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Provision of Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery Dental Services in Coventry and Warwickshire



NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AGEM CSU) on behalf of NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) (referred to as the Commissioner) wish to inform the market of an opportunity to provide Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) including treatment under Conscious Sedation across the Coventry and Warwickshire ICB area for the following lots;<br/><br/>Lot 1: Coventry<br/>Lot 2: Nuneaton or Bedworth<br/>Lot 3: Rugby<br/>Lot 4: Warwick or Leamington Spa with a spoke site in Stratford -upon-Avon<br/><br/>The specialty of Oral Surgery (OS) deals with the diagnosis and management of pathology of the mouth and jaws that requires surgical intervention. Oral Surgery involves the treatment of children, (as set out in the IMOS specification found in document 3 (published with the competitive process documentation) in respect of procedures 3 and 4 only), adolescents and adults, and the management of dentally anxious and/or medically complex patients.<br/><br/>Oral Surgery care is provided by Oral Surgeons and by Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons as the clinical competencies of these two specialties overlap. <br/><br/>Lot 1 to Lot 4, contract duration is for 7 years (total value £10,126,171) with the option to extend for a further 3 years (total contract duration 10 years, total value £14,465,960). A separate Personal Dental Services Agreement will be established with the preferred provider for each Lot. Following a mobilisation period, the contract is expected to start on 1st December 2025 and run until 30th November 2032 with an option for the commissioner to extend for a period or periods of up to 3 years until 30th November 2035.<br/><br/>This Competitive process will be split into two stages.<br/><br/>The first stage will be based on the Basic Selection Criteria and only providers who pass stage one (1) will be invited to take part in stage two (2) which will be based on Key Criteria in accordance with the Provider Selection Regime as listed below:<br/><br/>1.Quality and Innovation<br/>2.Value<br/>3.Integration, Collaboration and Service Sustainability<br/>4.Improving access, Reducing Health Inequalities, and Facilitating Choice<br/>5.Social Value<br/><br/>The proposed indicative timeline for the procurement is as follows (please note this is subject to change at the Commissioners discretion):<br/><br/>Stage One Basic Selection Criteria Period: 25th November - 13th December 2024<br/>Stage Two Key Selection Criteria Period: 3rd February - 21st February 2025<br/>Contract Award: 19th May - 30th May 2025<br/>Mobilisation: 1st June - 30th November 2025<br/><br/>The deadline for Submission of Stage 1 Basic Selection Criteria of this Competitive Process is 12:00pm (Mid-day) on Friday 13th December 2024. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Coventry Lot 1 - Coventry<br/><br/>The estimated annual agreement value will be the price per Unit of Dental Activity <br/>(UDA) multiplied by the number of UDAs being commissioned as stated in Document 1 (This can be found in the document section within the project on Atamis).<br/><br/>The following non-negotiable UDA rates have been set for this service.<br/><br/>• Assessment only and referral back to the GDP or onward to Acute setting (1 UDA per referral @ £51.91)<br/>• Extraction with Local Anaesthetic, inclusive of assessment (3 UDAs at a price of £155.73 for each course of treatment of Minor Oral Surgery from first appointment to discharge)<br/>• Extraction with Conscious Sedation (£173.08 per patient plus 3 UDAs for the Extraction).<br/><br/>The Preferred Provider for each lot is to deliver the UDAs as detailed in table 1.7.1 within Document 1 (10,500 Units of Dental Activity) from December 2025 and every year thereafter for the remaining contract term.<br/><br/>For avoidance of doubt the price per 1 UDA is £51.91, 3 UDAs is £155.73 and Extraction with Conscious Sedation is £173.08 plus 3 UDAs for the extraction. These prices are fixed for the duration of the contract, unless adjusted by Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body (DDRB) uplift in subsequent years. All quoted prices will be increased in line with the annual DDRB uplift, up to and beyond the service commencement date.<br/><br/>The Commissioner is not providing premises nor proposing specific premises where the services are to be delivered from; however, all proposed premises must be located within 1 of the 13 postcode areas listed below;<br/><br/>• CV4 8<br/>• CV5 6<br/>• CV1 4<br/>• CV1 2<br/>• CV1 1<br/>• CV1 5<br/>• CV2 4<br/>• CV6 5<br/>• CV6 7<br/>• CV6 6<br/>• CV6 3<br/>• CV6 1<br/>• CV1 3. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime(PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the HealthCare Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.<br/><br/>The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system for this procurement exercise.<br/>Further information and the Competitive Process documentation can be found via the' Live Opportunities' list on the e-tendering system at the following link:<br/><br/><br/><br/>You can also register your interest via this page. You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract reference: C286822: COMPETITIVE PROCESS: IMOS in Coventry and Warwickshire (4 Lots).<br/><br/>Neither the publication of this notice nor the employment of any particular terminology nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Contracting Authority intends to hold itself bound by any of the Regulations.<br/><br/>Please see published Competitive Process procurement documentation for further details. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Nuneaton or Bedworth Lot 2 - Nuneaton or Bedworth<br/><br/>The estimated annual agreement value will be the price per Unit of Dental Activity<br/>(UDA) multiplied by the number of UDAs being commissioned as stated in Document 1 (This can be found in the document section within the project on Atamis).<br/><br/>The following non-negotiable UDA rates have been set for this service.<br/><br/>• Assessment only and referral back to the GDP or onward to Acute setting (1 UDA per referral @ £51.91)<br/>• Extraction with Local Anaesthetic, inclusive of assessment (3 UDAs at a price of £155.73 for each course of treatment of Minor Oral Surgery from first appointment to discharge)<br/>• Extraction with Conscious Sedation (£173.08 per patient plus 3 UDAs for the Extraction).<br/><br/>The Preferred Provider for each lot is to deliver the UDAs as detailed in table 1.7.1 within Document 1 (5250 Units of Dental Activity) from December 2025 and every year thereafter for the remaining contract term.<br/><br/>For avoidance of doubt the price per 1 UDA is £51.91, 3 UDAs is £155.73 and Extraction with Conscious Sedation is £173.08 plus 3 UDAs for the extraction. These prices are fixed for the duration of the contract, unless adjusted by Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body (DDRB) uplift in subsequent years. All quoted prices will be increased in line with the annual DDRB uplift, up to and beyond the service commencement date.<br/><br/>The Commissioner is not providing premises nor proposing specific premises where the services are to be delivered from; however, all proposed premises must be located within 1 of the 4 postcode areas listed below;<br/><br/>• CV11 5<br/>• CV11 4<br/>• CV12 9<br/>• CV12 8. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime(PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the HealthCare Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.<br/><br/>The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system for this procurement exercise.<br/>Further information and the Competitive Process documentation can be found via the' Live Opportunities' list on the e-tendering system at the following link:<br/><br/><br/><br/>You can also register your interest via this page. You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract reference: C286822: COMPETITIVE PROCESS: IMOS in Coventry and Warwickshire (4 Lots).<br/><br/>Neither the publication of this notice nor the employment of any particular terminology nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Contracting Authority intends to hold itself bound by any of the Regulations.<br/><br/>Please see published Competitive Process procurement documentation for further details. Lot 3: Lot 3 - Rugby Lot 3 - Rugby <br/><br/>The estimated annual agreement value will be the price per Unit of Dental Activity<br/>(UDA) multiplied by the number of UDAs being commissioned as stated in Document 1 (This can be found in the document section within the project on Atamis).<br/><br/>The following non-negotiable UDA rates have been set for this service.<br/><br/>• Assessment only and referral back to the GDP or onward to Acute setting (1 UDA per referral @ £51.91)<br/>• Extraction with Local Anaesthetic, inclusive of assessment (3 UDAs at a price of £155.73 for each course of treatment of Minor Oral Surgery from first appointment to discharge)<br/>• Extraction with Conscious Sedation (£173.08 per patient plus 3 UDAs for the Extraction).<br/><br/>The Preferred Provider for each lot is to deliver the UDAs as detailed in table 1.7.1 within Document 1 (4200 Units of Dental Activity) from December 2025 and every year thereafter for the remaining contract term.<br/><br/>For avoidance of doubt the price per 1 UDA is £51.91, 3 UDAs is £155.73 and Extraction with Conscious Sedation is £173.08 plus 3 UDAs for the extraction. These prices are fixed for the duration of the contract, unless adjusted by Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body (DDRB) uplift in subsequent years. All quoted prices will be increased in line with the annual DDRB uplift, up to and beyond the service commencement date.<br/><br/>The Commissioner is not providing premises nor proposing specific premises where the services are to be delivered from; however, all proposed premises must be located within 1 of the 4 postcode areas listed below;<br/><br/>• CV21 2<br/>• CV21 3<br/>• CV22 6<br/>• CV22 7. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime(PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the HealthCare Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.<br/><br/>The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system for this procurement exercise.<br/>Further information and the Competitive Process documentation can be found via the' Live Opportunities' list on the e-tendering system at the following link:<br/><br/><br/><br/>You can also register your interest via this page. You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract reference: C286822: COMPETITIVE PROCESS: IMOS in Coventry and Warwickshire (4 Lots).<br/><br/>Neither the publication of this notice nor the employment of any particular terminology nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Contracting Authority intends to hold itself bound by any of the Regulations.<br/><br/>Please see published Competitive Process procurement documentation for further details. Lot 4: Lot 4 - Warwick or Leamington Spa with a spoke site in Stratford- upon -Avon Lot 4 - Warwick or Leamington Spa with a spoke site in Stratford- upon -Avon<br/><br/>The estimated annual agreement value will be the price per Unit of Dental Activity<br/>(UDA) multiplied by the number of UDAs being commissioned as stated in Document 1. (This can be found in the document section within the project on Atamis)<br/><br/>The following non-negotiable UDA rates have been set for this service.<br/><br/>• Assessment only and referral back to the GDP or onward to Acute setting (1 UDA per referral @ £51.91)<br/>• Extraction with Local Anaesthetic, inclusive of assessment (3 UDAs at a price of £155.73 for each course of treatment of Minor Oral Surgery from first appointment to discharge)<br/>• Extraction with Conscious Sedation (£173.08 per patient plus 3 UDAs for the Extraction).<br/><br/>The Preferred Provider for each lot is to deliver the UDAs as detailed in table 1.7.1 within Document 1 (5250 Units of Dental Activity) from December 2025 and every year thereafter for the remaining contract term.<br/><br/>For avoidance of doubt the price per 1 UDA is £51.91, 3 UDAs is £155.73 and Extraction with Conscious Sedation is £173.08 plus 3 UDAs for the extraction. These prices are fixed for the duration of the contract, unless adjusted by Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body (DDRB) uplift in subsequent years. All quoted prices will be increased in line with the annual DDRB uplift, up to and beyond the service commencement date.<br/><br/>For Lot 4 the “Hub and spoke” service in Warwick or Leamington Spa will also allow IMOS services to be provided to patients within the locality of Stratford-upon-Avon. The “Hub” being located in Warwick or Leamington Spa identified postcodes and the “spoke” being located in Stratford-upon-Avon identified post codes. Conscious sedation for this lot would only be delivered from the Hub site in Warwick or Leamington Spa.<br/><br/>The Commissioner is not providing premises nor proposing specific premises where the services are to be delivered from; however, all proposed premises for the hub must be located within 1 of the 3 postcode areas listed below;<br/><br/>• CV34 4<br/>• CV32 5<br/>• CV32 4<br/><br/>All proposed premises for the spoke site must be located within the postcode area listed below;<br/><br/>• CV37 6. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime(PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the HealthCare Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.<br/><br/>The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system for this procurement exercise.<br/>Further information and the Competitive Process documentation can be found via the' Live Opportunities' list on the e-tendering system at the following link:<br/><br/><br/><br/>You can also register your interest via this page. You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract reference: C286822: COMPETITIVE PROCESS: IMOS in Coventry and Warwickshire (4 Lots).<br/><br/>Neither the publication of this notice nor the employment of any particular terminology nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Contracting Authority intends to hold itself bound by any of the Regulations.<br/><br/>Please see published Competitive Process procurement documentation for further details.


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4 months ago

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3 months ago

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NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board

Claire Pickard

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