Wider Ecosystem
Delivering Northumbrian Water Limited's (NWL) AMP8 programme, and beyond, will require a step change in how we collaborate, manage risk and co-ordinate our capital investment. We have developed a clear vision and process for how we want to deliver our plan and our ambitious transformation programme to implement this roadmap has already commenced with the award of framework agreements for professional services contracts. These lay the foundations for our new supply chain landscape or 'Living Water Ecosystem'. This award notice is in relation to the Wider Ecosystem. A separate notice for the Living Water Enterprise lots (FA08-01) was published on completion of that procurement process. Short Cycle Work: NWL's Integrated Delivery Services (IDS) team delivers lean and agile short cycle capital investment works on our water and wastewater assets, as well as delivering infrastructure services for our developer customers. The IDS team will be supported by the appointed Wider Ecosystem partners. The Wider Ecosystem will also provide additional resource and support to the Living Water Enterprise partners when delivering long cycle work. NWL have appointed a number of suppliers to the following lots: Wider Ecosystem Lots FA08-02 - Lot A - Infrastructure Civil Engineering (North East) o Sub lot 1 - £0-£2.5m o Sub lot 2 - £0-£5m - Lot B - Treatment and Civils (North East) o Sub lot 1 - £0-£2.5m o Sub lot 2 - £0-£5m - Lot C - Treatment and Civils (Essex & Suffolk) o Sub lot 1 - £0-£2.5m o Sub lot 2 - £0-£5m - Lot D - Demolition and Associated Services (North East) - Lot E - Demolition and Associated Services (Essex & Suffolk) - Lot F - Multi-Disciplinary Civil Engineering - Non-Water Experience (North East) - Lot G - Multi-Disciplinary Civil Engineering - Non-Water Experience (Essex & Suffolk) - Lot H - Civil and Environmental Engineering (North East and Essex & Suffolk) Lot FA08-02A1: Infrastructure Civil Engineering (North East) - £0-£2.5m Wider Ecosystem Lot A 1 - Infrastructure Civil Engineering (North East) - £0-£2.5m The Client has appointed several infrastructure civil construction Contractors in the Northumbrian Operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Services (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The Contractors will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The Scope of work includes construction and commissioning of new water and wastewater infrastructure assets, asset renewals, asset modifications and refurbishments. The Scope involves programmes of work by asset, work type, geography and / or by specialism. These programmes will be for predominantly infrastructure works with some treatment works; and can be district to regional wide; multiple small to medium scale, civil interventions; small groups of medium sized and / or medium complex projects. Throughout the duration of the Framework Agreement there will be small, medium or emerging issues of a more business critical nature which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our integrated delivery services. To aid this, the works for this Framework are intended to be split into two Sub-lots; from £0m to £2.5m (Sub-lot 1) & £0m to £5.0m (Sub-lot 2) as indicated below. Sub-lot 1: £0m to £2.5m: The Scope could include but is not limited to: • Storm Overflow spill reductions to comply with new legislative requirements as translated into the government's storm overflow discharge reduction plan and Environment Agency Water industry national environment programme (WINEP) guidance. Our PR24 plan is to improve priority overflows to meet 'harm' and public health targets. The scope will include but not limited to the installation of singular & multiple solutions: • Surface water separation; • upsizing of combined sewers; • Trenchless pipework installation; • off-line and on-line underground tank solutions; • installation of nature-based solutions; • Installation of screening controls; • Construction and reconstruction of screened storm overflows and associated hydraulic control; • Decommissioning and abandonment of the existing network assets; • Independent from Storm overflows, the scope includes named flood alleviation and pollution remediation projects. • sewer rehabilitation programme, in the context of trenchless technology. CCTV investigations, cleansing, root-cutting, repairing, replacing or upgrading existing sewer pipes such as pipe bursting, pipe relining and patching/sealing technologies. Scope specifically for sewer Grade 4 & 5 sewer rehabilitation repairs. • programme of inspection of our sea outfall structures and minor repairs. Major repairs identified will be delivered in the scope through named projects. • minor works and full refurbishment projects at our network water/sewage pumping stations. Scope will include a programme of work on network sewage pumping station rising mains for maintenance, repair and replacements. Scope to include Operational Technology programme for replacement of obsolete telemetry outstations and associated equipment. • New Development (ND) and New Road and Street Works Act (1991) requests for enabling projects on our sewer assets. Projects identified will require installation of assets for diversions or protection. Lot FA08-02A2: Infrastructure Civil Engineering (North East) - £0-£5m Wider Ecosystem Lot A2 - Infrastructure Civil Engineering (North East) - £0-£5m The Client has appointed several infrastructure civil construction Contractors in the Northumbrian Operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Services (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The Contractors will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The Scope of work includes construction and commissioning of new water and wastewater infrastructure assets, asset renewals, asset modifications and refurbishments. The Scope will involve programmes of work by asset, work type, geography and / or by specialism. These programmes will be for predominantly infrastructure works with some treatment works; and can be district to regional wide; multiple small to medium scale, civil interventions; small groups of medium sized and / or medium complex projects. Throughout the duration of the Framework Agreement there will be small, medium or emerging issues of a more business critical nature which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our integrated delivery services. To aid this, the works for this Framework are intended to be split into two Sub-lots; from £0m to £2.5m (Sub-lot 1) & £0m to £5.0m (Sub-lot 2) as indicated below. Whilst it is envisaged that the bulk of works will be civils based there is an expectation and requirement from the Client that the Contractors have experience with telemetry and MEICA (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation). The Scope could include but is not limited to: • Storm Overflow spill reductions to comply with new legislative requirements as translated into the government's storm overflow discharge reduction plan and Environment Agency Water industry national environment programme (WINEP) guidance. Our PR24 plan is to improve priority overflows to meet 'harm' and public health targets. The scope will include but not limited to the installation of singular & multiple solutions: • Surface water separation; • upsizing of combined sewers; • Trenchless pipework installation; • off-line and on-line underground tank solutions; • installation of nature-based solutions; • Installation of screening controls; • Construction and reconstruction of screened storm overflows and associated hydraulic control; • Decommissioning and abandonment of the existing network assets; • Independent from Storm overflows, the scope includes named flood alleviation and pollution remediation projects. • sewer rehabilitation programme, in the context of trenchless technology. CCTV investigations, cleansing, root-cutting, repairing, replacing or upgrading existing sewer pipes such as pipe bursting, pipe relining and patching/sealing technologies. Scope specifically for sewer Grade 4 & 5 sewer rehabilitation repairs. • Property Level Flood Protection (PLFP) measures on domestic and commercial properties. This covers a range of interventions from installation of Non return valves (NRV), flood doors and self-closing air brick covers to landscape re-profiling. All works involve a high level of customer engagement. The scope includes delivery of all aspects of PLFP. • programme of inspection of our sea outfall structures and minor repairs. Major repairs identified will be delivered in the scope through named projects. • minor works and full refurbishment projects at our network water/sewage pumping stations. Scope will include a programme of work on network sewage pumping station rising mains for maintenance, repair and replacements. Scope to include Operational Technology programme for replacement of obsolete telemetry outstations and associated equipment. • New Development (ND) and New Road and Street Works Act (1991) requests for enabling projects on our sewer assets. Projects identified will require installation of assets for diversions or protection. Lot FA08-02B1: Treatment and Civils (North East) - £0-£2.5m Wider Ecosystem Lot B1 - Treatment and Civils (North East) - £0-£2.5m The Client has appointed several treatment civil construction Contractors in the Northumbrian operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Service (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The Contractors will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The scope will involve programmes of work by asset, work type, geography and / or by specialism. These programmes will be for predominantly treatment works with some infrastructure works; and can be district to regional wide; multiple small to medium scale, civil interventions; small groups of medium sized and / or medium complex projects. Throughout the duration of the Framework Agreement there will be small, medium or emerging issues of a more business critical nature which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our integrated delivery services. To aid this, the works for this Framework are intended to be split into two Sub-lots; from £0m to £2.5m (Sub-lot 1) & £0m to £5.0m (Sub-lot 2) as indicated below. Sub-lot 1: General Civils £0m to £2.5m The Scope may include but is not limited to: • General civils, including; • Hard standings • Reinforced concrete structures • Duct work, draw pits • Retaining structures • Hard and soft landscaping • Embankments works and Bunds • Road refurbishments (Not new) Lot FA08-02B2: Treatment and Civils (North East) - £0-£5m Wider Ecosystem Lot B2 - Treatment and Civils (North East) - £0-£5m The Client has appointed several treatment civil construction Contractors in the Northumbrian operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Service (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The Contractors will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The scope involves programmes of work by asset, work type, geography and / or by specialism. These programmes will be for predominantly treatment works with some infrastructure works; and can be district to regional wide; multiple small to medium scale, civil interventions; small groups of medium sized and / or medium complex projects. Throughout the duration of the Framework Agreement there will be small, medium or emerging issues of a more business critical nature which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our integrated delivery services. To aid this, the works for this Framework are intended to be split into two Sub-lots; from £0m to £2.5m (Sub-lot 1) & £0m to £5.0m (Sub-lot 2) as indicated below. Sub-lot 2: Minor Treatment and Civils £0m to £5.0m The Scope may include but is not limited to; • Part Water and Wastewater Treatment Works and associated pipework; • Borehole development; • Water and wastewater network pumping stations and associated pipework; • Strategic meters and network monitors and associated pipework; • Raw water pumping stations, treated water pumping stations and associated • pipework; • Chemical, instrumentation and control systems; • Security systems requirements; • Other Regulatory works with MEICA and Civil requirements. • General civils (eg. Plinths and hardstanding, bunds, reinforced concrete structures) The Contractors appointed to sub-lot 2 are expected to show capability to include low complexity design. Whilst it is envisaged that the bulk of works will be civils based there is an expectation and requirement from the Client that the Contractors can deliver telemetry and MEICA (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation). Lot FA08-02C1: Treatment and Civils (Essex & Suffolk) - £0-£2.5m Wider Ecosystem Lot C1 - Treatment and Civils (Essex & Suffolk) - £0-£2.5m The Client has appointed several treatment civil construction partners in the Essex and Suffolk operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Service (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The Contractors will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The scope involves programmes of work by asset, work type, geography and / or by specialism. These programmes will be for predominantly treatment works with some infrastructure works; and can be district to regional wide; multiple small to medium scale, civil interventions; small groups of medium sized and / or medium complex projects. Throughout the duration of the Framework Agreement there will be small, medium or emerging issues of a more business critical nature which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our integrated delivery services. To aid this, the works for this Framework are intended to be split into two Sub-lots; from £0m to £2.5m (Sub-lot 1) & £0m to £5.0m (Sub-lot 2) as indicated below. Sub-lot 1: General Civils £0m to £2.5m The Scope may include but is not limited to: • General civils including • Hard standings • Reinforced concrete structures • Duct work, draw pits • Retaining structures • Hard and soft landscaping • Embankments works and Bunds • Road refurbishments (Not new) Lot FA08-02C2: Treatment and Civils (Essex & Suffolk) - £0-£5m Wider Ecosystem Lot C2 - Treatment and Civils (Essex & Suffolk) - £0-£5m The Client has appointed several treatment civil construction partners in the Essex and Suffolk operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Service (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The Contractors will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The scope will involve programmes of work by asset, work type, geography and / or by specialism. These programmes will be for predominantly treatment works with some infrastructure works; and can be district to regional wide; multiple small to medium scale, civil interventions; small groups of medium sized and / or medium complex projects. Throughout the duration of the Framework Agreement there will be small, medium or emerging issues of a more business critical nature which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our integrated delivery services. To aid this, the works for this Framework are intended to be split into two Sub-lots; from £0m to £2.5m (Sub-lot 1) & £0m to £5.0m (Sub-lot 2) as indicated below. Sub-lot 2: Treatment and Civils £0m to £5.0m The work may include but is not limited to the following: • Part site Water Treatment Works refurbishments and associated pipework renewals. • Borehole development; • Water network pumping stations and associated pipework; • Strategic meters and network monitors and associated pipework; • Raw water pumping stations, treated water pumping stations and associated • pipework; • Impounding and service reservoirs as well as aqueduct and river structures; • Chemical, instrumentation and control systems; • Security systems requirements; • Other Regulatory works with MEICA and Civil requirements. • General civils (eg. Plinths and hardstanding, bunds, reinforced concrete structures) The Contractors that are appointed to sub-lot 2 will be expected to show capability to include low complexity design. Whilst it is envisaged that the bulk of works will be civils based there is an expectation and requirement from the Client that the Contractors are able to deliver telemetry and MEICA (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation) Lot FA08-02D: Demolition and Associated Services (North East) Wider Ecosystem Lot D - Demolition and Associated Services (North East) The Client has appointed two Demolition Contractors in the Northumbrian operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Service (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The partners will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The Scope of work includes demolition services relating to major and minor capital works for treatment and infrastructure projects. The scope of work will be determined over the life cycle of the AMPS, and this framework is set up for the wider Ecosystem as the Clients needs develop. The Scope may include but is not limited to: • Deconstruction • General Demolition • Dismantling/ Asset Recovery - Redundant kit/plant • Decommissioning • Pipe bridges • Earthwork remediation • Contaminated land (Soil Decontamination) • Ground Stabilisation • Asbestos removal & disposal • Recycling • Tank and Vessel Cleaning • Registered Disposal • Materials Handling • Waste Management & Segregation • Hazardous Waste Disposal Lot FA08-02E: Demolition and Associated Services (Essex & Suffolk) Wider Ecosystem Lot E - Demolition and Associated Services (Essex & Suffolk) The Client has appointed several Demolition Contractors in the Essex and Suffolk operating area to deliver projects across its capital investment programme. The Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Service (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The partners will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The Scope of work includes demolition services relating to major and minor capital works for treatment and infrastructure projects. The scope of work will be determined over the life cycle of the AMPS, and this framework will be set up for the wider ecosystem as the Clients needs develop. The Scope may include but is not limited to: • Deconstruction • General Demolition • Dismantling/ Asset Recovery - Redundant kit/plant • Decommissioning • Pipe bridges • Earthwork remediation • Contaminated land (Soil Decontamination) • Ground Stabilisation • Asbestos removal & disposal • Recycling • Tank and Vessel Cleaning • Registered Disposal • Materials Handling • Waste Management & Segregation • Hazardous Waste Disposal Lot FA08-02F: Multi-Disciplinary Civil Engineering - Non-Water Experience (North East) Wider Ecosystem Lot F - Multi-Disciplinary Civil Engineering - Non-Water Experience (North East) The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our Integrated Delivery Services (IDS) in the Northumbrian operating area. The purpose of this lot is to allow Contractors with relevant non-water sector experience to access the market. Demonstration of Contractor delivery shows relevance to the water sector in terms of skills, scale, working within a regulated industry, and multi stakeholder environment. This is a multi-disciplinary lot and the scope of this lot is wide ranging, covering both infrastructure (below ground) and non-infrastructure (above ground) projects. The successful Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise, and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Services. The partners will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The purpose of this framework is to provide an opportunity to those who have not worked in the water industry to be part of an Ecosystem which will provide support and mentoring in order to develop the understanding of the water industry and Northumbrian Water. Ultimately this will provide the water industry with additional capacity and provide the opportunity for appointed suppliers to widen their sector experience. Lot FA08-02G: Multi-Disciplinary Civil Engineering - Non-Water Experience (Essex & Suffolk) Wider Ecosystem Lot G - Multi-Disciplinary Civil Engineering - Non-Water Experience (Essex & Suffolk) The Client's aim is to create a wide ranging and diverse eco-system of Contractors to compliment the Living Water Enterprise and its partners in addition to our Integrated Delivery Services (IDS) in the Northumbrian operating area. The purpose of this lot is to allow Contractors with relevant non-water sector experience to access the market. Demonstration of Contractor delivery shows relevance to the water sector in terms of skills, scale, working within a regulated industry, and multi stakeholder environment. This is a multi-disciplinary lot and the scope of this lot is wide ranging, covering both infrastructure (below ground) and non-infrastructure (above ground) projects. The successful Contractors will become partners as part of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise, and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Services. The partners will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across the operating region. The purpose of this framework is to provide an opportunity to those who have not worked in the water industry to be part of an Ecosystem which will provide support and mentoring in order to develop the understanding of the water industry and Northumbrian Water. Ultimately this will provide the water industry with additional capacity and provide the opportunity for appointed suppliers to widen their sector experience. Lot FA08-02H: Civil and Environmental Engineering (North East & Essex & Suffolk) Wider Ecosystem Lot H - Civil and Environmental Engineering (North East and Essex & Suffolk) The Client has appointed Contractors in relation to civil and environment engineering services to support delivery in the Clients requirements in the Northumbrian, and Essex & Suffolk operating areas. We have appointed Contractors who specialise in 'wet' engineering works delivered around rivers, marine and coastal areas, reservoirs, lagoons and lakes. The Contractors will become partners of the Northumbrian Water's Living Water Ecosystem, working alongside the Enterprise and directly for Northumbrian Water's Integrated Delivery Service (IDS), focused on outcomes and mutual goals placing optimised delivery as one of its key priorities. The partners will embrace collaboration, drive and promote best practice, engender an environment of continuous learning and improvement whilst efficiently delivering the investment portfolio across all of the operating regions. The scope of this lot may include but is not limited to; • River restoration • Bank maintenance, restoration and reprofiling • Lagoon clearance and cleaning • Piling and reinforced concrete works around water courses and water retaining structures. • Fish and Eel Pass Investigations and Installations • Outfall Structure Refurbishment and Repairs • Reedbed Refurbishment and constructed wetlands • Vegetation and debris clearance and management
Publish date
10 months ago
Award date
10 months ago
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- amp8procurement@nwl.co.uk
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