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Provision of Valuation Services, for Flood Relief Schemes in County Donegal



200,000 EUR


To address flooding issues nationally, the Office of Public Works (OPW) commissioned and completed Catchment and Flood Risk Management (CFRAM) studies covering the entire country. The North West Neagh Bann CFRAM Study covering Donegal was completed with support from Donegal County Council and an output of the study identified flood risk areas and the associated impacts of flooding. The Study also prepared Flood Risk Management Plans which set out the measures and policies to be pursued in order to achieve the most cost effective and sustainable management of flood risk. A number of areas were identified for further assessment and proceeded through options assessment. Donegal County Council in partnership with the Office of Public Works wishes to progress flood relief schemes in a number of these locations and require the land and property valuation services. Donegal County Council proposes to acquire lands for the proposed Burnfoot, Castlefinn and Na Dúnaibh (Downings) Flood Relief Schemes. The schemes will include a combination of the following elements of work: • Earthen embankments • Reinforced concrete walls • Sheet piled walls • Removal of existing embankments • Replacement and upgrade of existing culverts • Replacement of existing R238 road bridge in Burnfoot • Back drainage behind the proposed embankment and wall defences with associated outfalls. The land requirements for the project include acquisition of land for the permanent flood defence structures and rights of way for access to maintain the flood defences. The temporary land take is required to facilitate construction through access and safe working space and for temporary deposition of materials. To address flooding issues nationally, the Office of Public Works (OPW) commissioned and completed Catchment and Flood Risk Management (CFRAM) studies covering the entire country. The North West Neagh Bann CFRAM Study covering Donegal was completed with support from Donegal County Council and an output of the study identified flood risk areas and the associated impacts of flooding. The Study also prepared Flood Risk Management Plans which set out the measures and policies to be pursued in order to achieve the most cost effective and sustainable management of flood risk. A number of areas were identified for further assessment and proceeded through options assessment. Donegal County Council in partnership with the Office of Public Works wishes to progress flood relief schemes in a number of these locations and require the land and property valuation services. Donegal County Council proposes to acquire lands for the proposed Burnfoot, Castlefinn and Na Dúnaibh (Downings) Flood Relief Schemes. The schemes will include a combination of the following elements of work: • Earthen embankments • Reinforced concrete walls • Sheet piled walls • Removal of existing embankments • Replacement and upgrade of existing culverts • Replacement of existing R238 road bridge in Burnfoot • Back drainage behind the proposed embankment and wall defences with associated outfalls. The land requirements for the project include acquisition of land for the permanent flood defence structures and rights of way for access to maintain the flood defences. The temporary land take is required to facilitate construction through access and safe working space and for temporary deposition of materials.


Publish date

6 months ago

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5 months ago

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Donegal County Council_1193

Donegal County Council_1193

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