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Provision of Enhanced Residential Services for (Primarily) Working Age Adults with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Needs



37,500,000 GBP


Cumberland Council is looking to procure a Framework for Provision of Enhanced Residential Services for (Primarily) Working Age Adults with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Needs. Residential care providers (current and new) are invited to submit a bid in order to be accepted on to the new Framework to deliver high quality services. Whilst it is not mandatory for providers joining the Framework to have a residential service within Cumberland, providers must have accommodation with an appropriate CQC registration. The aim of the Service is to enable people to maximise and maintain and (where possible) regain their independence. Providers will support individuals to be healthy and happy, to build and maintain relationships, to achieve goals and aspirations, to have choice and control and to participate and thrive in their local community, both inside and outside of the care home. Provision has been included to support use of the Framework by North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENCICB) during the term of the Framework. Further discussions are being held with NENCICB around scoping access. For further information refer to Schedule 2 Service Specification. The are two Lots (1 & 2). All providers who join the Framework will join under Lot 1 and will automatically be eligible for Lot 2. Providers can only join Lot 2 by being eligible and successful to join Lot 1. Lot 1 - Individual Placement - Cumberland Council will commission residential services via referral and follow the Call Off processes outlined in the Award Process Schedule 2 of the Framework Agreement. Lot 2 - Bespoke Services - Should the Council wish to procure a bespoke service it will follow the mini competition process as outlined in the Award Process Schedule 2 of the contract. For the avoidance of doubt the Council will not be obliged to commission any services under Lot 2. The framework will be 'open', which means that new providers can submit a bid to be considered via The Chest at any time over the initial two year period (and during the two extension periods if these are used). New bids will be assessed every two months after the initial round. Funding is from Cumberland Council and NHS Northeast and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENCICB). The estimated value for the initial two year term of the Framework is £19.1m (excluding VAT) funded by Cumberland Council and £5.1m (excluding VAT) funded by NENCICB. The estimated total value for both parties combined for the initial two year term is £24.2m (excluding VAT). The estimated total value of the Framework Agreement for the initial term plus the two optional extension periods (if used) of up to twelve months each is: • Cumberland Council - £39.8m (excluding VAT) • NENCICB - £11.0m (excluding VAT) • Cumberland Council & NECICB - £50.8m (excluding VAT) Details of current expenditure are indicative only. The Council does not guarantee any spend against this Framework Agreement. Additional information: The Council proposes to enter into the Framework Agreement for an initial period of TWO years with the successful Tenderers from 1st May 2025 to 30th April 2027. There are TWO optional extensions of 12 months each. These optional extensions are at the absolute discretion of the Council. If these optional extensions are used, the framework will end on 30th April 2029. The council may, at its discretion, stop accepting bids to join the framework at any time. In this case, a notice will be sent out via the Chest to inform all prospective bidders. For further details and to access the tender documents, including the service specification, use the council's online procurement portal - The Chest - Registration on The Chest is free. All bids must be received electronically via The Chest by the closing date stated in the ITT. Any clarifications you have about the tender must be sent via messaging on The Chest by the closing date stated in the ITT.


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Cumberland Council

Allison Paterson

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