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Framework for the Provision of Payroll Services



24,000,000 GBP


NHS London Procurement Partnership (hosted by Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust) is establishing a Framework Agreement for the provision of payroll services. This framework is not split in to any Lots. The objective for establishing the framework for the provision of payroll services is to deliver the following business benefits: • Provision of a legally compliant route to market for fully comprehensive payroll and pensions service which complies with guidance and directives as issued by the Department of Health and NHS Employers, in addition to legal requirements. • To provide shared services and outsourcing solutions as vehicles for achieving efficiency savings for NHS organisations and wider public sector. • The services will also include expenses administration plus related HR administration/maintenance through the ESR system reporting and submitting data for financial reconciliation and accounting. • Speed up contracting processes and enable trust staff time to be reinvested in more value adding tasks; • Improving efficiency; • To operate a strategic contract to improve trust spend and usage data; • To be more accessible to SMEs. Additional information: To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal and search the opportunity C317463. To respond to this Invitation to Tender, Bidders must register on the portal, log in, complete the tender response documents and submit them via the e-tendering portal. Please note that any communication from NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) regarding this tender will be via Atamis. Bidders must use the e-tendering messaging board for their communication with NHS LPP regarding this procurement. Should Tenderers have any queries, or having problems using the portal, they should contact the Atamis Helpdesk at: Phone: 0800 9956035 E-mail:


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NHS London Procurement Partnership

Sandra Baiden

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