Rheoli Ymwelwyr ac Ymgysylltu â Threftadaeth – “Tech4Tourism” - Visitor Management and Heritage Enga
1. CyflwyniadMae’r ddogfen hon yn amlinellu manylebau prosiect cynhwysfawr Tech4Tourism sy’n cwmpasu tair lot ar wahân ond sy’n gydberthnasol: y Dangosfwrdd Twristiaeth Lleoedd CLYFAR a’r Platfform Negeseuon Awtomatig, datblygiad pellach ap Stori Môn (mae manylion yr ap wedi’i gynnwys yn Adran 3 y Gwahoddiad i Dendro hwn), a hyrwyddo ap Stori Môn. Nod y cynlluniau hyn, a ddyluniwyd gan M-SParc, yw gwella’r gwaith o reoli ymwelwyr, lliniaru effaith llifau traffig uchel yn ystod y cyfnodau prysuraf, gwella mynediad at Goedwig Niwbwrch a Gwarchodfeydd Natur Cenedlaethol, a chysylltu ymwelwyr â threftadaeth ddiwylliannol gyfoethog Ynys Môn.1.1 CefndirYn dilyn trafodaethau gyda Chyngor Sir Ynys Môn, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a Phrifysgol Bangor ynghylch eu gofynion a’u hanghenion i sicrhau diwydiant twristiaeth mwy cynaliadwy a chysylltiedig yn y rhanbarth, bydd y prosiect hwn yn targedu anghenion penodol yn Nhraeth Niwbwrch ac ar draws Ynys Môn, gyda’r potensial i ehangu yn y dyfodol os bydd yn llwyddiannus. Mae’r prosiect Tech4Tourism wedi’i rannu’n dair lot:Lot 1: Dangosfwrdd Twristiaeth Lleoedd CLYFAR a Phlatfform Negeseuon AwtomatigLot 2: Datblygu Platfform Stori MônLot 3: Hyrwyddo Ap Stori MônMae’r prosiectau Tech4Tourism hyn gyda'i gilydd yn ceisio:Defnyddio technoleg i ddenu mwy o ymwelwyr i Ynys Môn, gan gynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr ac effaith economaidd twristiaeth, yn ogystal â lleihau’r effaith ecolegol.Gweld cynnig diwylliannol a threftadaeth arloesol a gwell sy’n seiliedig ar dechnoleg Gêm Realiti Estynedig mewn ap. Bydd y cynnwys yn cael ei ddatblygu gan y gymuned er budd yr Economi Ymwelwyr, gan ennyn balchder mewn lle.Gwella’r gwaith o reoli llif ymwelwyr a chydbwysedd llwythi gan ddefnyddio data amser real.Gwella cyfathrebu drwy rybuddion awtomatig ac integreiddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol.Hyrwyddo teithio cynaliadwy.Cysylltu ymwelwyr â threftadaeth ddiwylliannol Ynys Môn drwy brofiadau rhyngweithiol ac addysgol.1.2 Trosolwg o'r ProsiectMae’r prosiect Tech4Tourism hwn, a ariennir gan raglen SPF drwy Gyngor Ynys Môn, yn chwilio am gontractwyr cymwys ar gyfer y canlynol:Lot 1: Dangosfwrdd Twristiaeth Lleoedd CLYFAR a Phlatfform Negeseuon AwtomatigDatblygu platfform prawf o gysyniad sy’n defnyddio’r synwyryddion presennol ar Draeth Niwbwrch.M-SParc fydd yn berchen ar y platfform terfynol a gall gynnig gwasanaethau cynnal a chadw i CSYM ar gais.Lot 2: Datblygu Platfform Stori MônDatblygu ap dwyieithog Stori Môn ymhellach, sydd â phrofiadau addysgol a diddorol mewn Realiti Estynedig (AR).Mae’r ap yn galluogi defnyddwyr i archwilio dros 100 o dirnodau hanesyddol ar draws 5 tref Ynys Môn (Amlwch, Biwmares, Caergybi, Llangefni a Phorthaethwy) gan ddefnyddio technoleg realiti estynedig.Diweddaru platfform presennol Stori Môn i gynnwys tref newydd (i’w gadarnhau), gan ehangu ei gyrhaeddiad a’i gynnwys.Gweithio gyda phobl leol a gwirfoddolwyr i gasglu’r wybodaeth sydd ganddynt am y drefLot 3: Hyrwyddo Ap Stori MônDatblygu a gweithredu strategaeth farchnata gynhwysfawr i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ap Stori Môn ac annog pobl i lwytho’r ap i lawr.Trefnu digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau i ddenu pobl leol a thwristiaid i ddefnyddio’r ap? Neu i ymweld â lleoliad?Cydweithio â busnesau lleol, cymdeithasau twristiaeth a sefydliadau addysgol i hyrwyddo’r ap.Ceisio cynyddu’n sylweddol nifer y bobl sy’n llwytho’r ap i lawr, gwella ymgysylltiad defnyddwyr, a hyrwyddo treftadaeth ddiwylliannol yr ynys drwy naratifau a phrofiadau Realiti Estynedig yr ap.2. Lot 1: Dangosfwrdd Twristiaeth Lleoedd CLYFAR a Phlatfform Negeseuon Awtomatig2.1 Casglu DataDefnyddio Synwyryddion Presennol: Defnyddio data o synwyryddion sy’n cael eu defnyddio ar hyn o bryd ar Draeth Niwbwrch i amcangyfrif nifer yr ymwelwyr a dadansoddi ymddygiad (Synwyryddion Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru).2.2 DangosfwrddDelweddu Amser Real: Dangos data amser real ar nifer yr ymwelwyr, tueddiadau a mannau posibl ar gyfer tagfeydd ar Draeth Niwbwrch.Gweddau y gellir eu haddasu: Cynnig dangosfwrdd y gellir ei addasu ar gyfer aelodau tîm y cyngor a’r sefydliad cysylltiedig.2.3 Negeseuon AwtomatigSystem Rybuddio: Datblygu system rhybuddion awtomatig ar gyfer timau dynodedig, negeseuon e-bost a systemau’r cyngor yn seiliedig ar drothwyon a ddiffiniwyd ymlaen llaw yn ymwneud â niferoedd neu ymddygiad ymwelwyr.Integreiddio Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol: Defnyddio llwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol (ee Twitter, Instagram) i rannu negeseuon awtomatig yn ymwneud â chapasiti’r traeth neu wybodaeth berthnasol arall, gan hyrwyddo teithio cynaliadwy.Potensial ar gyfer Integreiddio Arwyddion Ffyrdd: Edrych ar y posibilrwydd o integreiddio ag arwyddion ffyrdd i roi diweddariadau amser real i ymwelwyr (yn amodol ar drafodaeth bellach ac astudiaethau dichonoldeb).Dangosydd dichonoldeb / dangosydd posibl System Goleuadau Traffig Deallus: Gwaith cychwynnol ar reoli system goleuadau traffig deallus, sy’n gofyn am fewnbwn cynnar gan yr Adran Priffyrdd. Os nad yw’n ymarferol, gellir cael gwared ar hyn yn gynnar.2.4 Nodweddion Ychwanegol Cynllun Peilot a ThreialEfallai y bydd rhybuddion yn cael eu hanfon i sgrin yng Nghaffi Tanio yn M-SParc at ddibenion treial.2.5 Gofynion AnswyddogaetholPerfformiad: Ymdrin â data amser real yn effeithlon gydag amseroedd ateb cyflym.Diogelwch: Rhoi mesurau diogelwch cadarn ar waith ac amgryptio data ar gyfer ei drawsyrru a’i storio.Y gallu i dyfu: Llunio platfform gyda’r potensial i ehangu i ardaloedd eraill yn y dyfodol.Cymorth: Darparu pecyn cymorth am 12 mis o ddyddiad trosglwyddo’r system.2.6 Pwyntiau IntegreiddioIntegreiddio â Systemau Presennol y Cyngor: Sicrhau cysondeb data.Archwilio Integreiddiadau Posibl yn y Dyfodol: Gyda llwyfannau allanol (ee arwyddion ffordd, arosfannau bysiau).2.7 Pentyrrau TechnegolBydd y technolegau, y fframweithiau ac ieithoedd y rhaglenni yn cael eu pennu yn ystod y cam datblygu, gan ystyried y gallu i dyfu, y gallu i gynnal a chadw, ac arferion gorau’r diwydiant.2.8 Rolau a Hawliau DefnyddwyrDiffinio rolau defnyddwyr (ee gweinyddol, aelod o dîm y cyngor, aelod cysylltiedig o’r sefydliad) gyda hawliau wedi’u diffinio’n glir a mecanweithiau dilysu/awdurdodi diogel.2.9 Profi a Sicrhau AnsawddAmlinellu dull profi cynhwysfawr gan gynnwys profi unedau, profi integreiddio, a phrofi derbynioldeb i’r defnyddiwr. Sefydlu prosesau sicrhau ansawdd i gael platfform dibynadwy sy’n rhydd o namau.2.10 DogfennauDarparu llawlyfrau cynhwysfawr i ddefnyddwyr, dogfennau API, a dogfennau pensaernïaeth system ar gyfer datblygwyr, gweinyddwyr a defnyddwyr.Shape3. Lot 2: Datblygu Platfform Stori Môn3.1 TrosolwgDatblygu platfform Stori Môn, gan ddiweddaru’r meddalwedd os oes angen, ac ychwanegu tref arall.3.2 Trosolwg o Stori MônMae Stori Môn wedi’i greu gan Animated Technologies ac mae’n cael ei gefnogi gan M-SParc. Mae Stori Môn yn ap ffôn clyfar sy’n galluogi defnyddwyr i archwilio eu hamgylchedd awyr agored er mwyn symud ymlaen. Nodweddion yr ap:Archwilio Hanes: Mae defnyddwyr yn ymweld â dros 100 o dirnodau hanesyddol a lleoliadau go iawn ar draws 5 tref Ynys Môn (Amlwch, Biwmares, Caergybi, Llangefni a Phorthaethwy) i gasglu pwyntiau o ddiddordeb.Profiad Dwyieithog: Ar gael yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg.Realiti Estynedig (AR): Mae’n cyfuno cynnwys o’r byd go iawn a chynnwys wedi’i gynhyrchu gan gyfrifiadur, gan annog defnyddwyr i archwilio a dod o hyd i fannau poblogaidd ar y map. Yn y mannau poblogaidd hyn, mae cymeriadau hanesyddol yn adrodd straeon byrion neu ffeithiau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r lleoliad.Manteision Addysgol: Annog gweithgarwch corfforol, cynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr, a rhannu treftadaeth ddiwylliannol yr ynys.Mae’r cynnwys wedi’i gasglu gan yr hanesydd lleol Gerwyn James, gyda throslais i roi ffeithiau hanesyddol i’r defnyddwyr. Mae’r fersiwn gychwynnol yn gynllun peilot gyda chynnwys cyfyngedig, a bydd datblygiad pellach yn dibynnu ar gyllid. Nid oes angen gweithio ymhellach gyda Gerwyn James, ond rhagwelir y bydd y cwmni a benodir naill ai’n gweithio gyda hanesydd neu’r gymuned leol i wneud eu hymchwil eu hunain i hanes y dref.3.3 Datblygiadau NewyddDiweddariadau Meddalwedd: Diweddaru platfform Stori Môn yn ôl yr angen.Ehangu: Ychwanegu un dref arall at yr ap, gan ymestyn ei gyrhaeddiad a’i gynnwys.Shape4. Lot 3: Hyrwyddo Ap Stori Môn4.1 TrosolwgBydd yr ymgyrch hon yn annog ymwelwyr â’r ynys i ddefnyddio ap Stori Môn.4.2 Strategaeth HyrwyddoYmgyrch Farchnata: Datblygu a gweithredu strategaeth farchnata gynhwysfawr i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r ap ac i annog pobl i lwytho’r ap i lawr.Mentrau Ymgysylltu: Trefnu digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau i ddenu pobl leol a thwristiaid a’u hannog i ddefnyddio’r ap.Cydweithio: Gweithio gyda busnesau lleol, cymdeithasau twristiaeth a sefydliadau addysgol i hyrwyddo’r ap.4.3 Canlyniadau DisgwyliedigCynyddu nifer y bobl sy’n llwytho’r ap i lawr: Ceisio cynyddu’n sylweddol nifer y bobl sy’n llwytho’r ap i lawr.Ymgysylltu â Defnyddwyr: Gwella’r ffordd mae defnyddwyr yn ymgysylltu ac yn rhyngweithio â chynnwys yr ap.Ymwybyddiaeth Ddiwylliannol: Hyrwyddo treftadaeth ddiwylliannol yr ynys drwy naratifau a phrofiadau realiti estynedig yr ap.ShapeYmateb i’r tendr hwn:Dyddiadau Pwysig:Daw’r tendr i ben ar 16 AwstDyfernir y tendr ar 23 AwstProfi’r cynllun peilot ar gyfer Lot 1: Hydref 2024Cwblhau’r llwyfan a’r cynllun peilot ar gyfer Lot 1: Rhagfyr 2024Cwblhau diweddariadau Ap ar gyfer Lot 2: Hydref 2024Lansio ymgyrch ar gyfer Lot 3: Ionawr 2025Gwerthuso ac adrodd ar Lot 3: Mehefin 2025Anfonwch unrhyw gwestiynau at Tom Burke tom@m-sparc.com erbyn 14 Awst 2024.Anfonwch eich tendr fel dogfen PDF dros e-bost at tom@m-sparc.com erbyn 15 Awst 2024.Sylwch fod y prosiect hwn yn cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth y DU, ac mae’n rhan o’r Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin, sy’n cael ei dosbarthu gan Gyngor Ynys Môn. Mae’r cyllidwr yn gofyn i’r gwaith (lot 3) gael ei gwblhau erbyn mis Mawrth 2024 fan bellaf, gan ddosbarthu’r arian a chwblhau tystiolaeth o Lot 1 a Lot 2 erbyn mis Rhagfyr 2024. Cynghorir cwmnïau nad ydynt yn gallu bodloni’r terfynau amser hyn i beidio â thendro.Ystyriaethau Dethol: Bydd tendrau’n cael eu dewis ar sail cost, profiad a dichonoldeb. Bydd y sgoriau manwl fel a ganlyn:Cost: 40%Profiad: 30%Dichonoldeb: 30%Sylwch: Mae’r ddogfen hon yn gweithredu fel manyleb ragarweiniol ac mae’n bosibl y bydd yn newid yn seiliedig ar adborth gan CSYM a phartneriaid.______________________________________________________________________________________________1. IntroductionThis document outlines the specifications for a comprehensive Tech4Tourism project encompassing three distinct but interrelated lots: the SMART Places Tourism Dashboard and Automated Messaging Platform, the further development of the Stori Môn app (details of the app enclosed within this ITT Section 3), and the promotion of the Stori Môn app. These initiatives, designed by M-SParc, aim to enhance visitor management, mitigate the impact of high traffic volumes during peak times, improve access to Newborough Forest and NNR, and engage visitors with the rich cultural heritage of Anglesey.1.1 BackgroundFollowing discussions with Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn (CSYM), Natural Resources Wales (NRW), and Bangor University (BU), about their requirements and needs for a more sustainable and connected tourism industry in the region, this project will target specific needs in Newborough Beach and across Anglesey with the potential for future expansion if successful. The Tech4Tourism project is divided into three lots:Lot 1: SMART Places Tourism Dashboard and Automated Messaging PlatformLot 2: Development of the Stori Môn PlatformLot 3: Promotion of the Stori Môn AppThese Tech4Tourism projects collectively aim to:Utilise technology to achieve a greater number of visitors to Anglesey, increasing footfall and the economic impact of tourism, while decreasing the ecological impact.See an innovative & enhanced cultural and heritage offer based on Gamified Augmented Reality technology, in the form of an App. The content will be developed by the community, for the benefit of the Visitor Economy, instilling pride-in-place.Improve visitor flow management and load balance using real-time data.Enhance communication through automated alerts and social media integration.Promote sustainable travel.Engage visitors with Anglesey's cultural heritage through interactive and educational experiences.1.2 Project OverviewThis Tech4Tourism project, funded by the SPF programme through Anglesey Council, seeks qualified contractors for the following:Lot 1: SMART Places Tourism Dashboard and Automated Messaging PlatformDevelop a proof-of-concept platform utilising existing sensors at Newborough Beach.M-SParc will own the final platform and may offer maintenance services to CSYM upon request.Lot 2: Development of the Stori Môn PlatformFurther development of the Stori Môn bilingual app, which has educational and engaging experiences in Augmented Reality (AR)The app allows users to explore over 100 historical landmarks across 5 Anglesey towns (Amlwch, Beaumaris, Holyhead, Llangefni, and Menai Bridge) using augmented reality (AR) technology.Update the existing Stori Môn platform to include a new town(town TBC), expanding its reach and content.Work with local people and volunteers to share their knowledge of the townLot 3: Promotion of the Stori Môn AppDevelop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy to raise awareness and drive downloads of the Stori Môn app.Organise events and activities to engage both locals and tourists with the app? Or with the location?.Collaborate with local businesses, tourist associations, and educational institutions to promote the app.Aim to significantly increase the number of app downloads, enhance user engagement, and promote the island’s cultural heritage through the app’s narratives and AR experiences.2. Lot 1: SMART Places Tourism Dashboard and Automated Messaging Platform2.1 Data CollectionLeverage Existing Sensors: Utilise data from currently deployed sensors at Newborough Beach for visitor number estimation and behaviour analysis (NRW Sensors).2.2 DashboardReal-time Visualisation: Display real-time data on visitor numbers, trends, and potential congestion points at Newborough Beach.Customisable Views: Offer a customisable dashboard for council and associated organisation team members.2.3 Automated MessagingAlert System: Develop a system for automated alerts to designated teams, email, and council systems based on predefined thresholds related to visitor numbers or behaviour.Social Media Integration: Integrate with social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Instagram) for automated messaging regarding beach capacity or other relevant information, promoting sustainable travel.Potential for Road Sign Integration: Explore the possibility of integrating with road signs for real-time visitor updates (subject to further discussion and feasibility studies).Feasibility/Possible Demonstrator of Intelligent Traffic Lights System: Initial work into intelligent traffic light system management, requiring early input from the Highways Department. If not feasible, this can be scoped out early on.2.4 Additional Features for Pilot and TrialAlerts might be sent for the trial purpose, to a screen in Caffi Tanio in M-SParc.2.5 Non-Functional RequirementsPerformance: Efficiently handle real-time data with fast response times.Security: Implement robust security measures with data encryption for transmission and storage.Scalability: Design a platform with the potential for future expansion to other areas.Support: Provide a support package for 12 months from date of handover for the system.2.6 Integration PointsIntegrate with Existing Council Systems: Ensure data consistency.Explore Potential Future Integrations: With external platforms (e.g., road signs, bus stops).2.7 Technical StackThe specific technologies, frameworks, and programming languages will be determined during the development phase, considering scalability, maintainability, and industry best practices.2.8 User Roles and PermissionsDefine user roles (e.g., admin, council team member, associated organisation member) with clearly defined permissions and secure authentication/authorisation mechanisms.2.9 Testing and Quality AssuranceOutline a comprehensive testing approach including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. Establish quality assurance processes to ensure a reliable and bug-free platform.2.10 DocumentationProvide comprehensive user manuals, API documentation, and system architecture documentation for developers, administrators, and end-users.Shape3. Lot 2: Development of the Stori Môn Platform3.1 OverviewDevelopment of the Stori Môn platform, updating the software if required, and adding one extra town.3.2 Stori Môn OverviewCreated by Animated Technologies and supported by M-SParc, Stori Môn is a smartphone app that allows users to explore their outdoor surroundings in order to progress. The app features:Historical Exploration: Users visit over 100 historical landmarks and real-world locations across 5 Anglesey towns (Amlwch, Beaumaris, Holyhead, Llangefni, and Menai Bridge) to collect points of interest.Bilingual Experience: Available in both Welsh and English.Augmented Reality (AR): Combines real-world and computer-generated content, encouraging users to explore and find hotspots on the map. Narrated by historical characters, these hotspots provide short stories or facts linked to the location.Educational Benefits: Encourages physical activity, increases visitor footfall, and shares the island’s cultural heritage.Content has been curated by local historian Gerwyn James, with voiceovers to immerse users in historical facts. The initial version is a pilot with limited content, and further development will depend on funding. There is no requirement to work further with Gerwyn James, however it is anticipated the appointed company will either work with a historian or the local community to do their own research into the history of the town.3.3 New DevelopmentsSoftware Update: Update the Stori Môn platform as required.Expansion: Add one additional town to the app, extending its reach and content.Shape4. Lot 3: Promotion of the Stori Môn App4.1 OverviewThis campaign will promote the adoption of the Stori Môn app by visitors on the island.4.2 Promotion StrategyMarketing Campaign: Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy to raise awareness and drive downloads of the app.Engagement Initiatives: Organise events and activities to engage both locals and tourists, encouraging the use of the app.Collaboration: Work with local businesses, tourist associations, and educational institutions to promote the app.4.3 Expected OutcomesIncreased Downloads: Aim to significantly increase the number of app downloads.User Engagement: Enhance user engagement and interaction with the app’s content.Cultural Awareness: Promote the island’s cultural heritage through the app’s narratives and AR experiences.ShapeResponding to this Tender:Key Dates:Tender closes August 16thTender Awarded August 23rdTesting of the pilot for Lot 1: October 2024Completion of the platform and pilot for Lot 1: December 2024Completion of App updates for Lot 2: October 2024Campaign launch for Lot 3: January 2025Evaluation and reporting for Lot 3: June 2025Submit any questions to Tom Burke tom@m-sparc.com by August 14th 2024Return your tender via email to tom@m-sparc.com as a PDF document by the 15th of August 2024.Please note that this project is funded by UK Government, and is part of the Shared Prosperity Fund, distributed by Anglesey Council. It is a funder requirement that work be completed (bar lot 3) by March 2024 at the very latest, with funds disstrubuted and evidence of Lot 1 and Lot 2 completed by December 2024. Companies that cannot meet these deadlines are advised not to tender.Selection Criteria: Tenders will be selected based on cost, experience, and feasibility. Detailed scoring will be as follows:Cost: 40%Experience: 30%Feasibility: 30%Note: This document serves as a preliminary specification and may be subject to change based on CSYM and partner feedback.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=143435. This notice has been sent as a region specific notice. If you did not receive an alert about this you are not based in the specific region selected by the buying authority. Questions on why this was sent as a region specific notice should be sent to the buying authority.(WA Ref:143435)The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.
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Menai Science Park ltd
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- Email:
- tom@m-sparc.com
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