Cake Biosolids Offsite Southern Water produces up to 300,000 tonnes of Conventionally Treated Biosolids per year from 16 Sludge Treatment Centres (STCs), and up to 10,000 tonnes of Water Clarification Sludges from an additional 3 Water Supply Works (WSWs). The Supplier will provide full sales, transport, and land recycling services for Biosolids and Water Clarification Sludges produced by Southern Water within operational regions on the UK mainland and the Isle of Wight. Lot 11: Grits/Screenings The activity predominantly involves the collection, transportation and disposal of grit, screenings and debris arising from wastewater treatment processes The Service Provider is responsible for the following activities on a planned and reactive (emergency) basis 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Regional coverage - The supplier will be engaged across all Southern Water regions


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10 months ago

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9 months ago

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Southern Water Services Ltd


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